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Term Paper Portfolio


Submitted By chancubed
Words 3481
Pages 14

Course Information & Syllabus for Online MBA

Course Purpose

The Portfolio Course has two main purposes: (1) Program evaluation for continuous improvement and (2) Professional development for you as you near graduation from the online MBA program. Most students report that the entire process takes only 2-4 hours.

This zero-unit course contains your insights, which allow the online MBA faculty to evaluate the effectiveness of its program. It also requires you to reflect on and write about the way in which your selection of courses achieves the goals of the online MBA program.

As the online MBA program collects and assesses student portfolios produced over a period of years, the faculty will be able to adjust the mix of electives and requirements that make up each major to more fully meet program goals. Other matters, such as grading standards or individual course requirements may also come up for discussion during the review of student portfolios. Thus, your particular portfolio will help shape the future of the online MBA program as well as help you review your own education.

This course will also develop your career and professional aspirations via a career workshop and advisement session to prepare you for the next step in your professional life, which varies from student to student.

ADMIN 995 Course Overview

There are four components to the course which you must complete:

1. Portfolio of Academic Work 2. Reflective Essay 3. Career Development Activities 4. Exit Survey

NOTE: You must pass all 4 parts of the course in order to graduate.

Course Criteria • Grading: Credit / No Credit

Important Contact Information

|Name |Email / Web Address |Phone number |Office |
|Dr. Vipin Gupta | |909-537-7380 |JB 278 and 417 |
|Dr. Pamela Abell | |909-537-3393 |JB 213 |

1. Portfolio of Academic Work

You will prepare and submit a portfolio containing assignments representing your successful work in the online MBA program. Compiling the portfolio should be a valuable activity for you. It will help you see that your online MBA is not just a random selection of courses but a coherent and manageable field of study. Additionally, it will help you see the relationship between the way you have structured your program, guided by the requirements of options and electives, and the overall learning goals any online MBA degree should achieve.

How to Choose Items for Your Portfolio – do this section before writing your Reflective Essay

|Step |Action |Notes |
|1 |Review the complete list of Learning Goals. |A complete list of the Learning Goals is included at the end of this document. |
|2 |Review your papers, exams, case studies, |Look for projects and papers that clearly illustrate how you learned and/or used one or more of|
| |assignments, and other written materials you |the Learning Goals. Strive for a variety of Learning Goals. |
| |have produced for your online MBA courses. | |
|3 |Choose 3 papers that illustrate your use of |Guidelines for choosing: |
| |the Learning Goals. |You may write about one or more of the Learning Goals in one paper. |
| | |At least two of the 3 papers must be individual projects. |
| | |If you include one group project, you must specify how you contributed to the group project, |
| | |not what the other people did. |
| | |Papers must be original and not be rewritten or revised and include the instructor’s grades and|
| | |comments on them. If the professor used Blackboard or email to comment on or grade your paper, |
| | |please print that out and attach to paper. |
| | |Each paper must come from a different class. |
|4 |Make a Checklist |Make a Checklist indicating which Learning Goals were covered for each project. See end of doc |
| | |for check list sample. |

2. Reflective Essay

Your Reflective Essay will contain 2 sections: • Section 1 - how you used the learning goals in your selected papers • Section 2 - your growth and development as a person and a professional in the online MBA program

We encourage you to visit our Graduate Writing Center to have them look at your Reflective Essay for any suggestions or corrections. They serve only graduate students and are an outstanding resource for domestic and international students.

Graduate Writing Center College of Ed Building, Room 311 909-537-3127 Register first to make an appointment:

Please follow this format for your Reflective Essay: • 2 pages long minimum, and can be longer if you want • Single spaced with 1” margins • 12 point scale in Times New Roman, Verdana or Arial font type

3. Career Development Activities

The three required career development activities consist of advisement and maturing of those skills necessary to obtain and secure employment as you graduate from you professional graduate degree program.

To fulfill the mandatory requirements of this portion of the program, you must: 1. Take two career quizzes on Blackboard and pass with 80% correct or better: o Resume quiz – True/false and multiple choice o Interview Skills quiz - True/false and multiple choice 2. Attend a one-on-one hour long meeting with the graduate career advisor, Dr. Abell, any time during this quarter. Phone appointments available. 3. Include 2 resumes in your Portfolio; one is your original resume and the second one is your revised resume, including your MBA degree. How to schedule an office/phone appointment:

2. Click “I want to make an appointment” on left side of screen
3. Click drop down menu to “Portfolio MBA,MPA, MSA Graduate exit appointment”
4. Schedule will appear, choose your day and time, then click “Done”

4. Exit Survey

The fourth and final component to the course is a survey in which the MBA will receive your feedback to improve the program for future terms. This survey is anonymous. You will be required to submit the confirmation page (do NOT include your detailed survey answers). Survey link will be posted to Blackboard near the end of the quarter and you will receive an email confirming it is posted..

How to Present Your Complete Portfolio of Work

The work you submit should be done carefully and be of high quality. Follow the order below • Upload all documents to Blackboard Admin 995 course • Section 1 – Cover Page (name, student ID, e-mail, & phone) • Section 2 – Reflective Essay • Section 3 – Checklist Chart of Learning goals • Section 4 – Portfolio of Academic work • Section 5 – Original resume and revised, updated resume • Section 6 - Survey confirmation page, it is a small block of text at the end of the survey

Portfolio Due Date and Scoring

The completed portfolios will be due on Friday, December 5, 2014 and submitted on Blackboard, Admin 995 by 5 pm. Submit them early! This is the final date Portfolios will be accepted. In order to receive a “CR” grade for the course, you must receive, at minimum, a ‘Credit” grade for each of the 6 components of the course requirements.

In case which you receive ‘No Credit” grades from any portion of the requirements you are required to reattempt those portions if time permits and/or reenroll in this class in the subsequent quarter ( zero unit fees apply). Notify us immediately.

Learning Goals Checklist Sample

|Learning goals |SCM 648 Paper: |Mgmt 641 Paper: |Mgmt 642 Paper: |
| |Project |Case 7- Relations |Self-Evaluation |
|Information Technology | | | |
|Ethical Reasoning | | | |
|Oral Presentation | | | |
|Problem Solving | | | |
|Written Communication | | | |
|Global Context | | | |
Problem-Solving Rubric (All Programs)

Student Name: ____________________________________ Assignment: _________________________________________

|Performance Criteria |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Superior (3) |
|Identification of central problems in|Failure to identify major problems involved in a |Identification of the main problems but not all |Identification of all major problems and relevant |
|a complex situation |complex business situation |relevant issues and other problems that may be |issues involved in the situation |
| | |related | |
|Recognition of multiple causal |Failure to identify any causal factors involved in a |Identified the main causal factor but not other |Identified all relevant causal factors involved in |
|factors involved in a problem |problem situation |relevant factors important for problem solving |a problem situation |
|situation | | | |
|Correct usage of theories and |Usage of incorrect or irrelevant theories and |Correct Identification of major theories and |Effective application of all relevant theories and |
|principles to address the problem |principles to address the problem |principles to address the problem |principles to address the problem |
|Generation of plausible alternative |Failure to generate plausible alternative solutions to|Generation of plausible alternative solutions to |Generation of highly efficient and effective |
|solutions to solve the problem |solve a problem |the problem |solutions to the problem |
|Provision of persuasive reasons and |Failure to provide sufficient reasons or evidence to |Provision of reasonable arguments and evidence to |Provision of strongly persuasive reasons and |
|evidence in support of proposed |support proposed solutions |support proposed solutions |evidence to support proposed solutions |
|solutions | | | |

Quarter: ____________

MBA: Superior _____ (14-15 points) Acceptable _____ (13-11 points) Unacceptable _____ (4-10 points)

Undergraduate: Superior _____ (13-15 points) Acceptable _____ (10-12 points) Unacceptable _____ (4-9 points)

Information Technology Rubric (All Programs)
|CATEGORY |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Proficient (3) |Superior (4) |
|Organization of |The information appears to be |Information is organized, but paragraphs are |Information is organized with |Written report information is very organized with |
|information |disorganized. |not well-constructed. |well-constructed paragraphs. |well-constructed paragraphs. |
|Analysis of |Major analysis techniques are misused |Analysis techniques are not applied |Some analysis techniques are applied but |All proper analysis techniques are applied such as data |
|Information |or missing. |appropriately. |minor items are missing. |cleansing, primary keys, good summary functions. |
|Key Findings |None of the key findings were analyzed.|Only one finding was identified and analyzed. |Most of the major findings were |All the major findings were identified and analyzed. |
| | | |identified and analyzed. | |
|Mechanics |Many grammatical, spelling, or |A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation |Almost no grammatical, spelling or |No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. |
| |punctuation errors. |errors. |punctuation errors | |

Superior _______ (14-16 points) Acceptable _______ (10-13 points) Unacceptable ______ (4-9 Points)

|Objectives |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Proficient (3) |Superior (4) |
|Analysis of an IT Case Study: |Lack of understanding of the business |Developing understanding the business |Effective understanding of the business|Superior understanding of the business |
|Conduct an analysis of an IT Case Study |theories, symptoms and problems in the|theories, symptoms and problems in the |theories, symptoms and problems in the|theories, symptoms and problems in the|
| |IT Case Study and inability to develop |IT Case Study and ability to develop |IT Case Study and ability to develop |IT Case Study and ability to develop |
| |viable alternative solutions and a |viable alternative solutions and a |viable alternative solutions and a |viable alternative solutions and a |
| |possible course of action |possible course of action |possible course of action |possible course of action |
|Making a Business Case for IT Investments: |Lack of understanding of how to justify|Developing ability to understand the |Competent ability to justify requests |Advanced ability to justify requests |
|Demonstrate understanding of the process used|requests for new IT investments |process and templates used to justify |for new IT investments |for new IT investments |
|to justify requests in support of new IT | |requests for new IT investments | | |
|investments | | | | |
|Use of Productivity Software |Inability to demonstrate proficient |Developing ability to demonstrate |Effectively demonstrates proficient use|Ability to demonstrate advanced use |
|Demonstrate proficiency in the use of |use of productivity software ( MS Word,|proficient use of productivity software (|of productivity software (MS Word, |proficient use of productivity software|
|information technology |MS Excel, Ppt, MS Access) |MS Word, Excel, Ppt, Access) |Excel, PowerPoint, Access) |(MS Word, Excel, Ppt, Access) |
|Identification and Management of IT Risk: |Inability to demonstrate understanding |Demonstration of a developing |Demonstration of a an effective |Demonstration of superb understanding |
|Demonstrate understanding of the process used|of the process used to identify the |understanding of the process used to |understanding of the process used to |of the process used to identify the |
|to identify the sources of IT risk and how to|sources of IT risk & how to manage IT |identify the sources of IT risk & how to |identify the sources of IT risk & how |sources of IT risk & how to manage IT |
|manage IT risk. |risk. |manage IT risk. |to manage IT risk. |risk. |
|Analysis of IT’s Impact on Business Models: |Inability to apply theories & |Developing ability to apply theories & |Competent ability to apply theories & |Superb ability to apply theories & |
|Apply theories and frameworks to analyze IT’s|frameworks to analyze how organizations|frameworks to analyze how organizations |frameworks to analyze how organizations|frameworks to analyze how organizations|
|impact on an organization’s business model. |use IT to improve business performance.|use IT to improve business performance. |use IT to improve business performance.|use IT to improve business performance.|

MBA: Superior _______ (14-16 points) Acceptable _______ (10-13 points) Unacceptable ______ (4-9 Points)

Oral Presentation Rubric (All Programs)
Student Name: _____________________________ Presentation: ___________________________________
|Performance Criteria |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Proficient (3) |Superior (4) |
|Organization |Information presented in a disorganized |Information organized and presented |Information organized and presented |Information is presented in an organized |
| |manner. Abrupt transition from one point to |adequately. Some problems with topic |adequately. Minor problems with topic|and logical fashion. It has been well |
| |another. Does not appear prepared. |transition and information flow. |transition and information flow. |prepared and practiced. |
|Clarity of Key Points |Main points were neither clear nor supported |Main points were clear. Support for |Main points were clear. Support for |Main points were clear and fully supported|
| |with appropriate reasoning or examples. |contentions with reason and/or well -chosen|contentions with reason and/or |with reason and/or well-chosen examples. |
| |Little or no summary of key points |examples could have been more compelling. |well-chosen examples was good. |Main points were clearly summarized at the|
| | |Summary of main points could have been |Adequate summary of main points at the|conclusion. |
| | |stronger. |conclusion. | |
|Eye Contact with Audience |Virtually reads speech from notes. Avoids |Conspicuous use of speaker notes. |Unobtrusive use of speaker notes. |Never or rarely glances at notes. |
| |eye contact with audience. |Occasional makes eye contact with the |Sometimes fails to make eye contact |Consistently makes eye contact with the |
| | |audience. |with the audience. |audience. |
|Vocal Presentation and Tone |Speaks too fast or too slow. Volume |Articulation, volume and pace are |Articulation, volume and pace are |Articulation, volume and pace are |
| |inappropriate. Giggling or other |acceptable. Tone is somewhat casual for a |acceptable. Tone is appropriate for a|excellent. Vocal tone is excellent and |
| |inappropriate vocal behaviors interfere with |professional business presentation. |business presentation. A degree of |professional. The presentation is |
| |the message. Extremely monotone with a |Slightly monotone and somewhat lacking in |enthusiasm and assertiveness is |enthusiastic and assertive. |
| |complete lack of enthusiasm. |enthusiasm and assertiveness. |evident. | |
|Body Language |Appears nervous. Paces, fidgets, or sways. |Appears slightly nervous. Occasional use |Appears relaxed, confident and |Appears confident, poised and comfortable.|
| |Poor use of hands (e.g., jiggles, taps or |of meaningful hand gestures. Body language|comfortable. Body language does not |Is relaxed and in control. Body language |
| |plays with something). Body language |needs some improvement, but does not |distract from the presentation. |(e.g., posture, facial expressions, |
| |distracts from the presentation. |distract from the presentation. | |gestures) enhances the presentation. |

Quarter: _____________________

MBA: Superior _____ (18-20 points) Acceptable _____ (10-17 points) Unacceptable _____ (4-9 points)

Undergraduate: Superior _____ (16-20 points) Acceptable _____ (10-15 points) Unacceptable _____ (4-9 points)

Ethical Reasoning Rubric (Graduate)

Student Name: ____________________________________ Assignment: _________________________________________

|Performance Criteria |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Superior (3) |
|Articulation of ethical dilemmas in |Failure to identify or misidentify ethical dilemmas in|Correct identification and description of the ethical|Clearly articulation of the ethical dilemmas and |
|an ill-defined business situation |an ill-defined business situation |dilemmas in an ill- defined business situation |identification of all issues involved in the |
| | | |situation |
|Identification of key stakeholders in|Failure to identify major stakeholders and/or their |Identification of major (but not all) stakeholders |Identification of all stakeholders and their |
|the situations and their |responsibilities to the public in the situation |and their responsibilities to the public |responsibilities to the public in the situation |
|responsibilities to the public |involved | |involved |
|Familiarity with the professional |Unawareness of important professional ethical |Familiarity with important professional ethical |Thorough understanding of all professional ethical|
|ethical standards applicable to the |standards applicable to the situation |standards applicable to the situation |standards applicable to the situation |
|situation | | | |
|Application of value-based framework |Analysis or reasoning is incoherent or inconsistent |Analysis or reasoning is coherent and generally |Analysis or reasoning is very convincing and |
|to analyze the situation |with value based framework |consistent with value based framework |highly consistent with value based framework |
|Provision of fair, equitable, and |Solutions generated are either unfeasible or cannot be|Solutions generated are feasible and defensible on |Solutions generated exhibit high moral standards |
|responsible solutions to the ethical |defended on ethical ground. |ethical ground. |and are fair and equitable to all parties |
|dilemma | | |involved. |

Quarter: ____________

Superior _______ (13-15 points) Acceptable _______ (8-12 points) Unacceptable ______ (5-7 Points)

Scoring Rubric – Ethical Reasoning Rubric (Undergraduate)

Student Name: ____________________________________ Assignment: _________________________________________

|Performance Criteria |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Superior (3) |
|Identification of key stakeholders in|Failure to identify key stakeholders in the situation|Identification of some key stakeholders in the |Identification of most key stakeholders in the |
|the situation involved |involved |situation involved |situation involved |
|Comprehension of the ethical dilemma |Little or no understanding of the general ethical |Some understanding of the general ethical dilemma and|Thorough understanding of the general ethical dilemma|
|presented in the case |dilemma and the major tradeoff of competing values |the major tradeoff of competing values |and the major tradeoff of competing values |
|Quality of the solution(s) presented |Recommending a course of action that would not |Recommending a course of action that is workable, but|Recommending a course of action that would resolve |
|to resolve the ethical problem |resolve the ethical problem |less effective than other options/solutions |the ethical problem in an effective manner under the |
| | | |circumstances |
|Student attitude about resolving the |Words and manner suggesting a view that significantly|Words and manner suggesting a view that does not |Words and manner suggesting a view that meets (or |
|ethical problem presented in the case|falls short or deviates from general social |significantly fall short or deviate from general |exceeds) general social expectations of business |
| |expectations of business professionals |social expectations of business professionals |professionals |

Quarter: ____________; Course______________________ section ____; Professor: __________________________

Superior _______ (10-12 points) Acceptable _______ (7-9 points) Unacceptable ______ (4-6 Points)

Written Communication Assessment Rubric (All Programs)

Student Name: ____________________________________ Assignment: _________________________________________

|Performance Criteria |Unacceptable (1) |Acceptable (2) |Proficient (3) |Superior (4) |
|Meaning & Development: |Inappropriate |Appropriate |Effective |Insightful |
|ideas, examples, reasons & |No viable point of view; little or no |Develops a point of view, demonstrating |Develops a point of view & |Ideas are fresh, mature & extensively |
|evidence, point of view |evidence; weak critical thinking, providing |some critical thinking; may have |demonstrates competent critical |developed; insightfully develops a point of |
| |inappropriate or insufficient examples, |inconsistent or inadequate examples, |thinking; enough supporting detail to |view & demonstrates outstanding critical |
| |reasons, or other evidence of support |reasons, & other evidence of support; |accomplish the purpose of the paper |thinking |
| | |support tends towards general statements | | |
| | |or lists | | |
|Organization: |Lacking Structure |Mostly Structured |Structured |Perceptively Structured |
|focus, coherence, progression |Disorganized & unfocused; serious problems |Limited organization & focus; may |Generally organized & focused, |Thesis presented or implied with noticeable |
|of ideas, thesis developed |with coherence and progression of ideas; weak|demonstrate some lapses in coherence or |demonstrating coherence & progression |coherence; provides specific & accurate support|
| |or non-existent thesis |progression of ideas; generally, neither |of ideas; presents a thesis and | |
| | |sufficient nor clear enough to be |suggests a plan of development which | |
| | |convincing |is mostly carried out | |
|Language: |Inadequate |Adequate |Proficient |Sophisticated |
|word choice, & sentence variety|Displays frequent & fundamental errors in |Developing facility in language use, |Competent use of language and |Choice of language & sentence structure; |
| |vocabulary; sentences may be simplistic and |sometimes uses weak vocabulary or |sometimes varies sentence structure; |precise & purposeful, demonstrating a command |
| |disjointed |inappropriate usage or word choice; |generally focused |of language and variety of sentence structures |
| | |sentence structure tends to be pedestrian| | |
| | |& often repetitious | | |
|Conventions: |Distracting |Fundamental |Controlled |Polished |
|grammar, punctuation, spelling,|Errors interfere with writer’s ability to |Errors interfere with the writer’s |Occasional errors do not interfere |Control of conventions contribute to the |
|paragraphing, format |consistently communicate purpose; pervasive |ability to communicate purpose; contains |with writer’s ability to communicate |writer’s ability to communicate purpose; free |
| |mechanical errors obscure meaning; |an accumulation of errors; some weakness |purpose; generally appropriate format |of most mechanical errors; appropriate format |
| |inappropriate format |in format | | |

Quarter: ____________

MBA: Superior _______ (14-16 points) Acceptable _______ (10-13 points) Unacceptable ______ (4-9 Points)

Undergraduate: Superior ___________(12-16 points) Acceptable _______ (8-11points) Unacceptable ______ (4-7 Points)

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...National University Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) or B.B.A. (Honours) Degree Department of Accounting, Management, Marketing, Finance & Banking Second Year Term Paper Guidelines: (1) Each Department shall form a Term Paper Committee consisting of all teachers of the Department, to monitor the overall supervision of the preparation of Term Papers. The Head of the Department shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the Committee. (2) One student shall submit three (3) copies of Term Paper, first copy for the Supervisor, second copy for Second Examiner and third copy for the Controller of Examination of the National University. (3) The Committee shall select a list of Term Paper Topics during the first month of starting the classes of the second year of BBA (Honours). The Term Paper Topic should be selected on an area only from the major subjects of a student at First Year or Second Year. The number of topics shall be at least ten (10) and shall not be more than 20 (twenty) in total. One Chapter Heading of a Major Subject may be customized for a topic of the Term Paper. (4) Term Paper shall be prepared in English by each student individually and every student shall be assigned under a Supervisor for preparing a Term Paper. (5) The Committee shall assign a Term Paper Topic randomly to the students and shall also select the Supervisor and the Second Examiner randomly from the teachers of the concerned Department. The students of a Department shall be primarily allocated...

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Term Paper

...A term paper is a semester written project that can be in a form of either an essay or a structured research paper. Basically it intends to enhance or develop the skills of the students in the aspects of communication, resourcefulness and discipline. Now what are the parts of a term paper that you should know about? Let me give you the five basic parts necessary for this article. 1. The cover page is the first part of the term paper. Actually it does not contain anything about the topic you have selected. It is just a page that provides the title of your work as well as details about you as the writer. A standard term paper usually has a separate cover page before the main pages of the article. 2. The next part of a term paper is the introduction. This is integrated in the actual page structure of the project. You need to provide a background of the topic that you have written. In this paragraph, make sure that you provide details why the topic is important and what is to be expected in the contents of discussions. You also need to place the thesis statement at the introductory paragraph. 3. The third part of a term paper is the body. Actually you are not limited to using only one paragraph. Depending on the discussions of the topic, you can expand the number of body paragraphs indefinitely. Some research term papers for school will have to contain discussions like methodology, literature review or pictures and diagrams. But always make sure that the body can support the thesis...

Words: 352 - Pages: 2

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How to Write Research Ppaper

...Chapter 1. How to Write an A+ Research Paper This Chapter outlines the logical steps to writing a good research paper. To achieve supreme excellence or perfection in anything you do, you need more than just the knowledge. Like the Olympic athlete aiming for the gold medal, you must have a positive attitude and the belief that you have the ability to achieve it. That is the real start to writing an A+ research paper. CONTENTS: STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC STEP 2. FIND INFORMATION STEP 3. STATE YOUR THESIS STEP 4. MAKE A TENTATIVE OUTLINE STEP 5. ORGANIZE YOUR NOTES STEP 6. WRITE YOUR FIRST DRAFT STEP 7. REVISE YOUR OUTLINE AND DRAFT Checklist One Checklist Two STEP 8. TYPE FINAL PAPER STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC Choose a topic which interests and challenges you. Your attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into your research. Focus on a limited aspect, e.g. narrow it down from "Religion" to "World Religion" to "Buddhism". Obtain teacher approval for your topic before embarking on a full-scale research. If you are uncertain as to what is expected of you in completing the assignment or project, re-read your assignment sheet carefully or ASK your teacher. Select a subject you can manage. Avoid subjects that are too technical, learned, or specialized. Avoid topics that have only a very narrow range of source materials. STEP 2. FIND INFORMATION Surf the Net. For general or background information...

Words: 2333 - Pages: 10

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Business Communication

...VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN HO CHI MINH CITY HCMC International University School of Business Administration Course Syllabus BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Fall 2013 1. Faculty information: 1.1. Instructor: Loc Do, PgD, MBA, PhD 1.2. Office: N.A. 1.3. Office Hours: upon request. * Contact: the best way to contact me is by email. Please give me at least 24 hours to respond to your email. * Cell phone: 0909260385 * Email: 2. Course Information 3.1. Course Title: Business Communication 3.2. Credits: 3 3.3. Prerequisite: N.A. 3. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes 4.4. Objectives This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. The various types of business communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of succinct written expression to modern business communication. Many of the assignments are to be keyboarded. 4.5. Learning Outcomes * Understand and demonstrate the use of basic and advanced proper writing techniques that today's technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction * Write effective and concise letters and memos * Prepare informal and formal reports * Proofread and edit copies...

Words: 1346 - Pages: 6

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Global Warming

...all your needs? We a the reiable choice of writers to do your homework You have to attend that event yet your assignment is tying u up from moving about with your social activities. Like many students, you might have found yourself in a dilemma faced with a hard task of writing your academic papers. You may have spend numerous hours planning and writing your homework and only end up with discouraging grades. Well, worry no more. Our company is one of the most recognized homework writing services. Here you are assured of an ideal homework that meets all your specifications and it is this facor that has eared us the trust of thousands of studens in universities all over the world seeking homework help. Homework writing service: Dissertation writing service: When the going gets tough, buy custom dissertation online from research paper experts  Phew! Finally, you have completed your coursework and now must write a dissertation? Unless you have written a multitude of formal research papers before this is not going to be amusing. Even to the best of us, writing a dissertation to completion is never a walk in the park. Far from the simple tasks of essay writing or even writing a term paper, the exercise is going to be draining, time consuming, and, if not well prepared or not sure of how to conduct research, analyze data, and present findings, one to forget quickly. There is no two ways about this. Writing a dissertation amounts to completely new exercise, as you now must embark...

Words: 1706 - Pages: 7

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Final Term Paper

...Unit 10 Research Paper Part 6: Final Draft of Research Paper Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes * Demonstrate mastery of the writing process, from invention to revision. * Apply principles of composition to evaluate the effectiveness of multiple rhetorical strategies. * Explain and employ the concepts of purpose, audience and tone in relation to compositions. * Locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information from a variety of sources, including the ITT Tech Virtual Library. * Formulate and execute a practical research plan. * Refine the research paper’s introduction and conclusion. * Revise and complete a final draft based on peer and instructor feedback. Assignment Requirements Use your research diary and the revised copy of your research paper to create your final draft. In your final draft, be sure to include: Introduction 1. Consider to whom you will be delivering this information. * If nothing really comes to mind, free-write about everything you know about your audience. 2. Overall, start broadly and narrow as you go. Consider your thesis as the target. * Other strategies also work well, but remember that the goal of an introduction is to help your reader understand why this information is important and/or interesting. 3. Decide which of the five introductory moves works best. * You may have to try a couple different methods here. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your writing. Talk it out with a...

Words: 1538 - Pages: 7

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Term Paper

...How to Make  Term Papers Outline ?   A good term paper outline should have the following sequence and contents to write a term paper. Introduction Introduce the topic of your term paper about which you have to write the term paper and proceed to write thesis statement. Thesis statement Thesis statement is an essential part of any term paper. Develop a thesis statement which clearly states the point you are discussing. Body of the Term Paper The body of the term paper has all the points to discuss and support with favorable evidences, experiments or examples. Present the collected data in a way that supports the thesis statement. Conclusions It is the final part where you have to present all the results you got from the research and make suggestions for further development in the field. Bibliography It is the list of references of the sources of information. There are different formats of referencing the information resources such as APA, MLA, Harvard, etc. So use the one instructed by your supervisor. CONTENTS: STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC STEP 2. FIND INFORMATION STEP 3. STATE YOUR THESIS STEP 4. MAKE A TENTATIVE OUTLINE STEP 5. ORGANIZE YOUR NOTES STEP 6. WRITE YOUR FIRST DRAFT STEP 7. REVISE YOUR OUTLINE AND DRAFT               Checklist One   Checklist Two STEP 8. TYPE FINAL PAPER STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC Choose a topic which interests and challenges you. Your attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and...

Words: 2167 - Pages: 9

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Term Paper


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