Premium Essay



Submitted By Tyns40
Words 381
Pages 2
Sherell Tynes
Ms. Love
Prime Minster Is Sentence for Bribery
Ethical Dilemmas
May 21, 2014

Have you ever thought that the world would be so corrupted with officials taking bribes, and using monies for their own personal use? Ehud Olmert was brought up on bribery charges ranging from 1993 to 2003. For buying property, paying off surgeon, to political opponents and he also started to buy himself expensive clothing. Mr. Olmert also started investing in very expensive fountain pens and cigars spending more than a hundred dollars a day.
In 1998 Mr. Olmert was a prime minister who oversaw the 2006 war in Lebanon, where he was charged with fraud and did not get sentence because of a breach of trust conviction in 2012 in a separate matter. Mr. Olmert was known for his luxury spending whether it was dining an expensive restaurant, or flying out to New York to have it with his colleagues and friends and family, after they was aware of what was going on everything and everybody did not want much to do with him or his allegations. Mr. Olmert was charged with corruption but not only with his fellow colleagues but he had flows of favors to a journalist, police officers, financiers and sports fans. Mr. Olmert states that the charges against him are not true, you have to look not only at what he was accused of but look at the things he has done that should be considered. (Chorev 2014.)
I think that Mr. Olmert was very much wrong for what he has done and yes Mr. Olmert was taking bribes there is no way someone is just going to pick a prominent man who is leading a Country and tell lies on him .Mr. Olmert thought that he would never get caught all because he had the police officials on his side including some of the judges and lawyers. Once one of the witness died, who were supposed to testify against him Mr. Olmert could go to trails and beat the charges but the Judge

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