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Texas Childrens Hospital


Submitted By datboyonfire32
Words 492
Pages 2
Dear Texas Children’s Hospital, I am writing to inform you that I have conducted a network scan to identify all known and alive devices on the network. This was to identify what types of devices and possible vulnerabilities are on the network. I have compiled an inventory list of the devices and operating systems and network devices found on the network and it is as follows.

Dear Texas Children’s Hospital, I am writing to inform you that nearly half of your current systems are currently running Microsoft Windows XP operating systems and due to the insecure nature of these Windows XP machines, I will be scanning one of the machines for vulnerabilities. There are some differences between what would be threats to your systems, and what would be risks to your systems. This is important because this can determine the types of steps and countermeasures you would need in place to secure your systems. Threats would deal in the fact of an enemy’s capability and intent to conduct attacks on your systems. While a risk is the probability that something can affect your systems be it an attack or just someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. NMAP is primarily a host detection and port discovery tool, while Nessus is first and foremost a vulnerability scanner. Although it scans ports just like NMAP, Nessus takes the open ports into account and notifies you if these ports have potential security vulnerabilities attached to them. Next will be a list of a few vulnerabilities and their severities, port numbers affected, protocol involved, a description of the vulnerability and a countermeasure for te vulnerability.

• Vulnerability – Microsoft Windows Server Service Crafted RPC Request Handling Remote Code Execution (958644) (uncredentialed check)
• Severity – Critical
• Port/s affected – 445
• Protocol – TCP
• Description – The remote host is

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