Premium Essay

Tfhufn Vgnjbn Fudrfvnj


Submitted By dianacruti
Words 14603
Pages 59
ExpAQAPoetryClusters4Relationships_pp125-156_FINAL_Layout 1 28/05/2010 13:32 Page 125

Cluster 4

Different types of relationship are the focus of this cluster. Some poems, such as ‘Quickdraw’ and ‘Hour’, deal with the positive and/or negative emotions inherent in romantic relationships. Some deal with family relationships and the complex feelings that can be experienced by parents and children, or brothers and sisters, as in ‘Nettles’ and ‘Harmonium’ or ‘Brothers’ and ‘Sister Maude’ respectively. Some of the recurrent themes include conflict between couples, and the emotional vulnerability and pain that love can cause, whether it is between a father and his son or a couple at the start of a romantic love affair. When studying this cluster, it might be useful for students to focus on some of the following considerations: • What form of relationship is the focus of this poem? Is it a romantic or familial relationship? Is the poet drawing attention to any universal experiences as they portray this relationship in particular? • From whose perspective is the poem written? Is it first, second or third person address, and how does this affect meaning? Who does the poem address? Or is it about, rather than directed to, someone? Does the form of communication affect the meaning? Is the poet speaking directly, or does the poet use a persona to communicate their ideas? • Consider the mood / tone of the poem. Is it light-hearted or serious in tone? Is it making a serious point in a light-hearted way and, if so, why might that be? • Why has the poet written this poem? What feelings, attitudes and/or ideas is the poet considering through their presentation of these relationships? • How has the poet communicated their ideas? What aspects of language, structure and/or form are particularly significant in this poem? What literary techniques is the poet using to

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