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Submitted By chris2713
Words 721
Pages 3
Chris Allen
They say I say essay
IS IT CHEATING? If you could spend a couple hundred dollars to get noticed by that girl who otherwise wouldn't give u the time of day would you? Or for those of you who aren't exactly a spring chicken anymore, what would you pay to feel and look better than you did in your prime? What about you gym Junkies that spend hundreds of dollars on supplements protein powders and gym memberships but you can't get anywhere. At least anywhere close to any goal you've ever set for yourself. And you're definitely not anywhere close to having the body you want. what would you be willing to sacrifice or pay? All these things can be achieved with a simple injection a couple times a week for a couple months. For those of you who can't handle needles there's a pill. You guessed it steroids. Steroids have been given a bad reputation. Mostly due to overuse and abuse. Steroids can do amazing things if properly used. Let’s be honest. Fair amounts of us are doing far more damage to our livers consuming alcohol, Friday nights. This damage is far more than a healthy bodybuilder who eats good and exercises could possibly be doing with his use of an oral­based substance. Besides, the liver is the fastest repairing organ in the human body, so even if you did some minimal damage with an oral steroid, a little liver cleanse from your local GNC will have you good as new in no time. What makes me mad is anytime I hear anything about steroids all I hear is crap. People that haven't taken any time to do any research of their own. For example, I've heard so many people say steroids make your penis shrink. Ok, now this is a false statement. It doesn’t make your penis shrink it makes your testicles shrink, so let’s get that straight. It’s called testicular atrophy, not
“peniscular atrophy,” and let’s be honest girls aren’t really interested in your balls anyway. I’ve never heard a circle of girls sitting around talking about how amazingly large their boyfriend balls are. You get the idea. What about roid rage? Listen if you're an ass off steroids you're just a bigger ass on them. I have used steroids and wasn't angry about anything. I was actually very happy. I gained 40 pounds, my strength went up drastically. Almost 100 pounds in bench, and i have tons of energy. What's there to be angry about. You look better than you ever have not to mention your sex drive is through the roof. Oh and my favorite, steroids are cheating. Cheating at what? If the local gym rat wants to put on a little mass so his wife/girlfriend finds him slightly more attractive than I really don’t see the problem. How many rich housewives are spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgery or fake breasts? That's cheating or false advertisement.
They don't look like that. Let us move on to sports. You hear it on the news all the time. Someone got caught “doping.”
Why is it illegal? Look what happened to baseball when mark McGwire was smashing baseballs out of the stadium. Ratings went sky high. It seems to me that's what the people want to see.The

primary reason why Steroids are outlawed in professional sports is that they give users an unfair advantage over the rest of the field. But look at all the players losing medals getting fines or suspensions. If we made steroids legal not only would the playing field suddenly be even for all players, it would be at a higher level not to mention more interesting. A huge part of watching sports is witnessing the very peak of human athletic ability, and legalizing performance enhancing drugs would help. athletes climb even higher. Steroids and doping will help pitchers to throw harder, home runs to go further, cyclists to charge for longer and sprinters to test the very limits of human speed. So again I ask you. Are steroids cheating? I don't think so. But before you go. I ask you. Don't be a sheep do your own research, come up with your own opinion. Not everything you see on
T.V. is true.

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