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The Allegory Of The Cave In Plato's The Republic

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Sean McLean
3 November 2015

The Allegory of the Cave

Plato's ideas in The Republic were truly revolutionary, and far more advanced than anyone during his time had heard. In book seven, the allegory of the cave is introduced. This is one of the most talked about ideas in philosophy. This allegory is Plato's way of showing the effect of education on the souls of humans. A group of people have been stuck in a cave since their birth. Their necks, and legs are bound by chains, so that they may not turn around. Behind them, there is a large fire that never ends, never burns out. In front of the fire, there is a wall, wide enough for humans to walk on. He calls these humans, "puppeteers." The reason why he calls them that, is because they are …show more content…
The fire casts shadows onto the other side of the cave, where the bound humans' faces are facing. To the bound humans, this is their reality. They have never seen anything other than each other, and the shadows cast onto the cave wall. The bound humans have "contests" with one another, to see who can recall the order of which shapes passed by, or certain details about the shadows. One day, one of the bound humans suddenly was released from the chains, and broke free. First, he turned around, and saw the fire. He was sensitive to the light, since he hadn't looked at directly before, ever in his life. He definitely was surprised upon seeing the fire. He also noticed the humans holding the figurines, but ultimately dismissed it. After this, he walked outside-- he was almost blinded from the sun's light. It was so intense to him, since he had been bound to the cave's darkness for his entire life. When his eyes began to adjust, his attention was naturally directed towards the shadows of objects. He stumbled upon the realization that something was actually casting the shadows onto the ground. He still thought that the shadows were the "true" version of what he

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