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The American Perspective on Aging and Health


Submitted By tladybug67
Words 334
Pages 2
The American Perspective on Aging and Health

The older we get, The American society glorifies the younger and fears the old age. There’s a saying; “We waste energy on the young, but the old are the wiser, been there and have done everything the young is doing.” When an older American gets to a certain age they are encouraged or expected to “retire to a new phase of their life. (npc 2012) We try and save for a nice retirement plan because retirement is a reward to ourselves for the years we’ve dedicated to hard work. But the young’s philosophy thinks the older workers can’t produce of be productive/useful employees. The older generation has relinquished their reins to be the role model or leaders for their families. Majority of the older population will let their family members and health care physicians resume responsibility for their own health care, living conditions, and let them be treated like children. There are other older Americans that don’t want their bodies or life to deteriorate. Some of the will fight the wrinkles, their health, and the weight by paying for cosmetic surgery, taking supplements, and excessively physical fitness training program. Then there are the other older Americans that adapt very well to the aging game by going to the Nursing Home, Assistant Living, or having a help come to their home to take care of them. Majority of the older Americans find themselves sitting around and making excuses to stay active and health. Because they’re reaching a certain age and closer to the end they don’t have the drive to try new things or challenge each other to exercise and eat properly. The lack of physical training, social involvement, and mental stimulation leads to the older American generation to lose their ability to use their mind and bodies. The older they get the more negative the elderly and/or

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