Free Essay

The Baddest Dog in Harl


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Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen “The Baddest Dog in Harlem” af Walter Dean Myers. Beskriv, hvordan de understregede ord og udtryk afviger fra standardengelsk. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi.

1. “What you young people talking about?” (side 16, linje 13)

Korrekt sætning: What are you young people talking about
Forklaring: Singularis form, pluralis kongruens.

2. “Ain’t none of them could beat Jack Johnson,” Mr. Lynch said, parking his old butt on the chair. (side 16, linje 19)

Korrekte sætning: ”None of them could beat Jack Johnson,”
Forklaring: None er i sig selv et benægtende ord.

3. “Ali would have eat him up,” Willie went on. (side 19, linje 23)

Korrekte sætning: Ali would have eaten him up
Forklaring: kort tillægsform; eat bøjes til eaten

4. The cop looked over at us and didn’t say nothing. (side 17, linje 5)

Korrekte sætning: The cop lokked over at us and didn’t say anything.
Forklaring: dobbelt benægtelse, hvis der både skullde være didn’t og nothing.

5. Once I got on the ground I figured I was gonna stay on the ground until the mess was over with. (side 19, linje 11)

Korrekte sætning: Once I got on the ground I figured I was going to stay…
Forklaring: gonna er en samentrækning af going to

6. “What they mean about some automatic weapon?” Pedro asked. (side 20, linje 2)

korrekte sætning: What do they mean about some automatic weapon?
Forklaring: Manlger hjælpeverbum do.

7. “We don’t allow nobody behind the counter,” Flood said. (side 20, linje 25)

Korrekte sætning: We don’t allow anybody behind the counter
Forklaring: dobbelt benægtelse. De to negative ord udligner hinanden, og derfor beholder man don’t og fjerner nobody.

8. “Hey, why I got to go?” I asked. (side 22, linje 1)

Korrekte sætning: Hey, why do I have to go?
Forklaring: …

9. You could see they were breathing easy again. (side 23, linje 9)

Korrekte sætning: You could see they were breathing easily again
Forklaring: adverbiet beskriver verballeddet

10. “That’s probably the baddest dog in Harlem.” (side 23, linje 10)

Korrekte sætning: That’s probably the worst dog in Harlem
Forklaring: worst er superlativ af bad

Delprøve 1b

Skriv, hvilken ordklasse de markerede ord tilhører samt hvilke andre ord i teksten, de lægger sig til. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi.

But background checks would not have stopped most school shootings, in which the gunmen took legally obtained weapons from parents with spotless backgrounds, says Jack Levin, a professor of sociology and criminology at Northeastern University in Boston.

Many gunmen have a clean criminal history - they are just having a really bad day, he says.

Ord | Ordklasse | Hvilket ord lægger de sig til? | Legally | biord | took (verballeddet) | spotless | tillægsord | Backgrounds(substantiv) | clean | tillægsord | Criminal history(substantiv) | just | biord | Having (beskriver tid) | really | biord | Bad(adjektiv) | bad | tillægsord | Day(substantiv) |

Delprøve 1c

Oversæt sætningerne til dansk og forklar, hvilke problemer oversættelsen af de understregede udtryk giver.

1. No single policy can end gun deaths and prevent massacres like that at Sandy Hook Elementary School, where last month a gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children. Mr Obama admitted as much when he announced a plan to change America's gun culture on Wednesday.

Ikke en enkelt politik kan ende skuddrab og forhindre massakre som den på Sandy Hook Grundskole, hvor en bevæbnet person dræbte 26 mennesker, inklusiv 20 børn. Så meget røbede Hr. Obama da han bekendtgjorde en plan for at ændre den amerikanske våben kultur på onsdag.

Forklaring: Oversætte man det direkte, kommer der på dansk til at stå, at en enkel dvs. et nemt politk ikke kan ende våben volden.

2. "Reducing gun violence is a complicated challenge," he said. 

”At formindske våben vold er en kompliceret udfordring” udtalte han.

Forklaring: man skal være opmærksom på, hvilket ordklasse af ordet reducing, man anvender.

3. Most public health officials agree on the need for a patchwork approach to the problem - one encompassing gun regulations, mental health initiatives and a hard look at violence in popular culture.

De fleste sundhedspersoner er enige om behovet for en lappeløsning på problemet – en omfattende våben regulering, lovforslag til psykisk helbredstilstande, og et hårdt kig på vold i populære kulture.

Forklaring: det kan være svært at oversætte et engelsk udtryk, uden den bliver for dansk.

Delprøve 1d

Indsæt anvendelige ord fra boksen i nedenstående brev.

from of in fire do dealers enclose apartment since of in on when of launch hesitate for department at negotiators make with in accompany |

Dear Mrs Donatelli

Thank you for your inquiry __of__ 1 April 2013. We appreciate your interest _in_ our products, but are very sorry to inform you that we cannot _make__ you an offer, _since__ we do not deal __with__ individual customers. We must refer you to one of our licensed gun __dealers _.
We __enclose__ a list _ with _ authorized retailers who may have the products you request _in_ stock.
In the autumn __of__ 2013 we will _launch__ a new range of lightweight 9mm handguns specially designed for women. The new range will be available in a great variety of colors.
In case you have any further questions, do not ___hesitate__ to contact our sales __department__.

Yours truly

Charlton Heston
Chief Sales Officer
Smith & Wesson


Opgave 2b

“The Baddest Dog in Harlem” is a fictional short story written by Walter Dean Meyer. Meyer is an African-American male, and his stories are influenced by the most difficult period of his own life and his the teen years.

The story takes place in Harlem, a neighbourhood that is known as a major African-American residential. The narrator and his friends are arguing about the greatest fighters, on what seems to be a normal day. The conflict of the story begins when the cops arrive to interrogate the boys, as they had a report about a possible gunman with an automatic weapon. Crowds of wondering people approach the crime scene, and a kid claims to have seen a man up in the building. The friends are hiding in the restaurant and when one of the cops accidently fires his gun towards the window of the restaurant, shattering the glass, and the other cops starts shooting at the building as well. The atmosphere changes from hectic to chaotic as the cops shoot recklessly. Just when the shooting ends a person yells out to the cops that he allegedly saw an Arab man with a weapon. Mary Brown comes along and starts complaining to the cops, for shooting at her rooms, especially her drapers. The police try to take Mary up there to check the apartment, but Mary refuses to go with them unless she had a black man with her and he narrator reluctantly comes with. While going up the stairs the cops makes Mary and the narrator go first with no regards to their safety. Mary’s place is destroyed by the holes caused by the bullet and her dog was killed as well. While Mary is crying over the condition of her apartment and the lost of her dog, the cops loose the tension by making jokes about the dead dog. Everything seems to be over, as they leave her apartment, but sees a room slightly opened. The cops enter the room and come out with pale faces. Afterwards the narrator goes into the room the see what caused the cops reaction, and finds a little boy shot to death. As the narrator leaves the building he has a feeling of wanting to hear his friends and the others on the block talking about the dead kid, but he ends up not telling about the little boy, as the first question he receives from his friends is about the dead dog.

The narrator is rather calm with the whole situation. He and his friend are not freaked out, when the cops approach them, and it seems like they are used the having the cops around. It’s possible to assume that they are use to the police, by reading line 29 on page 16. They have tried this before and know the rutine. Further on page 18 from line 14, there is a description of an ordinary day for those who are living on the block. It is quite clearly that the environment has a huge impact on the tone of voice in this story, in which the calmness of the narrator is a statement of. Dead boy may have shocked the narrator, but he remains rather calm because he is well aware of how quickly life can slip away, when you are living in Harlem. Which is stated on the last page. We do not know anything about our narrator until page 21 where we finds out that he is a black male. It may be because of his skin colour he sees death differently. He somehow knows that the risk of him getting shot or killed is higher, because of his colour.

This story shares the same themes and conflict as American Skin, a song by Bruce Springfield. The song is inspired by the shooting of an innocent black male, who was shot by four policemen as they thought he had pulled a gun at them, which proved to be a wallet. The story and the song are both about how people acts and thinks without really knowing the true, and that it only takes ones person to go first, before the rest follows. Both the incident of the story and the one in the song have something to do with African-American, which leads to the race issue there once had a huge impact on the American society. The message of these two pieces is about judgement and stereotyping. Both Meyer and Springfield are telling us not the make those quick decision out of fear. To put the police of the two cases into perspective they both act out fear, which we all tend to do. People are quick to assume the worst about the unknown. The head theme is racial profiling and the culture of violence that permeated America at the time.

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