Premium Essay

The Bible as Ultimate Authority in Christian Faith


Submitted By Angelique616
Words 754
Pages 4
I am stunned whenever I see people who call themselves "Christians" and yet believe that The Bible was just made by mere human beings.

"The Bible was just made by man."

Such unwise words.

Whatever Christian denomination you belong to, your leaders will always tell you that the Bible is HOLY. It is the basis, it is the root of the Christian faith.

During the mass, a priest raises the Bible. Before any sermon, a priest/pastor reads the Bible. It just goes to show that the Bible is the authority of the Christian faith.

If you are going to claim that the Bible is not holy then you shouldn't call yourself a Christian at all.

The Bible is considered holy for it contains the WORD OF GOD. It is holier than the pope, it is holier than those graven images, it is holier than your holy water.
It is holier than anything else existing in the entire cosmos.

Spiritually speaking, The MOST POWERFUL thing in this world that we have right now is the word of God.

"For the word of God is ALIVE AND ACTIVE. SHARPER than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
-Hebrews 4:12

"Is not my word like FIRE," declares the LORD, "and like a HAMMER that BREAKS a rock in pieces?
-Jeremiah 23:29

"to make her holy, CLEANSING her by the washing with water through the WORD"
-Ephesians 5:26

The Word Of God can divide the soul and spirit and at the same time cleanse.
Can you name other objects that can do these things?

If you say you're a Christian yet you don't consider the Bible to be holy then what kind of faith do you have? It is a blind faith. It is a BASELESS and VAIN faith.

"They WORSHIP ME IN VAIN; their teachings are merely HUMAN RULES."
-Mark 7:7

It's like saying "I respect Jesus but I don't respect his words".

Yes, the Bible was written by man.

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