Premium Essay

The Dangers of Driving While Intexicated


Submitted By queenalbert
Words 1269
Pages 6
Driving While Intexicatied: The Dangers of Texting and Driving

Have you ever been driving down the road and the car in front of you is swerving all over the road? You then become worried and you proceed to switch lanes to ensure your safety, and as you approach the car, you see that the driver is face down in their cellphone, and because of the size of phones these days, you realized that they almost cause an accident for Facebook? Really, Facebook? What happens when your friend comes to pick you up and as you guys head out for a night on the town, your friend is all consumed with texting in the middle of driving, and she inadvertently veers over into the next lane cutting a vehicle almost causing a collision? Your life could have been lost in the blink of an eye, all because of that darn cellphone. As you continue to read this paper, it will show you that texting while driving is just as dangerous and driving while under the influence of alcohol.
Cellphones have been around for centuries. The modern cellphone has only had the capability for texting since 1997 when Nokia introduced the 9000i with a full QWERTY keyboard (A Brief History of Text Messaging, 2015). Since its time, the cellphone has become interactive; we now have the luxury of not even needing a personal computer, because cellphones have evolved into just that a fully functional complete communication device. Cellphones are a necessity in life and it has been proven, but not as it pertains to texting and driving. The website listed that in 2011 at least 23% of car crashes involved cellphones. That’s 1.3 million crashes. Also, in the same year 13% of drivers age 18-20 admitted to talking and texting on their mobile device at the time of the crash. In my opinion and in all likelihood, that number is way off. How many of people, at that age, would really admit

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