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The Future Life Edward Wilson Analysis

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In contemporary scientist Edward O. Wilson’s book “The Future Life” (2002), Wilson wrote two passages portraying the two extreme sides of the emerging debate of the importance of environmental conservation. He satirizes the common arguments the two opponents have by negating and grouping the two extremes into single embodiments of each other. By doing so, it is clearly revealed to the readers that neither side is completely right nor by being irrational will anything be solved properly.

From the very beginning, the immaturity of political debates is poked at. Both sides come out swinging with insults such as "environmental wackos", "wise users”, and “hypocrites”. The latter especially standing out, perfectly being able to describe both combatants. Both take on matters like two …show more content…
An average person would understand this and therefore it really resonates with the readers just out of touch political extremists and higher ups can be at times. This thought brings about how cleverly Wilson had chosen to display both sides of the argument. Side by side, the sardonically written pieces mimic one another in language styling and ironic parallels. The same formula is used; characterize the other belief system with deprecatory statements, insist how their views and ways are wrong and out of self-interest, and then at the end barely mention how their proposed solutions will work. One of the key elements in Wilson’s effectiveness is illustrating the unproductive nature of such discussions is his unbiased approach of the subject matter. His own personal opinions on the topic at hand are never indicated, merely his observations of the subject. This mimics factual studies and highlights upon how both sides of the argument lack this when they assert their stances. While each side would have legitimate points to consider, name calling, snide

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