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The Holocaust: A Short Story

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I saw a picture of him today. I looked at his angelic, freckled face and sandy brown hair and a wave of sadness washed over me. It’s been ten years since he died. It’s been ten years since he died and I lived. Alex was going to do great things in life. For, he was only seventeen and had accomplished so much. So why was I able to escape? Why me, the girl with no future of purpose in life then or now?

He was right behind me when we escaped Auschwitz. When he got shot down I heard it and barely looked back. But now, after all these years, I am. I’m looking back and asking myself, “Why did I survive?” So many people died in that war and I was one of the lucky few to live. Why did fate, destiny, or even God, let me live when so many other people deserved it more? Because of that, I am still filled with guilt to this day. Everyone I had ever known died in that war and they all had such great lives ahead of them. …show more content…
There’s so many stories about them - each survivor with their own version. My version isn’t just awful; it’s traumatic. We were starved, beaten, emotionally destroyed. It was like we were dogs at the pound. Those commercials showing unhealthy animals that make you feel so awful you donate are raising awareness for that cause. Stories like these raise awareness for mine. Going insane, we had to hope we wouldn’t be killed for doing something

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