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The Holocaust In Eliezer Wiesel's Night

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The Holocaust. What comes to mind when this single event is mentioned? Tragedy, fear, death, sadness? For many, the thought of the Holocaust sounds like it occurred a lifetime ago. However, the atrocities which the Jews faced transpired less than seventy-five years ago. The Holocaust is not another shrapnel of ancient antiquity to be disserted – it is a chapter of modern history which must be deliberated and reflected upon. For this time, history cannot repeat itself. The nefarious concentration camps had their own social climate, as Jews braced themselves every day for the same endless battle of survival and did anything they had to do in order to outlive their relentless enemy – death. The story of how countless people were ripped from their homes and thrown into death camps is told firsthand, by the autobiographical novel, Night, written by Holocaust survivor Eliezer Wiesel. According to Wiesel’s recollection, it all commenced when German officers began to enter Jewish towns and occupy them. There was talk of German tensions, but almost everyone was indifferent. Before they knew it, Jews were being placed into ghettos, curfews were being imposed on them, and they were having more rights taken away from them. Anti-Semitism became …show more content…
The Holocaust unimaginably beleaguered not only Jews, but the entire globe during the course of the mid-twentieth century. Its effects are still affluent today, and it is imperative that we continue to study this genocide and be able to not only understand how and why it happened, but also what occurred during the course of those twelve horrific years, for those who choose to ignore history are doomed to wear it

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