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The House On Mango Street Analysis

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“On the avenue a boy on a homemade bicycle calls out: Ladies lead me to heaven” (41). Each time Esperanza attempts to emulate the woman of her neighborhood- she is met with sexual harassment. Further perpetuating maternal archetypes. A woman never belongs to herself. As a child she belongs to her parents, she then belongs to her husband and family, she belongs to god, she belongs to whoever chooses to objectify her body in that moment, but she is never allowed to belong to herself. Esperanza's harassment and objectification at the hands of men is emphasized when contrasted with some girls’ reactions to them in heels: “In front of the laundromat six girls with the same fat face pretend we are invisible” (41). These contrasting and gendered reactions help them to recognize the message that female sexuality inevitably is associated with harassment and unwarranted attention at the hands of men. …show more content…
She is young and dizzy to hear so many sweet things in one day, even if it is a bum man’s whiskey words saying them”. Esperanza and Lucy see how quickly one can go from being a child playing dress up to selling oneself on the streets, which is essentially the image presented. When she gets home and says, “We are tired of being beautiful” it is an acknowledgment of the burdens of womanhood. Incidentally, when Lucy’s mother throws them away, Esperanza notes that “no one complains” (42). “Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine. Four who do not belong here but are here. Four raggedy excuses planted by the city” (74). She continues, “When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees”

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