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The Human Cloning Debate Its Benefits Potential and Controversies


Submitted By butler78
Words 3264
Pages 14
The Human Cloning Debate its Benefits Potential and Controversies Charles J. Butler
Devry University
ENG 135
Professor Norton

This paper explores the vast science and medical research that has gone into cloning, specifically human cloning. It focuses mainly on internet websites and articles posted on to the internet. The articles focus mainly on the history of cloning and the various ways that nature has used cloning and how mankind has extended natures approach and ultimately advanced cloning methods and the new technology that has been discovered because of these advances. The articles contain proof that further advancements in cloning can develop possibilities in preventing and curing diseases. There is discussion on how continued research into therapeutic cloning can expand the knowledge of how certain diseases and cancer attack the body, and how this knowledge can help fight and even eliminate both these issues. Another topic of discussion is how cloning could lead specific cell production of various organs and tissues through-out the body which can lead to curing failing organs and even the possibility of growing replacements organs thus doing away with then need for lengthy organ transplant lists and the needless suffering of thousands of patients a year. The paper contains the various ethical and controversial arguments that human cloning bring up. Keywords: Therapeutic cloning,

The Human Cloning Debate its Benefits Potential and Controversies
Several couples sit together in the waiting room on the fifth floor maternity ward of a downtown hospital. One couple is three months into their pregnancy, today they will find out that they are pregnant with identical twins. The other couple sitting across from them will learn that they are both infertile and that it will be impossible for either of them to have a child genetically related

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