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The Importance Of Injury In Healthcare

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Injury is an increasingly important health problem throughout the world. Every day, 16000 people die from injuries, and for every person who dies, several thousand more are injured, many of them with permanent sequelae. Tens of millions of people suffer injuries that lead to hospitalization, emergency department or general practitioner treatment, or treatment from informal sector. The burden of death and disability from injury in low- and middle-income countries (LAMIC) outnumber the same from high – income countries. The greatest part of the total burden of injury, approximately 90%, occurs in LAMIC countries. The scale and spread of injuries calls for integration of trauma and emergency care with primary health care system in LAMIC countries. …show more content…
This implies not only the requisite training in their basic education, but also continuing education to maintain these skills. In primary health care setting emphasis should be paid more on triage using ABCDE (Airway, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure) survey and timely referral. In the secondary health institutions the emphasis should be for provision of advanced life support using team approach and multi-tasking. There will be strong need to develop soft skills including communication, team work, breaking a bad news, personality, sensitivity to patients condition and establishing referral linkage …show more content…
The required logistics should be classified into vital, essential and desirable category. The vitals should be made available 24X7 at the primary health care set up while the essentials should be made available in the secondary health care and the desirable should be at tertiary health care institutions.
Trauma prevention- Prevention of trauma should receive top priority at remote areas alongside management of trauma and emergency. This depends on important local factors such as culture, manpower, political support, budget for trauma & emergency and training.
Political support and budget for trauma & emergency is required for sustainability of trauma & emergency services at remote areas. The personnel engaged in delivering health care at primary & secondary health institutions should be oriented and sensitized about the changing landscape of morbidity at theses institutions (increase in non communicable diseases including injury and trauma) and their capacity should be strengthened to handle trauma and emergency cased more efficiently.

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