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The Influence Of Payroll In The NBA

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Adding payroll in the NBA, from this model, seem to have statistically significant impact on wins. We have evidence that more pay leads to more wins. Before we jump to conclusions though, we need to note the value of the adjusted R-squared values which show that less than 20% of the change in a team’s winning percentage from year to year can be explained by adding additional payroll. In fact, wins are not just about adding payroll. For one thing, teams could see payroll increase because players currently employed received a raise. Giving out raises to already employed players will probably not change outcomes. Therefore, payroll may be statistically significant, but our ability to explain wins with additions to payroll seems quite limited. …show more content…
Salaries are based upon expected performance, and injuries and the quality of the coaching staff alone can cause expectations to differ from what we observe. In addition the NBA is structured in a way that each year only 60 new players will enter the through a two round Draft. Usually, the teams that performed worse in the previous year have the chance to put their hand on the best future prospective, signing him with a relative low contract for 4 years with the option to resign him with more important contracts at the end of the first 4 years. Having a star player on the roster has been proven from the work of Jake Bertalotto in 2014, to have a very positive impact on team performance too. These are some of the various other factors that can influence a team performance, explaining why the value of the adjusted R-squared is so

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