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The Learning Process of Public Speaking


Submitted By wisky247
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The Learning Process for Public Speaking
Comm. 218 / Public Speaking for IT Professionals
The Learning Process for Public Speaking
Many student are required to learn about Public Speaking early in their studies, as Information Technology Specialist there no doubt somewhere, somehow he will be responsible for preparing a presentation or even speaking to a group of people; in the meantime it is an individual responsibility to learn to become more efficient when speaking in public.
During Class we all experienced some type of anxiety like avoiding eye contact with the audience or may placing their hands on their packets or may be moving their hand around as they were talking with their hands; getting stuck behind the podium to present his speech; while this is taking place the audience is forming some type of impression, this usually occurs the moment we approach the podium, so it is important to learn to make a good impression.
It is also important to believe there are always areas of improvement that we should all pay attention for example our personal appearance, hairstyle or even the type of shoes you are wearing during a presentation, the way we stand in front of the audience, our body language said a lot about the speaker the first impression is one of the keys to success. We all should learn to keep our gestures to the minimum during the speech try not to look tense or look nervous, do not call extra attention to ourselves, sometimes it is important to video tape the presentation prior to the real presentation to assess our own body language, if a video camera is not available try using your smart phone or maybe a mirror. Once you identify your own deficiencies it is important to work your way to improve or master those areas, it would actually help you in all future presentation to come, never wait until the last minute, practice makes perfect.
Keep clear in mind the purpose of the speech, organized your content and relaxed, each person has his own approach, find the style that works for you and then
1. Develop the presentation outline
2. Mentally practice the speech (picture an imaginary audience)
3. Practice the speech orally
4. Simulate the speech setting.
Monitor you volume, pitch, rate, articulation, enunciation and physical appearance,
Watch for Movements, gestures and facial expression, once you have gone through the list
You are ready to become an efficient public speaker; keep a mental note preparation is the key to the success of your presentation.
In order to become a proficient public speaker it is important to be prepare before the presentation, be clear of the information you are presenting and the message you want to project to the audience keep an eye on your personal appearance, movements and gestures practice before the presentation if all possible, assess your speech by using a video camera, smart phone or a mirror, keep an open mind there is always areas to master or improve at the end is all about becoming one of the best public speaker your company ever has or at least be efficient at it, always take an mental note when attending an speech be observant try not to make the same mistake as other people do.

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