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The Less You Know, the Better.


Submitted By 7777777
Words 438
Pages 2
It’s starting again. The constant arguments about petty things. My dad lost his job at Chad’s , his fifth job in the past two months. Now we have to try to find a way to pay the bills & not get evicted from our house.
My whole life, money has always been a problem. Always having arguments about who needs to pay the bills and what we need to quit spending money on. If my parents weren’t drug addicts then we would have money for the things we need. They’d never quit doing drugs to take care of the important things though. All they worry about is getting their next fix.
It is a bright and sunny Friday morning. I’m walking to school, observing everyone that passes by. I’m very good at reading body language, it’s my favorite thing to do. Trying to figure out how someone acts and how they think, it’s astonishing. When I finally get to school, I meet up with my best friend Miranda. I’ve known her since I was four and ever since then, we’ve been inseparable. She’s the only person that knows about my parents addiction.
“Hey Bay.” Miranda says
“Hey, what are you doing?” I said very confused.
“I got asked to do a mural on this wall for the school, putting symbols on here that represent us as students and as a community.”
So far, she has painted a bright green graduate’s cap, a big firetruck red heart with people all holding hands uniting around it, and our school’s name in big turquoise bubble letters arching the wall like a rainbow.
“Miranda? I need your help with something.” I say very hesitantly.
“What’s wrong?”
“My parents are behind on the bills again, and we’re about to get evicted. Do you have any ideas as to how I can get money? I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, you know Jonny? The quarterback that every girl in this school is obsessed with? He sells all types of drugs and makes a lot of money. Maybe he can help you out.”
“SELLING DRUGS?” I said so surprised. I couldn’t even believe she suggested that.
“Yeah, I mean as long as you don’t get caught nothing bad is gonna happen right? Just don’t rip anyone off or they might kill you.” Miranda said so seriously.
“KILL ME? YOU MEAN I CAN DIE FROM DOING THIS?” I was not about to actually consider this.
Miranda laughed and started to walk away then she turned around and said “Just think about it and text me later tonight and let me know your decision.” Then she left.

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