Premium Essay

The Old Man and the Sea (Odyssey)


Submitted By AlexSeraspe
Words 659
Pages 3
I’m Maria Alexandrea D. Seraspe, 16 years old, Paranaque City. I love to sing, to draw, to paint and to dance. I dislike reading fictional stories. I prefer non-fictional stories because I find it more interesting. Yes, I’m not good in writing essays but I love writing essays.

Ernest Hemingway

There was an old man that goes by the name Santiago. Santiago had been labeled as a "Salao" or the worst form of being unlucky. Because he had gone eighty-four days without catching a fish and that his companion, Manolin, was forbidden by his parents to sail with the old man and had been tasked to go with other blossoming fisherman but the boy disobeys his parents and visits the old man each night. Santiago tells Manolin that he will set far out into the Gulf Stream, north of Cuba and Straits of Florida to fish. Santiago was convinced that his fate will change.
On the eighty fifth day, he sat out alone to Gulf Stream. By noon, a Marlin takes his bait. The marlin was too colossal for him so he was unable to pull it up to his boat. Santiago waited while his body was throbbing and aching. Two days and two nights passed, still he was unable to pull it out.
On the third day, Santiago releases the strength left in him to pull the Marlin out and stabs the giant with a harpoon and ends the battle. He heads home while daydreaming about the high price the fish is about to bring him.
The blood trail of the Marlin attracted sharks. Santiago kills one shark with his harpoon but he lost his weapon in the process. He made a new one and slays five more sharks but they kept coming until they have eaten the great marlin and they didn't stop until only the bone was visible.
Disappointed and tired, Santiago heads home and falls into a deep sleep. The next day, a group of fishermen measured it and they

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