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The Perfect Spouse


Submitted By matt6336
Words 496
Pages 2
The Perfect Spouse
Everyone has a dream girl or woman, but not every has the perfect spouse in mind. To me the perfect wife would have glistening light blue eyes and long blonde flowing hair. She will also have enough kindness to kill, and always want to help me or anyone when in need. She will be beyond kind and giving worrying about others before herself at times. Also she will be as keen as a cat and be very trustworthy in anything we talk about. A perfect spouse should posses trust, intelligence, and kindness.
One value that a spouse should posses is trust. Trust can be defined as being reliable and believing in someone else. Trust is very important to me so my spouse would definitely be trustworthy. With trust I would not need to worry about my spouse cheating on me. Trust is not something that is often given out, is takes a lot of time and patience to be earned. I will know that my wife is very reliable and trustworthy before we get serious. For these reasons trust is an important value in a spouse to me.
However, trust is a great value but intelligence is also an important value. Intelligence can be described as being able to think and act on your own to solve a problem or issue. For some intelligence is not a must in a spouse, but for me it makes a huge difference. If my spouse isn’t very bright then I would feel like I’m babysitting her most of the time when she asks me questions. She will have graduated from college with a bachelors and have a bright future. We will discuss everything and if anything seems unclear we can review it and work on it together. For the reasons above intelligence is important in my spouse.
Last but not least, you can never forget about kindness. Being kind can be described as helping others without them asking you to. Kindness ties all of the traits together by trusting my spouse with her intelligence she will accomplish many

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