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The President of the United States


Submitted By wonderfulmom
Words 1187
Pages 5
South Africa’s Apartheid Policy Of 1948

World Geography

Wanda L. Bonner
December 27, 2013

South Africa’s Apartheid Policy of 1948 1

South Africa’s Apartheid Policy Apartheid was introduced into South Africa in the year nineteen hundred forty eight. South Africa apartheid policy maintained a segregated society until its fall in nineteen hundred ninety four. Martin Meredith states the term literally means “apartness” reflected a violently repressive policy designated to ensure that whites, who comprised twenty percent of the nation’s population would continue to dominate the country. Racial discrimination was rooted deeply in South Africa. During seventeen hundred eighty eight, the Dutch colorizers started establishing laws and regulations that separated the Native Africans and the white settlers. Dr. D Malan was the prime architect of apartheid is the one who led the National Party in the first campaign that centered on openly racist appeals to white unity. The National Party won eighty seats, mainly from the African voters. One of the first acts passed after the new government instituted a number of policies in the name of apartheid was the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act which outlawed marriage between Europeans and non -Europeans. After the policies was in place the name of apartheid searched to ensure the survival of the white race and to keep the different races separated on every level of society and in every aspect of live. Another act was passed in nineteen fifty which was the Population Registration Act. This act categorized every South African by race and every South African had to carry with them a card at all times, stating their racial identity which was required of them, but they had what they called reference books. If anyone

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