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The Reformation Dbq

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The Reformation was a religious revolution that took place in Western Europe in the 16th century, around the same time as the Renaissance. The church was seen as the guiding light of unity throughout the dark ages of Europe. However, several dissenters such as John Wycliffe and John Hus challenged the orthodox views of the church, and started a long chain of events that led to Reformation. This newfound opposition was spurned by medieval church’s abuses of the common people, the worldliness of its priest’s and monks, and the hierarchies that were beginning to develop within the church. These events reached a climax with the advent of the humanist values of the Renaissance, and the new political orders that were arising during the high middle …show more content…
During this period, the Roman Catholic Church based in Rome, Italy, was seen as the guiding light during this time of hardship. The church was seen as the providers of religious and secular leadership, permeating most of the everyday activities of the men and women who lived during this time. The local church was the center of the community, with the priest or bishop being the most important man, because often these individuals were the only teachers and healers available to the townsfolk during this period. All Christians were required to follow the law laid forth by the church, canon law, as well as pay a tithe of their income - generally 10 percent – and follow the sacraments of the church, at the risk of eternal punishment in Hell. For several centuries, the Church almost completely dominated the daily life and politics of Western Europe. The first rumblings of Reformation did not appear until the 14th century, when a man named John Wycliffe challenged the authority of the Church in Rome. Wycliffe’s first brush with “rebellion” was against the payment of tithes towards the church, using the reasoning that the scripture does not mention it, arguing that the church had plenty of wealth, and that Christ called his followers to poverty, not displays of wealth. Due to the Great

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