Premium Essay

The Sniper (Short Story) Brother's Pov Rewrite


Submitted By bradycm
Words 626
Pages 3
As the sun was setting on the warm June night, Dublin was quiet except for the inconsistent noise of rifles and machine guns in the distance. The city was waged in civil war, and I was prepared to do anything to fight for what I believed in. I was sitting on a rooftop right across the street from the O'Connell Bridge, all I had with me was my rifle, a pack of cigarettes, and an old sandwich that I was saving for a safe time.
It had been quiet for quite some time now, but I knew the enemy was still on the same building he had been on, there was no way he could have moved positions without me noticing. As I lay there watching I had began to crave one of the smokes I had in my pocket, with nothing to do up here it was difficult to resist them. Almost immediately after the thought entered my head I noticed a match flare up in my peripheral vision outside the scope, without having time to precisely aim I fired a shot. I knew right away I didn't hit my target because I heard the snap of the bullet hitting the metal edge of the parapet where the enemy was taking cover.
After I had taken a shot and missed I knew I had to stay down for a while, I could hear the enemy sniper moving around on the roof so I decided to stay low. All of a sudden I started to hear the roar of an armored vehicle. I knew it was friendly because it was coming from the West which was where our post was, I was relieved. I could hear talking down on the street near the vehicle, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. All of a sudden I heard 2 shots back to back, I knew this was my chance. I quickly lifted my rifle and aimed right for where I could see the enemy was, I fired 1 shot. I was almost positive it was a hit because the bullet made no noise on impact, and the enemy had dropped his gun. I just didn't know if it was a kill shot.
After this shot I didn't get back in to cover, I knew he

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