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The True Science in Politics


Submitted By danwil2171
Words 2181
Pages 9
The True Science in Politics Benjamin Bishin's subconstituency theory of representation is supported with the empirical evidence that Larry Bartels provides from his book, of which Bartels evaluates social equality and its relationship with the American government, to Bishin's observations. Ideas, such as hidden minority rule, activism, visibility's true impact on the average voter, and ideological and social groups, that Bishin describes are supported by Bartels' findings; these findings being senators responsiveness to income groups, citizen's knowledge, and voting actions and more. Bishin's book, Tyranny of the Minority, develops the Subconstituency theory of representation that counteracts the leading theory of representation, the Demand Model. Bishin's synopsis of his theory is, “...subconstituency politics merely articulates a phenomenon long described by politicians and observed by journalists...,” (Bishin 13). The phenomenon being that minority held opinion can triumph over a majority held public opinion. However, Bishin shows this phenomenon to hold a deeper dogma in that constituents, for the purpose of reelection, appeal to groups. Bartels' book, Unequal Democracy, attempts to answer a question by Robert Dahl of, “...who actually governs?” (Bartels 1). Bartels' book argues, with a statistical emphasis, that our classed based society is becoming more polarized and unequal by politicians and cyclically exacerbated by voter apathy and actions. These examples that Bartels has accrued in his research can be used as sufficient evidence for support to Bishin's relativity new theory; this is done by explaining the machinery of the subconstituency theory for a certain situation and applying it to the empirical findings of Bartels. For an example, active interest groups can have a great impact on the political process overall; which is why Bishin's

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