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The Truth About Guns and Rights


Submitted By stina21282
Words 1545
Pages 7
The Truth about Guns and Rights
Christine Tarver
February 17, 2013
Lori Pash
Amendments amend provisions to the Constitution. The Second Amendment’s provisions are in regard to a militia with the right to bear arms. The word militia is not specifically defined in the Constitution or within the Second Amendment. With no specific definition, this brings about many debates of whose rights these documents protect. The word militia in these terms can be defined as a “general” militia, made up of all able bodied men. This was a check on governmental entities and the belief that people could be protected by individual rights. In 2008, for the first time in American history the Supreme Court defined the right to bear arms. This took place in District of Columbia v. Heller. The Supreme Court stated the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess firearms independent of service in a state militia and to use firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense within the home. Gun control laws in America are responsible for the possibility of who can or cannot purchase and possess guns; laws also give valid reasons to gun ownership.
The right to bear arms has limitations and debates. The second amendment does not protect people against any and every weapon readily available. In fact there are obstacles one must cross before they legally have full ownership of a gun. The rules, regulations, and laws according to this process vary greatly from state to state and person to person. Once the legalities are finished, a person cannot carry their weapon anywhere they wish; unless they cross more barriers. In order to carry a concealed weapon there are further permits one must obtain. Like any other law associating to guns, there are no federal laws that address the distribution of concealed carrying of a weapon (CCW) permits. Such permits

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