Free Essay

The Verge


Submitted By myroncj
Words 2446
Pages 10





• Content*management*systems─just*like* businesses─can*take*many*forms*with*varying* degrees*of*complexity.**
• Some*CMSs*cost*over*$250,000*for*the*soKware* alone*while*others*are*free*for*the*soKware*with* rela)vely*small*implementa)on*costs.**
• The*CMS*market*is*way*too*big*for*there*to*be*a*

The*CMS*landscape*can*seem*confusing*to* someone*who's*not*familiar*with*the*industry.** There*are*literally*hundreds*of*web*content* management*systems*on*the*market*today.* It's*absolutely*cri)cal*that*you*understand*the* different*types*of*CMS*tools*and*what*they*do.** More*importantly,*you*also*need*to*understand* exactly*what*you*or*your*company*wants*to*do,* so*you*can*narrow*down*your*choices*and* determine*which*CMS*is*the*best*fit*for*you.** A* Content* Management* System* (CMS)* is* a* soKware* that* helps* web* teams* maintain,* change,* control,* repurpose* and* publish* content,* including* text,* images,* photos,* videos,* audio* or* any* other*piece*of*web*content.*** OR*
Content* management* refers* to* the* system* and* processes* whereby* informa)on* is* created,* managed,* published,* and* archived.*Informa)on*typically*passes*through*this*lifecycle*for*a* finite* period* of* )me.* A* content* management* system* (CMS)* provides* the* necessary* infrastructure* for* mul)ple* persons* to* effec)vely*contribute*content*and*collaborate*throughout*these* lifecycles.**



A*CMS*is*a*complete*computer*system*that*manages* informa)on.** A*CMS*can*be*programmed*in*any*computer*language* and*run*on*any*computer*system.** It*allows*data*to*be*input,*stored*in*a*database,*edited* by*authorized*users,*and*displayed*to*the*public.** A*good*CMS*handles*every*aspect*of*formaZng,* storing,*cataloguing,*and*retrieving*data,*which*means* that*editors*and*users*don't*need*any*technical* exper)se*and*don't*need*to*use*a*special*program.** •

• In*addi)on,*different*CMSs*have*unique* strengths*and*weaknesses.** • Some*CMS*tools*focus*on*making*content* produc)on*easier,*while*others*excel*at* content*syndica)on*or*distribu)on.**
• However,*CMS*tools*do*share*some*common* characteris)cs,*features*and*benefits.** Tradi)on*Content*Management*

5. I*add*links*to*the*new*site*to*the*index*pages,*the*
6. I*add*the*document*to*my*MicrosoK*WordVbased*list* catalogue* 7. Making*correc)ons:*I*manually*make*any*correc)ons* in*the*HTML*document,*test,*and*upload*the*new* document*
8. If*anything*more*than*cursory*changes*are*made,*I*reV convert*the*en)re*document* 9. I*search*for*all*links*that*need*to*be*updated*and* change*them*oneVbyVone* •



Documents*are*emailed*to*me*in*a*variety*of* formats* I*manually*convert*all*the*formaZng*to*HTML*




5. Powerful,*customizable*templates*allow*for*consistency*and*a* professional*“look*and*feel”** 6. Social*media*and*collabora)on*features*allow*you*and*your*users* to*share*and*interact*with*your*content*more*easily** 7. User*access*control*enables*you*to*define*who*has*access*to*your* backend*and*front*end,*as*well*what*specific*permissions*they* have*in*each*area**
8. Plugins,*extensions*and*addVons*quickly*add*features,* func)onality*and*integra)on*capabili)es*to*your*web*site,*oKen* without*extra*coding*or*technical*resources**
9. Mul)lingual*support*makes*it*easier*to*translate,*publish*and* manage*mul)lingual*content** 10. Content*syndica)on*allows*you*to*more*easily*share*and* distribute*your*content*across*mul)ple*sites*or*plakorms** Why*Do*I*Need*a*CMS?**
• Content*management*systems*offer*a*wide*variety*of* benefits,*including:** 1. Faster*and*easier*content*crea)on*and*publishing,*so*even* nontechnical*people*can*quickly*update*some*areas*of*a* site*without*learning*how*to*code**
2. Decentralized*content*produc)on*empowers*mul)ple* people*within*an*organiza)on*to*create*content—no* more*relying*on*one*group*or*department*for*all*web*site* updates** 3. Prebuilt*func)onality*allows*companies*to*include*robust* features*without*involving*backend*developers** 4. Complex*content*workflow*capabili)es*enable*different* users*to*create,*edit,*approve*and*publish*content** •




• If*you*pose*this*ques)on*to*10*different*CMS* vendors,*you’ll*likely*hear*10*different*answers— each*one*customized*to*highlight*that*par)cular* vendor’s*core*features*and*offerings.** • Remember*that*CMS*tools*at*different*levels*offer* dras)cally*different*features*and*func)onality.** • LowerVend*tools*will*usually*focus*on*content* produc)on*(especially*the*crea)on*and*edi)ng*of* text),*whereas*higherVend*and*enterpriseVlevel*


5. A*CMS*will*not*necessarily*shorten*the*web* development*lifecycle*or*simplify*the*process* of*building*a*website.*
• You*or*your*project*manager*will*s)ll*need*to* plan*realis)c*)meframes*for*strategy,*design,* development*and*deployment*tasks.**
• You’ll*also*need*to*set*aside*)me*in*your* schedule*for*the*many*tasks*associated*with* planning*and*launching*a*site.**

One*of*the*most*important*reasons*for*u)lizing*a*content* management*system*is*that*you*or*your*inVhouse*team*can* manage*some*of*your*site's*content*(including*text*and* images)*yourselves,*without*hiring*an*external*web*developer* for*simple*changes.**
manage*online*forms,*etc.*This*can*represent*a*significant*cost* savings*to*you*over*)me.* Another*huge*benefit*of*CMSs*is*that*they*usually*offer*a*fair* amount*of*prebuilt*func)onality*outVofVtheVbox.* Some*CMSs*(par)cularly*higherVend*ones)*allow*content*to*be* shared*across*mul)ple*web*proper)es.*This*will*eliminate* content*redundancy,*reduce*duplicate*efforts*across* departments,*improve*data*integrity*and*save*you*)me*and* money.***

• While*it’s*true*that*a*content*management*system*can* improve*your*business*in*many*ways,*there*are*a*few*things* that*it*cannot*do:**
1. A*CMS*tool*will*not*teach*you*HTML,*CSS,*Javascript,*PHP* or*any*of*the*other*development*languages*out*there.*Do* not*expect*that*you*will*never*need*to*hire*a*web* developer*again** 2. A*content*management*system*will*not*drive*traffic*to* your*web*site.* 3. A*CMS*won't*write*beoer*content*or*create*beoer* keywords*and*metadata.** 4. A*CMS*will*not*plan*your*online*marke)ng*campaigns*for* you.** What*a*CMS*cant*Do?*


• Standardiza)on*and*best*prac)ces*in*web* development*were*preoy*much*nonVexistent,* and*web*developers*spent*a*lot*of*)me* reinven)ng*the*wheel.** • As*web*projects*grew*bigger*and*more* complex,*developers*and*decision*makers— the*people*who*controlled*the*budgets*for* web*projects—realized*that*there*had*to*be*a* beoer*way.**


• You*could,*but*you’d*be*reinven)ng*the* wheel.** • Why*recreate*func)onality*and*features*that* are*included*in*many*of*the*most*popular*CMS* tools*out*there?**
• You’ll*also*spend*a*lot*more*)me*maintaining* and*adding*new*func)onality*to*a*hardVcoded* site*later.**


6. A*CMS*will*not*necessarily*save*you*a*ton*of* money*ini)allyVV*par)cularly*as*it*relates*to* content*strategy,*interface*design,*informa)on* architecture,*usability,*quality*assurance*and* online*marke)ng.**
• However,*if*you*choose*a*CMS*that*offers*preV built*func)onality*and*you*don't*have*a*lot*of* custom*development*requirements,*you*will* almost*always*see*significant*cost*savings*for* development*before*launch*and*ongoing* maintenance*tasks*aKer*launch.** •

basic*HTML,*tables*and*“frames.”*Each*page*had*to*be* built*individually*and*all*of*the*content*elements*on* each*page*were*painstakingly*formaoed*by*hand*using* hard*coding.** It*was*an*extremely*tedious*process*and*took*a*lot*of*
There*were*numerous*“WYSIWYG”*coding*tools*on*the* market*during*that*)me,*but*for*the*most*part,*they* created*clunky*code*that*did*not*render*well*in* browsers.** •



• There*are*several*kinds*of*CMS*tools*on*the* market,*and*each*is*geared*towards* businesses*of*a*specific*size*and*with*common* needs.** EnterpriseVLevel**



• EnterpriseVlevel*CMS*tools*are*usually*installed*on*a* company’s*own*server*behind*a*secure*firewall,*and* they*normally*require*a*significant*amount*of*planning* and*customiza)on.** • Examples*of*enterpriseVlevel*CMSs*include*IBM*
• This*type*of*CMS*typically*costs*hundreds*of*thousands* of*dollars─or*much*more─for*the*soKware*alone,*and* enterpriseVlevel*CMS*projects*can*easily*take*more* than*two*years*to*plan*and*implement.** The$CMS$Pioneers$$
challenges*faced*by*web*teams,*and*started*laying*the* founda)on*for*formal*content*management*processes*and* systems.**
developers,*authors,*editors*and*publishers*were* experiencing.** Although*none*of*these*early*tools*was*as*robust*as*the*

• Content*management*systems*that*fall*into* this*category*are*designed*for*very*large,* mul)na)onal*companies*with*extremely* complex*needs.** • They*offer*robust*func)onality*and*integra)on* with*sophis)cated*business*processes*and* systems,*such*as*Customer*Rela)onship*



MidVsized*businesses*that*have*robust*needs*but*a*finite* budget*typically*u)lize*midVlevel*CMS*tools.** While*they*don’t*offer*a*feature*set*as*extensive*as*higherV end*tools,*midVlevel*CMSs*s)ll*pack*in*a*lot*of*power*and* are*a*big*step*up*from*hard*coding*or*lowerVend*tools.**
planning,*development*and*implementa)on*if*you*want*to* do*it*correctly.** •

• HighVend*web*content*management*systems*are*geared* towards*larger*organiza)ons.*Although*their*needs*are*not* as*complex*as*an*enterprise.*
• HighVend*content*management*systems*will*oKen*offer* addi)onal*capabili)es*such*as*document*management,* mul)lingual*capabili)es,*collabora)on*and*integra)on*with* mul)ple*systems*and*thirdVparty*tools*(including*social* networking*tools).**
• Stellent*(Oracle),*Ektron*and*Adobe*CQ*(formerly*Day*
management*tools,*and*these*projects*usually*involve*at* least*18*to*24*months*of*planning,*development*and* implementa)on.**



LowVend*CMSs*are*built*for*small*companies*and*startups* that*have*a*limited*budget.*If*you*choose*a*lowVend*CMS,*it* won’t*include*as*many*features*or*“bells*and*whistles”*as* higherVend*tools.** However,*the*tradeVoff*is*that*lowVend*tools*are*more* affordable*than*their*pricier*counterparts.** There*are*dozens*of*lowVend*CMS*tools*on*the*market,* including*ExpressionEngine,*eazyCMS,*WebSite*Director,* Barebones*CMS*and*Symphony.**

OpenVsource*CMS*soKware*is*free*and*you’ll*have*full*access* to*the*source*code.* You*can*customize*it,*enhance*it*and*easily*add*on*to*the*outV ofVtheV*box*features*using*thirdVparty*plugins,*modules,* components*or*extensions.**
Many*openV*source*tools*can*be*fully*customized*to*address* sophis)cated*needs*and*complex*requirements,*and*it’s* becoming*more*and*more*common*for*large*organiza)ons* and*even*enterprises*to*u)lize*openVsource*CMSs.** You’ll*typically*find*an*extremely*vibrant,*engaged*developer* community*for*popular*openVsource*CMS*tools*such*as* Joomla!,*Drupal,*Wordpress,*Umbreco,*OpenCMS*and*




• The*SAAS*vendor*usually*handles*server* monitoring,*upgrades,*patches*and*security* issues*for*you.**
• You’ll*pay*a*heKy*price*for*this*convenience,* though—usually*in*the*form*of*a*monthly*fee.** • However,*this*may*be*a*good*choice*for*you*if* you*need*to*get*up*and*running*quickly*and*you* don’t*have*a*technical*staff*inVhouse.*Examples* include*Agility,*CrownPeak,*Kintera*and* WebSideStory*(Visual*Sciences).**


• Another*area*of*interest*is*that*CMS*tools*at*all* levels*are*becoming*more*robust*and*are*beoer* able*to*compete*for*the*business*of*larger* organiza)ons*than*was*previously*possible.** • It’s*not*uncommon*to*hear*about*large* organiza)ons*who*are*considering*openVsource* CMS*tools*or*midVlevel*CMS*tools,*and*the*“big* players”*in*the*enterprise*space*now*have*a*lot* more*compe))on*than*they*had*just*a*few*years* ago.** • Hosted*CMS*tools*are*installed*on*the* manufacturer’s*web*site*as*a*soKwareVasVaV service*(SAAS)*offering.**
• This*means*that*you’ll*go*to*that*company’s*web* site*or*your*own*customized*URL*to*log*into*the* CMS*via*a*web*browser,*and*you*can*access*it* anywhere*that*you*have*an*Internet*connec)on.** • The*drawback*is*that*if*you*don’t*have*a*network* connec)on,*you*will*not*be*able*to*access*or* make*changes*to*your*site—not*good*news*in*the* case*of*an*emergency*or*an*urgent*task.** • As*of*2012,*most*CMS*vendors*have*integrated* social*networking*and*collabora)on*into*their* offerings.*
• In*addi)on,*mobile*capabili)es*(for*both*the* administra)ve*staff*who*will*be*managing* content*and*end*users*who*will*be*viewing*it)* have*become*the*norm*instead*of*the*excep)on.** • Content*management*systems*have*also* embraced*the*concept*of*integrated*marke)ng,* wherein*content*owners*can*)ghtly*)e*together* all*aspects*of*their*marke)ng*and*sales*efforts**

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Leonardo Da Vinci

...LEONARDO DA VINCI I LA PINTURA MURAL DEL RENAIXEMENT ÍNDEX 1. CRONOLOGIA DE LEONARDO DA VINCI 2. LA RECEPCIÓ DE LA FIGURA DE LEONARDO DA VINCI 3. ELS MESTRES 4. ELS ANYS DE FORMACIÓ 5. LEONARDO DA VINCI: OBRA DE TALLER 6. L’ANUNCIACIÓ 7. EL SANT JERONI 8. L’EPIFANIA 9. LEONARDO DA VINCI I LA MILÀ DELS SFORZA 10. LA VERGE DE LES ROQUES 11. EL CAVALL DELS SFORZA 12. CASTELLS I CIUTATS 13. LEONARDO DA VINCI I LA PINTURA DELS SFORZA 14. L’ESGLÉSIA DE SANTA MARIE DELLE GRAZIE 15. EL REFECTORI. ANTECEDENTS DEL CENACOLO 16. IL CENACOLO 17. LA REPERCUSSIÓ DEL CENACOLO 18. LEONARDO DA VINCI DESPRÉS DE MILÀ 19. LA GIOCONDA 20. ELS CÒDEX DE LEONARDO 2 7 11 14 16 19 22 24 27 30 33 36 38 41 43 46 48 50 57 62 1 1. CRONOLOGIA DE LEONARDO 1452 - Neix a Anchiano, comuna de Vinci, prop de Florència. Document que acredita la data de naixement, escrit del seu avi- quadern on l’avi escriu els fets més importants de la seva família. És fill natural del notari Ser Piero de Vinci i d’una camperola, Caterina. El mateix any del seu naixement, el pare es casa amb una jove de noble família, Albiera di Giovanni Amadori. La mare, després, es casa amb Acattabriga Piero di Vacca. Piero té moltes dones (que van morint) i molts fills. Neixen el mateix any que Leonardo: Girolamo Savonarola i Ludovico Sforza “il moro” neixen al mateix any que Leonardo. Miquel Àngel neix al 1475, 23 anys després. Rafael Sanzio neix al 1483, 31 anys després. També al 1452 Piero della Francesca pinta a Arezzo el cicle de...

Words: 27478 - Pages: 110

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Mobile Banking

...Entertainment Cars Design Business US & World Forums Facebook Twitter Guest editor Bill Gates Can mobile banking revolutionize the lives of the poor? By Ben Popper We're excited to have Bill Gates as our guest editor in February. Throughout the month, Bill will be sharing his vision of how technology will revolutionize life for the world's poor by 2030 by narrating episodes of the Big Future, our animated explainer series. In addition, we'll be publishing a series of features exploring the improvements in banking, health, farming, and education that will enable that revolution. And while the topics reflect the bets Bill and his wife Melinda are making with their foundation, they've asked us for nothing less than fully independent Verge journalism, which we're more than happy to deliver. Turns out Bill Gates is a pretty confident guy. Nilay Patel, Editor-in-Chief In the village of Sori along the banks of Kenya’s Lake Victoria, fishing has long been the lynchpin of the local economy. Jobs here are largely divided by gender: men catch the fish, and the women process the meat, take it to market, and handle finances. As detailed in a 2012 study from the SIT Graduate Institute, residents of Sori traditionally kept their money at home. Theft was a constant concern, and many of the women interviewed reported their husbands misappropriating their savings. For many, traditional banks were either too far away, or demanded minimum deposits the villagers could not afford. All that...

Words: 2583 - Pages: 11

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...the Amazon service. Not only are you able to be effective with your money by using this cloud computing platform but you are exposed to many customers by using this service. A couple of businesses that utilize this service include; Netflix, Instagram, Etsy, DropBox, and Spotify. Even some big name Enterprises such as Samsung and NASA use this platform for their business functions. The beauty of this service is that the more people that use this service the cheaper the cloud of computing and storage becomes for the user as they are able to create and service more at a lower price. In the middle of last summer of 2013, “Amazon Web Services announced it is dropping the prices of dedicated instances on EC2 cloud computing by up to 80 percent” (Verge, 2013). Technology is becoming more relevant in everybody’s life...

Words: 608 - Pages: 3

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Edwin Arlington Robinson

...Edwin Arlington Robinson has an exceptional way of expressing himself in an indirect way.Luke Havergal is the poem I have selected because it has a powerful sense of imagery. Poems that give imagery are easier to understand the message being pointed out. The way I come into relation with this poem is that I’ve had relatives who have been in a very serious situation involving how sick they are and how close they’re coming to their lifetime. This ties in with the world we live in today because most elderly people pick up a sickness and sometimes are too sick that they find themselves on the verge of dying. This poem has a significantly strange message relating to death. Death is when someone or something comes to the end of their life. The message is about a man who is unbearably ill with a fever and is slowing dying. He is being told that the sun is setting so he is closer to the end of the day or close to the end of his life. He could possibly be called upon on by his wife, who has already passed away, to rejoin her in the afterlife....

Words: 539 - Pages: 3

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Argumentative Essay On Student Loan

...out whta to do next. Uears progress and the bills andpayments pile up holding up the lives of young Americans and thier ability to work on soemthing that they want.Another readon as to why student loan debt should be addressed an dis a big problem is becasue its the possible reason for America to go into a recession again. When The Great Recession took place in 2008 people and businesses suffered due to the eodnomy on the verge of cllasping and not providng much money to the people. Stocks started to drop and become a huge concern for people. As the article, Student Loan Debt Crisis – An Economic Disaster Waiting to Happen?, "A number of experts are predicting what would basically amount to The Great Recession – Part 2. But, despite it’s search-engine popularity, it’s not totally clear if we are witnessing the development of another economic bubble about to pop." Though its not clear as to how big and if a recession could happen its quite a serious problem that needs to be addressed and taken into concern by the government. Student loan crisis is on the verge of damaging the American economy, from succeeding any further. ...

Words: 607 - Pages: 3