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The Yellow Car Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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“He says he knows the car that did it… it was a yellow car.” This line from The Great Gatsby talks about an infamous yellow car involved with a hit and run. A love story gone wrong, a girl and her lover leave her husband after a fight, only to end up hitting the husband’s mistress. This later leads to the death of the girl’s lover and the mistress’ husband. The 1920s set story talks about longing and love, life and death, and of course the personality and ideals that were so prominent during this time period. Embellished with materialism and illegal dealings, this book covers many dark subjects, one of the most overlying - death. This said car and its color have great symbolism and value in the story, and we can examine it to gain a better understanding of the story’s plot. The …show more content…
In other parts of the story, the author seems to associate colors like white with longing, and from there we can come up with an assumption of what yellow is. Some view yellow as a tainted shade of white, or therefore a tainted longing. Based off the novel, it seems reasonable to assume that the strong emotions present in the yellow car’s scenes taint the longing people feel. This creates the idea of ‘emotional blindness,’ or not being able to see past, or without influence from, one’s emotions. This proposition is subtly seconded in the story, with Jay Gatsby, the girl’s lover, explaining that, “when we left New York she was very nervous… first Daisy turned away from the woman toward the other car, and then she lost her nerve and turned back.” The fear and shock Daisy, the girl, was feeling escalated to the point where she ran over someone because her emotions clouded her judgement and kept her from reaching reality. The color yellow is important to the story, and based on the book, it seems to represent emotions blinding one from what is going on around

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