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Theme Of Redemption In The Kite Runner

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At the end of the book, Kite Runner Amir seeks redemption. He seeks redemption by adopting Hassan’s son Sohrab. Hassan was Amir’s old father’s servant along with his father Ali. Hassan’s son is his key to opening up new doors and starting all over by repaying Hassan for all he has done for Amir. He feels guilty about the two events that had happen with Hassan. The rape of Hassan and when Amir set him up to stealing his watch. Amir lives in America but was willing to go back to his hometown and bring Sohrab back home with him. He went through some obstacles and saw some things that was very devastating to get to Sohrab. He manages to escape with Sohrab and takes him in. When Amir introduced him to flying a kite he ends up running the kite for

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