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Thinking Sk


Submitted By lutfi
Words 755
Pages 4

Intelligence? Thinking? Knowledge?

I have aced the definition of thinking, but now this! Gosh!

Thinking vs Intelligence
The belief that intelligence and thinking are the same has led to 2 unfortunate conclusions in education: 1. That nothing is to be done for students with a high intelligence because they will automatically be good thinkers. 2. That nothing can be done for students without a high intelligence because they cannot ever be good thinkers.

Thinking vs Intelligence
• de Bono found that by developing thinking abilities, it is possible to transform one’s aggressive tendencies, bad temper and other negative tendencies creatively and constructively. when school students were taught to think effectively, their ill-temper and aggressive tendencies reduced significantly.

Thinking vs Intelligence
• Clinical Psychologists have also found that those who have neuroses are poor thinkers as compared to normal people. Neurotics scored significantly lower scores in decision making, problem-solving and creative thinking. Interestingly, when neurotics were taught to think effectively, they showed a remarkable reduction in their neurosis.

Intelligence, Thinking & Knowledge
A car analogy:
• Intelligence is like the horsepower of a car.

• Thinking is like the skill of the car driver.
• Knowledge is like the fuel of the car.

Intelligence, Thinking & Knowledge
• Driving Skills • Horsepower • Fuel Horsepower = Intelligence Fuel = Knowledge Driving skills = Thinking skills utp ghf 0033 (1)

Difference between Intelligence & Thinking
• A less powerful car may be driven well. • A powerful car may be driven badly. • The skill of the driver determines how the power of the car is used. • The skill of the thinker determines how intelligence is used. Therefore,

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