Premium Essay

This I Believe and This I Don't


Submitted By wwtrouble99
Words 351
Pages 2
This I believe (and This I Don’t)
Exercise 1.1

“Practice is the key to a writer’s development. The more a writer writes, the more he or she will improve.” How many times did we hear “practice makes perfect” when we were growing up. Sport, music, school, dance and all other frustrating first in our lives can be pacified by reminding ourselves that the more we practice, the better we will be. One can only assume that this goes for writing as well. However, “The best way to develop as a writer is to imitate the writing of the people you want to write like” seems like the easy way out to me. If practice makes perfect than how can imitation be considered growth and development. I can attempt to imitate a doctor but that won’t make good at saving lives!

I’m a mom, I have 4 children and I see it as my responsibility to teach and develop both their natural abilities and their essential skills. Writing, in my opinion, is a delicate balance between the two. You must be born with the creativity to see how words can come together on a page to form sentences into complete thoughts and ultimately a written work. That being said, no amount of natural talent will create an award winning novel without the writer practicing his or her skills and putting actual words on a piece of paper. Natural ability alone does not actually write a paper or a book. A writer writes that paper or book and the act of doing so is that writer practicing their skill.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but has anyone ever said that imitation is the best method for learning a skill? I don’t personally believe that most people can learn or develop a talent by imitating someone who has already put in the hard work. Sure, you may learn a new style of writing, or new words and you may even develop a better sense for the flow of writing but

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