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Three Types of Unemployment


Submitted By keyshift
Words 418
Pages 2
Today I will like to discuss the three types of unemployment and how it affects our society today from
Social view and biblical view. According to Gwartney (2015), Abnormally high rates of unemployment generally reflect weak demand conditions for labor, counterproductive policies, and/or the inability or lack of incentive on the part of potential workers and Potential employers to arrive at mutually advantageous agreement (Gwartney, 2015, p. 160 ch8 section 3).

With that in mind economist has categorized unemployment into three types which are frictional structural, and cyclical. Frictional unemployment occurs when the labor market is constantly changing. The changes are when employers are not fully aware of all available workers and there job qualifications and when workers are not aware of the jobs that are available. Structural unemployment is when the economy produce difficult patterns for the job seeker to find work and for the employer to find and hire workers. Cyclical unemployment is unemployment that is cause by lack of business; this usual occurs when there is a recession. We develop a framework where mismatch between vacancies and job seekers across sectors translates into higher unemployment by lowering the aggregate job-finding rate (Sahin, Aysegul; Song, Joseph; Topa, Giorgio; Violante, Giovanni L, American Economic Review, November 2014, v. 104, iss. 11, pp. 3529-64). In social times like this
It’s important to find local organizations that have inside access to the unreachable market.

Due to our recent recession Dec 2007 to June 2009 our country unemployment rates raise to 9.5 percent and continue to raise to 10 percent months after the recession ended, Oct. 2009( BLS SPOTLIGHT ON STATISTICS THE RECESSION OF 2007–2009) This is also the latest example of the cyclical unemployment type.

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