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Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried

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The Things They Carried, written by Tim O’Brien, is a novel centered around Alpha Company during the Vietnam War and what the young soldiers brought with them, physically and metaphorically. From comforting items like comic books, illustrated Bibles, pictures of loved ones, to deeply-ingrained emotions and trauma, O’Brien carefully crafts each character to represent a different aspect of war. Kiowa, the Native-American and Christian best friend of the character Tim in the novel, is one of many complicated, tragic stories brought to life through literature. While there are other facets of war demonstrated by different characters in the novel, Kiowa is specifically used to demonstrate the most devastating of them all: the human cost of conflict. …show more content…
Revisiting Vietnam at all would show how much of an impact Kiowa had on Tim, but going so far as to return to the swampy mud field where Kiowa died signifies how important this person was to him. Tim has aged and grown from his time in Vietnam, yet those experiences and people he met along the way have stuck with him. His sadness and regret had boiled down to feeling strange about the entire situation. “I pictured Kiowa’s face, the way he used to smile,” he narrates, “but all I felt was the awkwardness of remembering” (O’Brien 184). He remembers Kiowa down to the little details, and yet after twenty years, he has still turned away from trying to revisit these memories until he is back in Vietnam. Although he never left Kiowa in Vietnam, it feels as though he is only comfortable remembering his best friend in war when he is back on the battlefield. In the end, readers begin to understand what the loss of his best friend did to Tim over the years, and exactly what O’Brien attempts to convey with Kiowa as a character. Throughout The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien utilizes Kiowa’s presence and character to depict the psychological effects of losing a loved

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