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Time To Kill Racism

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“A Time to Kill” relates heavily to the ideas that are mentioned in class. For example, subjects similar to the racism throughout the movie, the influence of the Klu Klux Klan, and the violence that takes place as the trial continues in Canton, Mississippi. In this paper, I will elaborate on how these subjects relate to our discussions in class and how they were handled in the movie. Racism is a major issue in the movie. In class, the documentary “Negroes with Guns”, the book “Civilities and Civil Rights”, and the two articles on stereotypes that were mentioned earlier in the semester all have to deal with racism. The two men that raped Carl Lee’s daughter were portrayed as stereotypical rednecks. They both had mullets, drove a beat up pick-up truck with a rebel flag, and were found in a bar drinking beer. The most evident hint of racism in the movie is at the end of Jake’s closing argument, when he asks the jury, “Now imagine she’s white”. Jake described exactly what happened to Tonya, and told the jury to close their eyes to imagine what would happen is she was a white girl. Additionally throughout the movie, the NAACP tries to get Carl to be defended by their own personal choices of legal help. However, he remains true to Jake. We have discussed the NAACP many times in class. In my rough draft, I mentioned Dr. George Simpkins who was a leader of …show more content…
In the movie, this trial sparks up a re-birth of the Klan in Mississippi. The Klan even goes as far as burning down Jake’s house. Most recently in class, we reviewed a PowerPoint with highlight of the Civil Rights Movement. Klan activity in NC, lead to the advocating of arming the NAACP. We also discussed the Birmingham Church Bombing and the Mississippi Burning. In “A Time to Kill”, the Klan goes after everybody trying to defend Carl Lee. Eventually, after Carl Lee is found not guilty, the main leaders of the Klan are

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