Free Essay

Tintern Sbbey


Submitted By pattyymeltt
Words 706
Pages 3
Holy Trinity- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Socrates-Atheist and corrupt teacher
400 years before Christ birth he is found guilty and condemned to die
Plato’s theory of forms
Images/ Forms Ideas Concepts
Images- Beautiful women,
Concepts-of beaity will still be around
Tintern abbey
Comparison bw when he was young and now that is old
He lost some things but also gained some things he is getting older and wiser
Past to present to future
Young and thoufghtkless youth when y9u are young you can enjoy nature withought thibnkibg abo9ut it too much
Presence that disturbs me.. thoughts that transcend , a sense, sublime
110- when I am in nature I am closer to the essence that makes me human and when I come face to face with that understanding I am reminded of what really matters . from material things

Speaks to young reader 114- If I didn’t think this way I would be lost
You can live life depressed or hopeful
Follow what I say in the poem
Being around young ppl remind him of what he was like when he was young
As you age you quickly forget what its like to be young
You try to unlearn or forget what you were at that age that is why he likes to be with young people
He wants to be able to hold on to what he was and remember what it is like because he relizes he is getting old
125- ppl are not born with happy moods, youre energy comes from nature if you fail to recognize that you suffer decay otherwise known as bad moods, unenthusiastic
All of life is either a tuned piano9 or an unturned piano
He’s a realist and wants young to know bad stuff is coming.
Don’t forget..he keeps saying this romanticist
There are certain things you don’t want to forget by virtue of the future and grabbing good energy
The world is too much with us late and soon… we spend too much time spending and getting and when we do that we waste our powers and convince ourselves we are different from nature because we can overpower
The only difference bw you and a fly they know about flyswatters
Flyswatters are something we know about flies don’t therefore they are far happier but we live life everyday knowing that a flyswatter is coming. You know its coming for you and everyone but when you look at them you do not think that because ypu believe you are different from nature
“I can cut down Ruthy’s tree,I am different .
Little we know of nature that is ours.
We are out of tune and have no sense of how to connect to the things that really matter
Getting & spending= making money= losing ourselves
We spend all our lives thinking about tomorrow and discover that it never really gets here..we never get to tomorrow, its always today
We spend most of today thinking of tomorrow
Abbey- religious building
He is visiting a place where once he had no knowledge of theb sublime and no feeling towards nature
Elements of Nature
He has not seen his sister in years, If I die think back to the love I have for you and these feelings and memories and love for nature and we’ll be able to be together again.
He acknowledges all the different things he notices.
Enjoying scenery
He goes back in time seeing his childhood. When he was little he did not appreciate nature but enjoyed. He could nnot understand it as a child. Now that he is old and wiser he can appreciate it
“Tranquil restoration”- when he was away thinking back it helped calm and restore him, whether he was alone or with others
Through his childhood memories we are able to make the connection to the passion emotions feelings Recording time of nature and sister
Poem about a return to a place
Cathedral right next to river
Does not come back alone
Little sister she is young
Important things about what it means to be yoiung
You can learn really important things from nature
Old ppl can learn a lot from young people]
Simple ideas can help you understand complicated rhings

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