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Toulmin Wks for "Why Fear National Id's"


Submitted By saadali1997
Words 866
Pages 4
Toulmin Worksheet * Claim: A national Identity card could be an effective tool to promote safety and save us time and money. * Qualifier: * “From a civil liberties perspective, I prefer a system that takes a little bit of freedom from all to one that takes a great deal of freedom and dignity from the few -- especially since those few are usually from a racially or ethnically” disfavored group * At many bridges and tunnels across the country, drivers avoid long delays at the toll booths with an unobtrusive device that fits on a car's dashboard. * First, we already require photo ID's for many activities * But President Bush has proposed giving legal status to many of the illegal immigrants now in this country. * A national ID card would not prevent all threats of terrorism, but it would make it more difficult for potential terrorists to hide in open view, as many of the Sept. 11 hijackers apparently managed to do. * Exception: * Freedom and dignity has been taken away from The few disfavored group, not the majority of the disfavored group. * Few people do not have toll road passes * Not all activities require ID’s * Not all illegal immigrants are not given legal status * Not all 9/11 terrorists hid in open view.
Reason 1: It would reduce the likelihood that someone could, intentionally or not, get lost in the cracks of multiple bureaucracies. * What makes this reason relevant?
It’s relevant since many people try to forge or recreate a passport or fake ID to get into a different bureaucracy. It is a real life problem. * What makes this reason effective? It is effective since It is a real life situation that occurs often. * What evidence supports this reason? It provides vague evidence such as how a majority of Americans carry ID’s in wallets and pocketbooks, and how these ID’s are issued by state motor vehicle bureaus. * Is this evidence sufficient? The evidence isn’t all the sufficient since it does not provide statistics, or hard evidence you can “touch”. It’s all words, which is not good when trying to state a fact. Although, 1 thing is a true fact which is that the ID’s are issued by state motor vehicle bureaus. * Is this evidence credible? It could be credible. The man is from America, which can mean he knows what the average American does. But since there is no hard evidence, or cited statistics, I cannot say it is credible due to the fact not all carry the ID’s in wallets. * Is this evidence accurate? The evidence is accurate, but cannot be backed since there are no statistics.
Reason 2: could actually enhance civil liberties by reducing the need for racial and ethnic stereotyping. * What makes this reason relevant? It is relevant since many people from foreign country’s step on American land daily, and many of those people are not American citizens yet but are troubled with questions and extra searches because they are from another group. * What makes this reason effective? It makes it effective because stereotyping and hassling someone because the person belongs to a certain group is common and is done everywhere for security. If the card tells us who you are, and a little about you, it will eliminate the need for the hassle and stereotyping since everyone will be asked to present a card. * What evidence supports this reason? There is no evidence to support this reason. * Is this evidence sufficient? The evidence is not sufficient. It is all thoughts and hopes. * Is this evidence credible? No it is not. It is the estimated outcome of a man who believes national ID’s are a good idea. * Is this evidence accurate? Since there is no evidence, it is not accurate.
Reason 3: A national ID card would be much more effective in preventing terrorism * What makes this reason relevant? Most terrorists have no identification, or come into the country hiding in plain sight. * What makes this reason effective? It is effective since terrorism is a major problem everywhere. They can narrow searches down instead of stereotyping a certain ethnicity or disfavored group. It provides logic behind why it could be effective in preventing terrorism. * What evidence supports this reason? He uses logic and observations to support the reason. He observed that many men are profiled simply because of appearance. He logically provides a backing for why the ID will help prevent terrorism. He says it will make it harder for terrorists to hide in open view since everybody will have the same card which has all your information on it, and could be viewed by an official anytime, and since it will narrow down millions of men since not all of them are profiled. Only those with no card. * Is this evidence sufficient? It is relatively sufficient since he uses effective Logos * Is this evidence credible? It is not credible since it is not hard evidence. It is the thinking and logic of a law professor. Who knows what his views are. From a logical standpoint, his argument is valid. * Is this evidence accurate? Nobody knows since it has not yet occurred. It is a floating idea. But from a logical standpoint, it could be accurate.

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