Premium Essay

Trans Atlantic Slavery


Submitted By mwasike94
Words 371
Pages 2
One has to agree that slavery remains to be the worst form of human mistreatment in the history of humanity. Slavery deeply hurt the African continent in different ways from the seventeenth century onwards. The Europeans might have duped Africans into believing better things in store for them, but it showed the African weakness of overly trusting strangers. The pain endured by the African slaves can never be fully explained. However, The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade began much earlier in the fifteenth century with the Portuguese on the coast of West Africa. The west-Africans during this era failed to keep their communities together but further encouraged the Europeans to come back for more slaves.
Many African leaders in the fifteenth century were full of egotism and cared less for other community members. As long as the king of the tribe was satisfied and happy, all other tribesmen were none of his business. This kind of selfishness made several kings greedily admire other territories and conspire against each other into planned wars. One has to note that this was a time when clans were deeply divided, and communities had several kingdoms. Many kings during this time found themselves targeted for dethronement. The plan was quite simple. Start a war, capture the king, sell him to the Europeans for a weapon or weapons, and take over the throne left behind.
Many more prisoners were condemned to slavery whenever found guilty. The newly introduced slavery institution was found useful by many who held grudges with specific individuals as they easily got rid of them by calling on the European traders. Over time, slavery became a business for several persons and demand failed to meet the supply as prisons were soon left empty. The next strategy employed was to increase the number of raids and wars where more people would be captured only to be sold later.
The African

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