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Submitted By jollyann
Words 508
Pages 3
What difficulties did U.S. military forces in Iraq encounter with information systems? What management, organization and technology factors contributed to these difficulties?

U.S. military forces in Iraq encounter the information system where information was passed vertically which delayed the flow of information. The organization was centralized. In this type of organization, activities are focused within a particular location. It is a traditional structure of an organization that refers to process of arranging all the technology related services in a single business unit which then provides service to the whole organization. Management is a key issue in centralization and there is commonalty, consistency and compatibility across the work groups (Rockart, Earl & Ross, 1996). It provides the standardization in the company. But, there is no business unit ownership and control of the system. Centralized organizations are unresponsive and fail to meet every business unit’s need. Leaders are more authoritarian in this type of organization and this type of organization perform mostly routine task (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). Because of these features, information system during Iraq war was not very responsive. Information had to go up in the chain of command before any decision was made which delayed the flow of information to the front-line officers.

Describe TIGR and explain why it has been so beneficial to U.S. patrol groups in Iraq?

TIGR, or the Tactical Ground Reporting System is an application developed by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that is described as a cross between Google Maps and Wikipedia (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). This application not only helps to get the information about people, places and activity but also able to track them. The information flows horizontally in TIGR. This application is very useful to U.S. patrol groups in Iraq because of localization, easy customization and transformation of information. Information about key infrastructure, landmarks and terrain can be collected, organized and accessed via standard interface and navigational aids (Laudon & Laudon, 2010).

Why TIGR an example of a horizontal technology?

Before TIGR was introduced, information had to go through the chain of command which causes the time delay in the flow of information. But, in TIGR information flows horizontally because it bypasses the hierarchical structure. Information flows horizontally via peer-based network. In TIGR, front-line officers could collect data, share the data, make strategic and decision based upon the data.

How helpful will TIGR be in future military campaigns? Explain your answer.

Three central attribute of information system is Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) , also referred as CIA triangle. In military campaign, these attribute plays an important role. In order to make a fast and effective decision, availability plays a key role. TIGR helps military easy to access the information faster so that they are made decision before it is too late. TIGR is content based system which value increases with number of users. More military starts using this technology, better it gets. Thus, it will be very helpful in future because of the data that is being entered today by thousands of military.

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