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Trip To Anteros: A Fictional Narrative

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Words 1441
Pages 6
Steven bowed and almost barfed again. He then took the vial and drank it down. “Mmmm...that’s an unexpectedly pleasant taste for medicine.” “Thank you my king, I feel better already.”

The king nodded and turned around so he could address all in the expedition team. “Alright heroes, your journey begins now.” “You will head South out of the kingdom to the city state of Anteros, and then when you arrive at the Fath Coast, a man named Chiron will take you on his boat called the Storm Weaver to the mysterious continent.” “He will provide you with more supplies and weapons there.” “I also personally provided three messenger birds that you can use to report back any findings you receive.” “Personally, and for the lands well being, I do not want …show more content…
I am taking a break from riding my horse to sit in the back of the wagon. I want to write for a bit. We are all very excited to go to the new continent. Steven has gained some confidence after speaking with the king before we left. I brought my old armor and my family sword Lightbringer. I also brought a bow and arrows, just in case we need to hunt for food. Although ...I’d prefer not to. Anyway, I will do what it takes to survive. Although I’m sure the continent will be safe.

The clip clopping of the horses on the stone road was soothing, and before I knew it, I was falling asleep. I snapped awake the second I heard a loud crash, and before I could react, I was flying through the air above the wagon. A seemingly invisible force keeping me afloat. After a few minutes floating above the ground, I saw what had happened. The wagon had crashed into a boulder after the driver had passed out. The back of the wagon flew into the cart full of explosives roped to a horse. I gasped at the burning bodies of three of my companions. It couldn’t could a horrible accident happen like this? I wish I could have prevented it. A second later I felt a pounding sensation in my head and closed my eyes in pain. When I opened my eyes, I saw my journal in my hands. The words I’m sure the continent will be safe were in my immediate field of vision. My head was resting on the wagon wall, and I listened intently to the horse clip clopping on the road. I immediately yelled for the wagon to stop. The driver halted abruptly, and I heard a head hit the outside of the wagon. Darn drunk driver. I leapt out of the wagon and ran to the front of it. All the other adventurers gathered around me on their horses in

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