Free Essay



Submitted By cedric
Words 1666
Pages 7

NOM et Prénom de l’ÉTUDIANT :____FANDOHAN CEDRIC __________________________

DOSSIER INTERMEDIAIRE de la PAGE 4 à 7 (à déposer sur la plateforme uniquement dans pédagogie ESC2 – CARNET DE VOYAGE avant le 2 février 2012 et à intégrer dans le dossier final)

I. Objectifs du Management Programme Page 1

II. Piste de réflexion et conception du carnet de voyage Page 2

III. Constat de départ sur le Management Programme ← Qu’est-ce que le Management ? Page 4 ← Qu’est-ce que la Stratégie ? Page 5 ← A quoi sert l’ouverture d’esprit ? Page 6

IV. Les modules suivis Page 7

DOSSIER FINAL (à remettre en version papier et sur la plateforme (enregistrement sous format suivant : carnet devoyage nomprénom et essainomprénom avant le 11 avril 2012 à Sonia DELAMARE)

Attention le carnet de voyage et l’essai doivent être séparés

V. Qu’est-ce que ces modules vous ont apporté ? ← MODULE 1 Page 9 ← MODULE 2 Page 10

MODULE 3 Page 11

← MODULE 4 Page 12 ← MODULE 5 Page 13 ← MODULE 6 Page 14 ← MODULE 7 Page 15 ← MODULE 8 Page 16 ← MODULE 9 Page 17

VI. Bibliographie

Qu’avez-vous lu ? Pages 18 et 19

← Présenter les fiches de lectures Page 20 ← Les références à garder Page 21

VII. Rencontres ← Qui avez-vous rencontré ? Page 22 ← Présenter les comptes-rendus des entretiens Page 23

VIII. Visites ← Lieu des visites Page 24 ← Présenter les comptes-rendus de chaque visite Page 25

IX. Vos réalisations

Présenter le fruit de vos créations. Page 26

X. Autre support à présenter Page 27

XI. Constat d’Escale Page 28 et 29

DEUXIEME PARTIE ESSAI (à rendre séparément du carnet de voyage)

L’objectif pédagogique du Management Programme est de former de jeunes managers, prêts à assumer des responsabilités de management peu de temps après leur début de carrière. Il s’agit pendant le management programme de quitter les « recettes toutes faites » et d’apprendre à poser les bonnes questions. Il s’agit de quitter des certitudes et d’envisager une large gamme de possibilités.

Vous ne devez plus être considéré comme un étudiant mais vous comporter comme un futur manager.

Les modules choisis doivent vous tenir à cœur, car pour s’investir réellement les matières étudiées doivent véritablement vous passionner. Le processus de recherche entamé pendant le management programme doit permettre une soif de connaissance qui perdure tout au long de votre vie d’étudiant et du manager que vous vous apprêtez à devenir.

Le carnet de voyage doit servir comme support et preuve des modules suivis, de l’expérience apportés par chacun d’entre eux et intègre un constat sur l’évolution, les objectifs fixés et atteints tout au long de ce programme.

Ce carnet de voyage démontre de quelle façon vous avez rempli les objectifs du management programme. Montrer dans ce carnet comment êtes vous sorti du cadre pédagogique habituel, avez-vous appris davantage… ?

Expliquez de façon explicite de quelle manière, par quelle méthode, quels travaux avez-vous réalisés pendant chaque module et le travail personnel que vous avez fourni. Le module vous a-t-il donné envie de continuer vos recherches, avez-vous trouvé ce que vous cherchiez quand vous avez choisi ce module et commentez votre réponse ?

Ce carnet de voyage peut prendre toutes les formes possibles et inimaginables, nous laissons libre cours à votre créativité cependant, à titre d’exemple, peuvent figurer dans ce carnet des fiches de lectures, des comptes-rendus d’entretien, les questions recherchées et les réponses trouvées, les réalisations…
Tous les supports sont acceptés à partir du moment où ils mesurent et font transmettre à celui qui le lira la façon dont vous avez progressé tout au long de ces 9 semaines de Management Programme. Par contre, la forme créative du carnet de voyage ne sera jamais au détriment du contenu.

La majorité des modules s’articule comme suit : - 18 heures de face à face pédagogique avec l’intervenant souvent répartis sur 3 jours - travail personnel à fournir et demandé par l’intervenant (travaux de groupe, dossier individuel …) - Le reste du temps est consacré à la lecture, la découverte culturelle (pas simplement des visites mais également des rencontres provoquées au gré de vos découvertes dans les modules suivis)

Nous considérons que pour toute la période du management programme vous devez avoir réalisé au minimum une dizaine de lecture sérieuse. (les comptes –rendus de ces lectures font partis intégrantes de l’évaluation de ce carnet de voyage)

Date limite de dépôt du carnet de voyage

• Dossier final : mercredi 11 avril 2012 auprès de Sonia DELAMARE + dépôt sur la plateforme

Ce dossier final comprend (dossier intermédiaire + première partie du dossier final)
+ un autre support contiendra votre essai structuré sur le thème de votre choix.

Des pénalités progressives seront imputées sur la note du carnet de voyage en cas de retard
La note de 0 vous sera attribuée après 5 jours de retard (cachet de la poste faisant foi)

Ce document doit être rédigé de façon dactylographié et remis en version papier et déposé sur la plateforme pédagogie ESC2. Un support « multimédia » peut être un complément mais en rien le document principal.



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|Pour vous, Qu’est ce que le MANAGEMENT ? |
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|Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire gérer des hommes ? Quels sont les enjeux, les difficultés et les questions qui se posent dans cette gestion ?|
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|Gérer des Hommes, c’est mobiliser les moyens les moyens nécessaires afin de les mener vers un but communs. |
|Les enjeux sont principalement l’atteinte de l’objectif. Savoir gérer des conflits dans un groupe est une compétence bien spécifique. |
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|Pour vous, Qu’est ce que la STRATEGIE ? |
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|Pourquoi la stratégie est difficile à gérer, quels sont les enjeux et les questions qui se posent ? |
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|Une stratégie est une direction qu’adopte une entreprise dans le long-terme. Pouvoir garder la stratégie ou la modifier reste un |
|exercice très difficile, dont seul l’expérience pourra vraiment nous apprendre. La stratégie de l’entreprise est prise en fonction de |
|son environnement. Or ce dernier est en constante dynamique ( facteur politique économique , technologique culturel, effet de mode, |
|concurrence…..) |
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|Pour vous, A quoi sert l’OUVERTURE D’ESPRIT? |
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|Pourquoi suivez-vous les cours d’ouverture d’esprit dans le management programme ? Pourquoi avoir choisi ces modules ? |
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|Voici mes modules d’ouvertures d’esprit choisis : |
|Les religions face au monde économique |
|Introduction à la business intelligence |
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|J’ai choisi le premier module car c’est un domaine dont je porte un intérêt particulier. |
|Aujourd’hui pour comprendre notre monde qui subit une véritable mutation, il est important de comprendre l’impact que peut avoir les |
|religions. (A l’image du printemps arabe) |
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|Le second module : Tout bon manager doit savoir prendre de bonnes décisions et rapidement. Pour faciliter le processus, il doit avoir |
|une vision numérisée et statistique et disposer d’outils et de moyens pour l’avoir. Et définir une stratégie. C’est en vue de cet |
|objectif que j’ai choisi le module |
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|Est-ce que l’ouverture d’esprit a un sens dans une École de Commerce ? Est-ce que vous pouvez imaginer son utilité/son intérêt dans |
|votre future profession ? |
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|Si je veux ouvrir une entreprise plus tard, ou accéder à un poste à haute responsabilité. |
|Il est important d’avoir une bonne ouverture d’esprit. Il faut prendre compte un maximum de paramètres important pour faire adopter la |
|bonne stratégie à l’entreprise. Par exmple, Pour s’avoir où s’implanter, il faut savoir prévoir les évolutions politico-économiques. |
|Et la compréhension de l’impact des religions sur les économies prend son importance. |
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Conditions générales de validation du Management Programme

2 modules minimum obligatoires en management
2 modules minimum obligatoires en stratégie
2 modules minimum obligatoires en ouverture d’esprit

8 modules minimum au total






Expliquez et analyser pour chaque module vos motivations, vos attentes et l’apprentissage que vous en avez tiré. Les questions, les recherches, les lectures et tout ce que vous avez réalisé pour ce module. En aucun cas, il ne vous est demandé de faire l’évaluation du module ou de l’enseignant. Nous attendons un contenu construit.

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|Quels sont les livres que vous avez lus au cours du management programme ? Comment ces lectures vous ont aidé à confronter les points de|
|vue abordés lors des modules (merci de joindre les fiches de lecture ainsi que vos avis personnels et motivés pour chacun des livres) |
|Œuvres lues entièrement |
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|Quelles sont les personnes que vous avez rencontrées au cours du Management Programme ? |
|La richesse des rencontres provient de la différence des profils rencontrés et d’un élargissement par rapport à votre environnement |
|habituel. |
|Nom de la personne |Profession |Thème de la discussion |
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|Quels sont les lieux que vous avez visités ? |
|Lieux |Villes et pays |Thème de la visite |
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|Présentez-nous le fruit de vos créations (les plus pertinentes pour vous) |
|Titre de vos créations |Le module suivi |Thème abordé |
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|Présentez-nous les autres supports que vous avez choisis et pourquoi ? |
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|Quelle est votre position par rapport à votre constat de départ ? |
|Quels sont les progressions et les enrichissements que vous avez pu tirer de ces 9 semaines de Management Programme ? |
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|Quel changement sur votre vision de la Stratégie, du Management, sur vous même, sur votre perception de la pédagogie avez-vous pu |
|observer ? |
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|Quelles sont les questions que vous vous êtes posées et les réponses trouvées ? |
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|Quels sont les conseils que vous avez retenus ? |
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|Cette expérience vous aura-t-elle éclairée sur vos orientations futures ? |
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|Quels sont vos projets de lecture, de recherche ? |
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|Quels sont vos enjeux pour l’avenir ? |
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|Avez-vous une idée de problématique pour votre mémoire ? |
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Business Trip Checklist

...| | | Business Trip Checklist | | | While You Are Away: Preparing the Office ☒ | Organize any necessary meetings to take place on your trip; book appointments and meeting rooms. | ☐ | If traveling internationally, obtain any necessary paperwork and vaccinations. | ☐ | Familiarize yourself with local business customs common at destination. | ☐ | Confirm appointments, schedules, reservations, etc. | ☐ | Tie up any loose ends at the office (finish up projects; set up out-of-office replies; notify or remind coworkers about your departure). | ☐ | Print out hard copies of presentations, agendas, and important documents. | While You Are Away: Preparing the Home ☐ | Arrange for child, pet, and plant care; communicate needs and schedules. | ☐ | Pause routine deliveries. | ☐ | Make your home seem lived-in while away by putting lights and a radio on timers. | ☐ | Turn down thermostat. | ☐ | Leave house and car keys, and your complete itinerary, with a trusted friend. | ☐ | Lock windows, garages, and doors. | Packing for the Trip ☐ | Make a list of the specific items of clothing you’ll need to pack for your trip to suit the various functions you’ll attend. | ☐ | Try to pack everything you need in a carry-on bag, to avoid the possibility of lost luggage. | ☐ | If you check your bag, pack a second set of business clothes and toiletries in a carry-on bag, in case of lost luggage. | ☐ | Print several copies of this checklist, and save a copy on your...

Words: 324 - Pages: 2

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The Last Float Trip

...The Last Float Trip – analysis By Mads Brögger Klausen Summary The short story is about a 15-year old girl named Sam. Her father and she have been taking float trips as long as she can remember, but Sam has been offered a scholarship to a boarding school, and therefore this year’s trip seems to be the last one. Along with Sam and her father two others are joining them for the trip, Sam’s uncle Harry and a client of his, whose name is Laydon. With him Laydon is bringing a couple of guns, including a ‘’Nine-millimeter Ruger semiautomatic gun’’ which he intends to teach Sam how to use. She gets pretty good at it, but decides that her father must not know about the shooting. This little secret brings Laydon and Sam closer together and results in a creepy situation one night around the fire after Harry and Sam’s father have gone to bed. Laydon tries to touch Sam on some private spots, but she is clever enough to stop him and walk away. At the end of the trip Sam tells her father that she is now determined to accept the scholarship, maybe because he has discovered a bullet in Sam’s pocket just seconds before. Who is Sam? Sam is right on the edge of saying goodbye to her childhood and this trip makes her take the step to become a more independent and sophisticated young woman, this is also the story’s main theme. In the start of the float trip she is very nervous, shy and furthermore she is unsecure about her own person. At the end of the trip Sam has experienced a lot of new things...

Words: 944 - Pages: 4

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Thanks Giving Trip

...Thanksgiving Homestay Trip Registration Form Please answer all questions and sign your name. Please print clearly and return this application by Friday, October 31, 2014 to: International House Office of Programs and External Relations 1414 East 59th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 Male Family Name First Name Age Female Circle One Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number (with area code) Email Address University Field of Study Date You Entered USA Nationality Hobbies/Interests Single Married Circle One Religion (Optional) Allergies or Medical Conditions: Are you bothered by household pets: Have you attended the Program before (Circle One)? *If Yes, Year(s) Name of affiliated institution: Student ID Number: Please Note: Every participant MUST provide a student ID number on their application as proof of their enrollment in the school Smoker Non-smoker Circle One Dietary Restrictions: Yes No Town(s) Please list all family members who will accompany you on the trip: Name Age Male or Female Relationship (Spouse, Child) Acceptance of Risk As a participant in the International Fellowship Program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume responsibility for any injuries, damages or loss which I, my spouse, or any member of my family may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with the International Fellowship Program...

Words: 409 - Pages: 2

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Long Family Road Trip

...Adventures of a Long Road Trip Back in the Fall of 2006, my wife and I decided to take the kids to Disneyland. We left on our trip in the cool darkness of the early morning. As we drove down the road, my wife started wondering if we forgot anything. We were about four blocks away from the house when she yelled out a few choice words, then said,’ We forgot the package from the travel agent!" I turned around immediately and went in and grabbed it. As we got to about the same spot, she remembered another thing we had forgotten. This happened about three times. That should have told me right there that this was going to be a trip for the ages. The trip all the way to Disneyland went off without a hitch. So we ventured on down to San Diego to go to Sea World. As we got closer to San Diego and driving down I-5 doing about 80 mph so we could just keep up with traffic, I thought I heard something on the roof of our Ford Expedition, where our travel bag was in a net and strapped down. When all of a sudden something in the rearview mirror caught my eye. I hollered a few choice words and said " There goes our travel bag!" It went flying in the air like a dead body falling from the sky. It landed in the third lane of southbound I-5. I pulled over to the side of the freeway, and got out to see how I was going to get it back. Luckily traffic was sort of light and it didn't hit or land on anybody's vehicle. My wife called 9-1-1 and a State Patrol officer showed up not too long after...

Words: 411 - Pages: 2

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Field Trip To The Thronateeska And The Flint Riverquarium

...Field Trip Reflection During the field trip, which was held Thursday, February 22, I have made lots of realizations. I went on a field trip to the Thronateeska and the Flint Riverquarium with all the other 7th Grade Gifted Classes with our chaperones and teachers. On this particular Field Trip, I had so much fun with my group even at the end of the day. So far, this field trip has been one of the best compared to the other ones I’ve went on. I would have never had so many new encounters if I did not go on the field trip. In the Thronateeska I watched two movies about space and the negative effects of plastic. At the Flint Riverquarium I went on a scavenger hunt about all the exhibits and herpetology class. In the planetarium at the Thronateeska...

Words: 607 - Pages: 3

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Preparing A Senior Trip To Athens Bible School

...Going on vacation or any type of trip can be a blast. As Senior Trip is quickly approaching for seniors at Athens Bible School, there is one key element that the trip depends on. This key element is a suitcase; not just any type of suitcase, but a well packed one. Senior trip is ten days, so all your clothes in your suitcase have to last ten days. Packing for senior trip can be difficult because you have to keep in mind several elements of your trip. A well packed suitcase can decide how enjoyable a trip will be. The first key element to keep in mind while packing is where the trip is going to take place. On senior trip the bus travels through the north. Also keep in mind what will be done on the trip. For instance on senior trip they often go to plays or musicals. Always dress for the occasion, being undressed can often be embarrassing. Do some research on where the trip will be taking place to know how fancy it might be or what the culture is like. The key to going on a trip or a vacation is to be happy, so don’t be embarrassed by being underdressed remember to pack for the occasion....

Words: 549 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Charlevoix, Michigan

...The first week of August, my family and I took a long overdue trip to Charlevoix, Michigan. This city is very dear to my Dad because he spent many of his childhood summers here. The entire trip was filled with crazy stories, some of which may have been illegal, as my dad and his siblings relived old memories. Charlevoix, located in northern Michigan, makes for a great summer getaway because of the mild temperatures and rich history. I have always been very interested in my family’s ancestry, and this would be the perfect spot to discover more of it. If had a ticket in my hand and could go anywhere, I would to my Dad’s childhood in Charlevoix in the late 1960s. I would meet him and his siblings as children, I would meet my grandparents and great-grandparents who all passed away before I got the pleasure of meeting. They would tell me stories of their childhood and what America was like when they were growing up. I have always been fascinated with the 1950-60s because it was an important time in American history. From the Vietnam War to the unique fashion of this decade, everything is so captivating to me. It would be very interesting to have been able to experience this time period hands-on. I would swim in the freezing Lake Michigan, or refreshing as the Michiganders would call it. I would eat tons of sugar filled fudge and have a...

Words: 510 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Minnesota

...Minnesota My family and I are going to Minnesota for our grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. I was very excited to go except getting there felt like the longest car ride if my life. I had to sit in the back row of the car with my little brother. Even though the car ride wasn’t that fun it was soon to be just worth it. Our first stop was Minneapolis. There we stayed at a hotel. Our hotel room wasn’t that good though. There were ceilings dripping water and it wasn’t big enough for 7 people, but we made it work. In the morning my brother and I were up before anyone else so we decided to just go to the hotel breakfast. We tried to take a long time to eat so we could give the rest of my family some time to wake up. So, after a 45min breakfast our family still wasn’t ready yet. So we took some apple juice with us and went back upstairs to our room. When I got to the room everybody was still asleep. So my brother and I just sat on the couch waiting until it was time to leave. My parents surprised me by saying we were going to mall of america. My family and I played at the amusement park the whole day. There were a lot of cool rides like the brain scrambler, orange scream and the log ride. After we spent the whole day at Mall of America, our family it the road again. Now we were heading to Garfield, MN. When we got to Garfield my family and I stopped at Walmart to get food for the week. So we got all the food, then headed to the resort to stay for 1 week. When I got there I help...

Words: 854 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Reflective Essay: My Trip To Key West Florida

...Traveling is something my family has always done since I was born. Many times we do day trips, but we always try to have a summer trip to a place that's more than a day's travel away. Our main trip this summer was to Key West, Florida. It was a wonderful experience. Other interesting places we’ve traveled to in the past was Kerala (India), the Smoky Mountains, Toronto, and Chicago. These trips not only made me more adventurous, but it also taught me valuable lessons that can help me for my future. During these adventures, I was able to see the different interactions between people. Just traveling to different areas, near and far, exposed me to cultures that I wasn’t so familiar with. It was interesting to see that we’re not so different from...

Words: 452 - Pages: 2

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...DearMrRandylittle Great news! The field trip for the Oceanography Class this term is a trip to Scripps Institute Oceanography Center in San Diego, Ca. The date is October 11th. This field trip will begin at 6:00 am and last until 7:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet with professional oceanographers and gain occupational information directly from them. Details of a career in this field will be presented. In addition a complete tour of the facility will be conducted. The trip will commence at the bus parking lot on the South Campus. Please be on time as this trip has considerable travel time involved. We want to spend as much time as possible at the aquarium. Don’t forget your notebooks. A log is required. There will be a test on the subject matter next week. Sincerely, Richard G. Little 1456 East Philadelphia Street Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 947-5143 E-mail: August 11, 2002 MsSharonlittleOceanography, ES10Ms MsOnatrioCAMs DearMsSharonlittle Great news! The field trip for the Oceanography Class this term is a trip to Scripps Institute Oceanography Center in San Diego, Ca. The date is October 11th. This field trip will begin at 6:00 am and last until 7:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet with professional oceanographers and gain occupational information directly from them. Details of a career in this field will be presented. In addition a complete tour of the facility will be conducted. The trip will commence at the bus parking...

Words: 810 - Pages: 4

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Travel and Tourism Bussiness Plan

...take year 8 students from our school to attend our trip.We changed our choice because we thought that it was the most convenient year for us in terms of organization and discipline in edition whole Y8 group,had not being on a trip in a last academic year.The proximate age of students is 12-13 years old,they are not very small children,which makes easier to control them and contact with them,but also they are not adults,for that reason we would have enough authority to organize them and carry out an successful trip. We had a lot ideas where we can go,but we decided to narrow all these down to the 3 most convenient places:Benidorm,Alicante and Valencia.We discussed each in terms of cost,interest and convenience for all of participants.We distributed our work among group members:Patricia,Sofia and Valeria made the feasibility including a SWOT analysis of Benidorm,Dario did the SWOT analysis of Valencia,and I did of Alicante. *fesibility studies Mission statement: The mission statement was to develop and improve the student's knowledge about their own country and what they can find in nearby cities.Creating a pleasant and nice atmosphere for children and staff by organizing and exciting entertaining and what is really important is educational day trip. Aims: 1.Develop our team working skills. 2.Improving year 8...

Words: 1594 - Pages: 7

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So Much Water so Close to Home

...So Much Water So Close To Home Raymond Carver This short story by Raymond Carver is about this man called Stuart. Stuart lives with his wife Claire. The story is told from Claire, and her perspective. In the start, the story takes place at a river, some miles away from Stuart and Claire’s home. At this river Stuart and some of his friends, is out for a real man trip. They are fishing, drinking and doing all, of such things men does on a trip like this. In the middle of this trip, one of the men finds a dead body of a girl, in the river. They do not call the police, because they will not ruin the trip. So they decide to call the police after the trip when they was about to go home. Stuart comes home and telling this story to Claire, and that’s really where the story takes start and the action first begins. Shortly after this we can see, that the real action, is about, Stuart and Claire’s relationship, and how Claire is. The settings in the start are at a river, miles away from Stuart’s home. It’s not described very well, but I have an imagination, at how this place the men is at, is a normally place in a forest near a river. Maybe there is a bonfire place, with some stones around it, and they are sitting there in a circle. Otherwise the story takes place several different locations, there isn’t described very much in this short story. A characterization of Claire: In the text, it appears that Claire is mentally ill. It is only, if you read the whole story, it makes sense...

Words: 640 - Pages: 3

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Midterm Review

...was saved, however, he was diagnosed with uremia, which surely caused by the physical contractions between the toxic drug chemicals and my son’s body, according to the doctor. The medical payment for my son is extremely high, so, I have to find some other way to make more money. Normally, people like me in Mexico have two ways to make more money. One is the easier way by dealing with drug; another is the harder way by crossing the US boarder to chasing dream in America. I hate drugs, so, there would be only one option for me. Trip to US Making a decision is hard, especially for this kind. But, like I said, I don’t have any choices. I have to go for myself, my child and my whole families. In Mexico, there are many travel agencies which offer “special service” to help the travelers cross the border. After comparing services and doing some researchers, I finally chose one agency and paid them 3,500 peso one-time fees. The agent promised me that the trip will be easy and safe; however, it came out with a nightmare. I left my home on the...

Words: 466 - Pages: 2

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The House of Hope

...time that I have applied leadership and an immense amount of communication is when my family and I head down to Mexico on a missions trip. Once a year we pack our bags and head across borders driving a total of 16 hours, going into the heart of Mexico we drive through Chihuahua City arriving at a little town called Anahuac. Inside Anahuac is an orphanage called “Casa de la Esperanza,” it is filled with laughter and a second chance for kids who never got the attention and love they deserved. This orphanage has roughly 40-70 kids a year ranging in size, age, and backgrounds you would never wish on anyone. Hearing some of these children’s stories and where they came from would never reflect on who they were on the inside, all these kids want is love and friendship and they would quickly give it back. The very first time we arrived at Casa a lot was going through my mind, since this was a new experience that was out of my comfort zone. I felt times like these really help expand and push limits of leadership and communication that benefit and support a community in need. Casa is truly an amazing place that focuses their vision not on themselves but on the neighboring community, they supply and conduct food drives, medical exams and taking care of whatever else needs to be done in the town of Anahuac. After hearing what was expected of us in this trip I knew I was going to thrive and truly help make a difference. Casa takes in these children...

Words: 1138 - Pages: 5

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Term 1

...My variety of different experiences will help me contribute to the diversity in the Physical Therapy Program.  One of my experiences that really stand apart from others is my participation in a mission trip to Honduras.  I joined students from the University of Connecticut Health School to provide free healthcare to inhabitants of small villages and cities in the area.  The trip taught me the importance of providing healthcare to poverty stricken areas and the effect it can have on the communities. The experience also really cemented the importance of being tolerant of different cultures and areas of the world. You need to be truly passionate about providing a better life for the people that come from less fortunate circumstances, but also understanding of their ways of life. If you are doing something just because you think it looks good and would benefit yourself; your goals become very transparent and those you are helping can tell right away you aren’t really there for them. There was no greater feeling then seeing the smile on the children’s faces while we worked with them to get them better or the clear look of thankfulness on the people who will never take what we provided them for granted.  I would love to have the opportunity to provide physical therapy to similar areas of need, which I can successfully contribute to the program at MGH IHP.             I have also had different experiences relating directly to the field that have all been quite diverse.  My first...

Words: 469 - Pages: 2