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Trocar Research Paper

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The most dangerous part of surgery has been around for many years. For some reason, the initial penetration using a tool called a Trocar has caused many complications with surgeries. The device is pushed against human tissue during laparoscopic surgery until it stabs all the way through the skin, very similar to drilling into a wall. Once the trocar has been pushed all the way through the skin, there is a high risk of damage that could be caused on the internal side of the skin. Nikolai Begg has redesigned the trocar to cause less harm to the internal parts of the human body. His design has a retractable blade that retracts into the device once the pressure of pushing on the skin is relieved. The blunt sheath the blade retracts into keeps …show more content…
“Despite the many technical advances in laparoscopic surgery equipment and the extensive experience of many surgeons, there is still a number of injuries and deaths each year from insertion of trocars and Veress needles” (Laparoscopic Trocar Complications). Laparoscopic surgery has had a great positive impact on the patients and healthcare system. Benefits from the surgery include less pain so the patients can return to their normal routine. The number of surgeries in this field continue to rise year after year because of its effectiveness. “There are more than two million laparoscopic cases performed anually in the U.S.” (Laparoscopic Trocar Complications), also known as minimal access surgery. The use of small instruments designed to work inside of small incisions is the reasoning behind calling it minimal access surgery. The smaller the wound, the quicker the healing time. The blind insertion for the trocar to make the incisions for the instruments is very dangerous. This step is where the complications can take place. The step known as, pneumoperitoneum, is where the carbon dioxide gas is used to push the abdominal wall away from internal organs. Pneumoperitoneum has been used more and more throughout the years since it is a better way to go about the laparoscopic procedure. It creates a better sense of success in the blind insertion of the

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