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Two Patients Two Cancers One Moment of Truth


Submitted By andreameagle2013
Words 1388
Pages 6
Two Patients
Two Cancers
One Moment of Truth
By: Andrea Patterson
Ms. Doris

There are so many types of cancers. The focus in this research paper is to specify two different kinds. Where in which I will describe what type they are, where it’s located, signs to look for, treatments and reactions to those types of treatments. I will also be interviewing two cancer survivors, both of which had different cancers. Dianner Patterson, who was diagnosed with Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma and Cheryl Washington, who was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Nottingham Grade 3.

Dianner Lafontaine Patterson was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with follicular cells on January 31st, 2003. Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma is the most common cancer of the thyroid. It primarily affects more women than men. Symptoms include a nodule or bump on the thyroid gland that is clearly visible, swollen lymph nodes, hoarse voice, and a sore throat. If these nodes or symptoms last more than two weeks consult a doctor. Doctors can diagnose you using extensive research. The type of doctor that specializes in this disease is called an Otolaryngologist or an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor. Diagnosis can be determined by a biopsy with a fine needle, extensive blood work, or an ultrasound or sonogram of the throat. Three types of treatment include: medication, surgery, and radiation iodine. The survival rate is excellent after treatment. Dianner’s journey began when she noticed a solid lump in her throat that was the size of a pea. Nerve wracking as it was she went to the doctor and they told her it was normal to have it there. So she went about her life as usual, until nine months later when the lump or node began to protrude out of her neck and was even bigger than before. She then consulted another doctor and they sent her to a Wichita Ear, Nose, and

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