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Tybalt Is To Blame For Mercutio's Death

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During the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Tybalt Capulet, Juliet’s cousin, kills Romeos best friend Mercutio in Act 3 Scene 1. The fight starts with Tybalt looking for Romeo to confront him about going to his uncles party and then tries to kill Romeo before Mercutio steps in and is killed by Tybalt. Although Tybalt kills Mercutio, is he really the one to blame for causing Mercutio’s death?
Tybalt is the nephew of Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father. He is very skilled at fighting and had attended several schools for sword fighting. Tybalt is highly short tempered and doesn’t like people insulting him or his family causing him to get into a lot of fights. Because of his urges to fight people often refer to him as the prince of cats.

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