Premium Essay

Unfair: Fair Housing By Howard Husock

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Words 863
Pages 4
Yao Chen
Responding Essay#2

A divisive issue is another problem in America. People base on stereotypes to categorize each other into different groups, such as high income family living in the rich area, while the low income family living in the poor area. Another example based on stereotype is that the living in a white neighborhood is safe while living in a black or Hispanic neighborhood is dangerous. Also, people based on colors to divide each other into different areas, even if the blacks and Hispanics are from high income or well educated families. They still cannot join into the white neighborhood because stereotypically, whites are grouped into a high class level than any other racial or ethnic groups. Therefore, divisive issue is a complicated issue, and it is an issue that is hard solve. …show more content…
According to Husock, “No child’s ZIP code should determine her opportunity to achieve.” From his argument, it points out that children of each racial and ethnic group should have the chance to be accepted to a high education. Their opportunity to succeed should not be decided by their ZIP code. In today’s society, people are divided into different classes and these classes are based on income and color. In the other word, the poor live in a poor area while the rich live in a prosperous area. The blacks live in areas that are separated from the Hispanics areas that are also separated from other colors that live in the same

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