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Unfamiliar Words a to Z


Submitted By japukoy
Words 13083
Pages 53

Submitted by: John Patrick Sese

Submitted to: Ms. Lorna Sacyang

Abase - behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade (someone).
Example: I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees

Abate - (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread.
Example: The storm suddenly abated.

Abdicate - fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
Example: The government was accused of abdicating its responsibility.

Aberrant - straying from the normal or right way.
Example: John’s aberrant behavior is going to get him in a lot of trouble one of these days.

Aberration - deviating from what is normal or desirable, not typical.
Example: Since I did not properly adjust my camera settings, all of my pictures have a blurry aberration on them.

Abet - to encourage or support a behavior or action.
Example: The photo editing software is sure to abet my odds of winning the photo competition.

Abeyance - a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Example: Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.

Abhor - to reject something very strongly; hate.
Example: We abhor violence against others and respect everyone, regardless of a person's race, color and creed.

Abhorrent - causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred.
Example: As I looked around the filthy apartment, I had to wonder who could live in such abhorrent conditions.

Abject - cast down in spirit or hope.
Example: After his wife died, he was an abject man.

Abjure - to give up a belief or an activity.
Example: After the tyrant took over the country, the citizens had to abjure their political beliefs.

Ablution - the act of washing or cleansing.
Example: Some religions require believers to perform an ablution before prayer so that they are clean and worthy in the presence of their God.

Abnegation - the act of rejecting or refusing something.
Example: Because everyone knew Jane loved serving the public, they were shocked by her abnegation of the congressional seat.

Abound - available in large quantity or number
Example: At the beginning of the school year, computer deals abound on the Internet.

Abridge - to make shorter.
Example: His agent told him that he needed to abridge some of the content of his novel so that it would be under 400 pages.

Abrogate - to abolish.
Example: You cannot abrogate anyone's right to free speech!

Abscond - escape into hiding.
Example: Do you think he has plans to abscond with the stolen money?

Absolve - to make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility, etc.
Example: The jury’s innocent verdict appears to absolve the defendant of any guilt.

Abstain - restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.
Example: Because of my health, I am going to abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Abstemious - marked by moderation and holding back on indulgence
Example: Gerald was abstemious at dinner and only ate a little of the food on his plate.

Baffle - be a mystery or bewildering to
Example: It baffles her physician as well, and has got doctors increasingly worried.

Baleful - deadly or sinister.
Example: His glance fell on Van Bleit, pallid, red-eyed, obviously suffering, observing him with the baleful look of some savage captive beast.

Balk - refuse to comply
Example: Congressional Republicans, particularly in the House of Representatives, have balked at raising the debt ceiling unless it is accompanied by significant spending cuts.

Ballad - a narrative song with a recurrent refrain
Example: And in the encore there was a new ballad, “Silent Treatment,” which Ms. Bryan sang gently, backed only by Mr. Johnny on acoustic guitar.

Ban - prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure
Example: That’s why gambling and wagers are heavily regulated or banned outright in nearly every country.

Banal - repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Example: Not bare or messy — that might be interesting — just banal.

Bane - something causing misery or death
Example: Knee pain is the bane of many runners, sometimes causing them to give up altogether.

Banish - expel, as if by official decree
Example: He, however, was destined never to return but was proscribed and banished.
Banter - be silly or tease one another
Example: Instead, they bantered, enthused, tripped over each other's words and generally offered their audience the warmest welcome imaginable.

Barbaric - without civilizing influences
Example: The law was immediately hailed as a victory by animal welfare groups over what they consider to be a barbaric and outdated practice.

Barrage - the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target
Example: They destroyed army communications, local cellphone towers and laid down a barrage of mortar fire.

Barren - providing no shelter or sustenance
Example: New homes are sprouting from farmland once irrigated by the nearby Tigris River but rendered barren by war and neglect.

Bastion - projecting part of a rampart or other fortification
Example: Dinner over, melons disposed of, fort, stores, and quarters examined, arrangements were made for sleeping in the various sheds and bastions of the fort.

Bathetic - effusively or insincerely emotional
Example: Taken together, her tribulations have the makings of bathetic melodrama.

Bearing - characteristic way of bearing one's body
Example: He thought her face, her whole bearing, singularly composed in view of his announcement.

Beckon - summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture
Example: Ten minutes more and the orderly opened the door, and, obedient to my beckoning finger, stepped out as the lady was ushered in.

Bedlam - a state of extreme confusion and disorder
Example: With more than 190 people killed and hundreds wounded just three days before the country’s general election, Spain was thrown into political bedlam.

Befuddle - be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
Example: But regulators are profiling data to help find patterns in trading activity that previously would have left regulators befuddled and scratching their heads.

Beguile - attract; cause to be enamored
Example: This is such an entertaining, beguiling, charming and exciting picture.

Behemoth - someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
Example: Behemoths like JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and UBS have snapped up numerous small firms to create industry giants.

Cacophonous - having an unpleasant sound
Example: Shoppers mingle, traders peddle their wares and children play in the street, all to a cacophonous backdrop of roaring motorbikes and honking cars.

Cadaverous - of or relating to a cadaver or corpse
Example: These dreary, cadaverous corpses are supported in the positions which they are made to assume by means of steel wires hidden beneath their scanty robes.

Calamity - an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
Example: In that memorable calamity seventeen lives were lost and forty persons seriously injured.

Callow - young and inexperienced
Example: “Marston,” he began, “drifted into the Paris ateliers from your country, callow, morbid, painfully young and totally inexperienced.

Candid - openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness
Example: Mr. Obama, in an unusually candid public discussion of the Central Intelligence Agency’s covert program, said the drone strikes had not inflicted huge civilian casualties.

Capitulate - surrender under agreed conditions
Example: "Alas, no," said Patrick, mournfully, "the day after the battle our brave soldiers were surrounded by overwhelming forces and obliged to capitulate."

Capricious - determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
Example: She remained remote and wild, suddenly breaking off our talks and displaying, where I was concerned, the most capricious and inexplicable moods.

Caricature - represent in or produce a caricature of
Example: Mrs. Strong subsequently caricatured our progress by representing me very tall with an extremely tight waistband, and Stevenson looking upward from his diminutive steed.

Cartographer - a person who makes maps
Example: This monk was an excellent cartographer, or map-maker, and Christopher wished to talk with him about the western lands.

Castigate - censure severely
Example: In particular, Kucinich castigated Obama for pursuing military intervention in Libya without congressional authorization: President Obama moved forward without Congress approving.

Catharsis - (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
Example: Not enough people use evenings out as an opportunity for catharsis. Caustic - capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
Example: Though the mud only came up to ankle height, its caustic ingredients continue to eat away the foundations.

Cease - put an end to a state or an activity
Example: The firing ceased; the smoke slowly cleared away, revealing the two fleets commingled, shattered, and torn, and strewed with dead. Cede - relinquish possession or control over
Example: He ceded some of his powers to elected officials, while keeping the final say on issues of defense, national security and religion.

Chagrin - strong feelings of embarrassment
Example: He watched his chance, and, at length, escaped, much to his enemies’ chagrin. Charisma - a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others
Example: Egypt's al-Zawahri likely to succeed bin Laden For years, Osama bin Laden's charisma kept al-Qaida's ranks filled with zealous recruits.

Charlatan - a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
Example: Like most charlatans who find it necessary to deceive the world, the physician tried to cover up his shortcomings by noisy bluster.

Chastise - censure severely
Example: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recently chastised China in a speech she gave in which she decried Internet censorship.

Chimerical - produced by a wildly fanciful imagination
Example: Indeed during his wild and chimerical attempts for finding out a golden country, it is not improbable that this brave adventurer visited many different places.

Chronic - being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering
Example: Patrick is expected to remain out until at least June, while Utley, battling chronic knee injuries, may not return until May.

Dally - waste time
Example: Too long already had the young General dallied, wasting time. Dapper - marked by up-to-datedness in dress and manners
Example: Favoring elegant, tailored suits, he was once named one of the best dressed men in America by People magazine for his "diplomatically dapper" style.

Dauntless - invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Example: He had dauntless courage, unwearied energy, engaging manners, boundless ambition, unsurpassed powers of debate, and strong personal magnetism.

Dawdle - take one's time; proceed slowly
Example: Being alone, she ate slowly, and deliberately dawdled over the meal, to kill time.

Dearth - an insufficient quantity or number
Example: In those arid deserts, they suffered from thirst as well as from dearth of provisions. Debacle - a sudden and violent collapse
Example: Meanwhile, for now, Mr. Obama has no major scandals or foreign policy debacles. Debilitate - make weak
Example: Necropsy reports told of horses that had been running with debilitating ailments: stomach ulcers, degenerative joint diseases, pneumonia, metal screws from previous broken bones.

Debunk - expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas
Example: Many examples show that what physicians once accepted as truth has been totally debunked. Deduce - conclude by reasoning; in logic
Example: These cases, extreme as they are, do not justify, in my judgment, the conclusion deduced from them.

Defame - charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example: Doesn't King know he is going to be smeared and defamed for these hearings no matter what? Defiance - a defiant act
Example: At least 10 people were escorted by security out of the building after a systematic protest in defiance of the board's actions.

Defunct - no longer in force or use; inactive
Example: Gold's has found that its express gyms fit well in spaces vacated by defunct or shrinking retailers. Dejected - affected or marked by low spirits
Example: Around the table, the group of men—pallid, gloomy, dejected, disheartened. Deleterious - harmful to living things
Example: A number of the species are edible, while others have been recorded as deleterious, poisonous, etc. Delicacy - something considered choice to eat
Example: The lady soon prepared supper, consisting of broiled chicken, and other delicacies. Deluge - the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
Example: Dykes and bridges were washed away in places and roads submerged by the muddy deluge. Demeanor - (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
Example: Hollander projects a unifying, jovial persona and leadership method that clashes with Sarkozy’s dominating, impetuous, controversial, and at times grating demeanor. Demographic - a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.)
Example: In my country, about 70 percent of the citizens are 30 years old or younger, and there are similar demographics in many other developing countries.
Denounce - to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
Example: Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the courthouse, chanting slogans denouncing the perpetrators and demanding justice for victims. Depict - show in, or as in, a picture
Example: The life-size bronze statue depicts Shannon Stone and his young son wearing baseball caps.

Ebullient - joyously unrestrained
Example: The piece opened with ebullient bursts of energy and color that scampered over harmonica drones played by one or more members.

Eclectic - selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
Example: A former student of fine art, Mr. Scruff's eclectic selections are accompanied by animations of the trademark "potato people" who humorously narrate his musical journey.

Edible - suitable for use as food
Example: Nevertheless, hunger increased so much that many ventured out into woods along the river seeking edible roots, and with some success.

Edify - make understand
Example: Then Miss Fairbairn held one of her little discourses, with which now and then she endeavored to edify her pupils.

Efface - remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing
Example: Her rich beauty was wiped out as an acid-soaked sponge might efface a portrait.

Effervescent - marked by high spirits or excitement
Example: When he ran for president, Barack Obama's effervescent campaign was about hope, optimism, national unity, and, above all, the future.

Effulgent - radiating or as if radiating light
Example: Ere another year be passed, we hope to see its effulgent rays light up all the dark corners of our land.

Egalitarian - favoring social equality
Example: “We are living in an egalitarian society where everyone is equal,” he said.

Egotistical- characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance
Example: I have lived an entirely egotistical life, for myself alone.

Egregious - conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
Example: “His comments were so egregious, naturally advertisers will have doubts about being associated with Limbaugh’s brand of hate,” Mr. Boehlert said in an e-mail message.

Elated - full of high-spirited delight
Example: Young Barry returned from his parting walk with his brother in high spirits, elated with hope, and better both in mind and body.

Eloquent - expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
Example: But, so far as the best selection of words, the clearest style, the most coherent and convincing argument can constitute eloquence, Mill's speeches are eloquent.

Elucidate - make clear and (more) comprehensible
Example: Improving the understanding of why tissues in bar-headed geese are so adept at taking up oxygen might elucidate human respiration as well.

Elude - escape, either physically or mentally
Example: Gregory was arrested at the scene after allegedly attempting to elude police by jumping out of a window, police said.

Elusive - skillful at eluding capture
Example: They are an elusive lot and Don Ramon would soon wear out his troops hunting them in the bush.

Emancipate - free from slavery or servitude
Example: The Civil War came to an end, leaving the slave not only emancipated but endowed with the full dignity of citizenship.

Embellish - make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
Example: At Saks, reedy shapes and flared minis, and more vanguard looks like Marc Jacobs’s sports-inspired skirts embellished with a racing stripe, are projected best sellers.

Embody - represent in bodily form
Example: He was a can-do optimist who, despite many years in the environs of Hollywood, identified with and embodied American values.

Embryonic - of an organism prior to birth or hatching.
Example: Human embryonic stem cells typically come from fertilized eggs.

Eminent - standing above others in quality or position
Example: The daring aviator was heartily congratulated again by the President and other eminent men who thronged about him.

Fabricate - put together out of artificial or natural components or parts
Example: Generally they are fabricated in that hardest of all metals—steel.

Facet - a distinct feature or element in a problem
Example: For the last two years, my work has focused on all facets of the energy sector, including investment, development and policy issues.

Facetious - cleverly amusing in tone
Example: I am looked upon as highly facetious at night, for I crack jokes with everybody near me until we fall asleep.

Facile - performing adroitly and without effort
Example: His facile talent adapted itself to every style in turn.

Facsimile - an exact copy or reproduction
Example: These ultra-counterfeits are light years beyond the weak facsimiles produced by most forgers, who use desktop printers.

Faction - a dissenting clique
Example: According to reports, an Islamist, al-Qaeda-linked faction known as Ansar Dine spearheaded the city’s takeover, likely muscling out more secular Tuareg and rebel comrades.

Fallacy - a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning
Example: It's called the straw man fallacy: refuting arguments nobody's made.

Fallible - wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
Example: We regard them as extraordinary but fallible and imperfect men, whom it would be very unsafe to follow in every view and line of conduct.

Fallow - left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season
Example: But before that the fields, which had lain fallow through the winter, must be ploughed and harrowed.

Falter - the act of pausing uncertainly
Example: Tom tried to speak, but he faltered and moved from one foot to the other, in an embarrassed and hesitating way.

Familial - relating to or having the characteristics of a family
Example: They are also highly familial, with very high rates among first-degree relatives of affected people.

Famine - a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death
Example: To address famine in developing countries, genetic engineers can make inexpensive food crops, such as rice or corn that contain extra nutrients.

Farcical - broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
Example: Mr. Sheldon's The Havoc seems also farcical in its type; nevertheless it is a serious satiric thrust at certain extreme conceptions of marital relations.

Fastidious - giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness
Example: Clodagh bent her head, noting with the fastidious intolerance of youth that his clothes were baggy and his hands unclean.

Fatal - bringing death
Example: It was a very fatal complication, death resulting in all but two instances.

Fatuous - devoid of intelligence
Example: Seth Meyers’s opening monologue: Background required to understand jokes: Like other celebrities, professional athletes are occasionally fatuous and commit embarrassing acts in their personal lives.

Fauna - all the animal life in a particular region or period
Example: Bore holes and wells drilled in Australia, however, have revealed an amazing water beetle fauna of about 100 species.

Fawning - attempting to win favor by flattery
Example: Waiters at fashionable hotels, who hung on the chairs of rich guests with more than usual fawning, were boasting of fortunes made in a day.

Fealty - the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)
Example: In Germany and France the vassal owned supreme fealty to his lord, against all foes, even the King himself.

Feasible - capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
Example: There are many evening classes at universities in major metropolitan areas, which make it more feasible when you're working full-time.

Genteel - marked by refinement in taste and manners
Example: "Mrs. D.," said he, turning on me like a tiger, "are you going to teach me polite breeding and genteel manners?" Gentility - elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression
Example: Obviously, that level of gentility and decorum is difficult to maintain at regular tour events. Gentry - the most powerful members of a society
Example: In my young days the people with means were the landed gentry and the nobility. Genuflect - bend the knees and bow in church or before a religious superior or image
Example: When you enter, bless yourself with holy water and go quietly to your seat, genuflect on your right knee and enter the pew. Genuine - not fake or counterfeit
Example: While partial relief may be obtained through other channels, real, genuine, and lasting redress can only be obtained by organized action at the polls. Germane - relevant and appropriate
Example: But such questions are not germane to my central theme, and so I pass them over lightly.

Germinal - containing seeds of later development
Example: The most valuable means of securing this all-important growth is “play,” which Froebel said contained the germinal leaves of all later life. Germinate - cause to grow or sprout
Example: Nothing might come of it just then, but Elmer hoped the seed would find lodging, and perhaps later on germinate. Gerrymander - divide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts
Example: In practice, though, officials in both parties often try to gerrymander districts to help themselves and their parties win more elections. Gestate - be pregnant with
Example: In her womb they were gestated and formed. Gesticulation - a deliberate and vigorous gesture or motion
Example: Then the clapping and gesticulations broke forth with increased violence. Gesture - motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling
Example: At that, one of the younger men lifted a hand--a quick, nervous gesture, denoting at once surprise and consternation. Ghastly - shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
Example: From here events build up to highly shocking climaxes, including a ghastly murder. Gibberish - unintelligible talking
Example: But the answer was a gurgling gibberish that made no sense at all! Gibe - an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect
Example: When nothing but charred end-logs and glowing coals remained, Kent’s men tramped off through the deep snows shouting gibes and taunts at their enemies. Giddy - lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
Example: Another party of giddy, laughing girls, chatter away in a different strain. Gingerly - in a gingerly manner
Example: Newman got hurt during practice Wednesday, walking gingerly off the field after getting tangled with a receiver during pass coverage drills. Gird - prepare oneself for a military confrontation
Example: In this semantic skirmish, the White House, bolstered by the momentum of victory and allies old and new, is girded for combat. Girder - a beam made usually of steel; a main support in a structure
Example: The 130-year-old stone cathedral stands broken and deconsecrated, with stained-glass windows shattered and the west wall propped up by girders. Girth - the distance around a person's body
Example: Others posted messages saying they were looking for "a fat guy called Ai"– a reference to the artist's impressive girth.

Haven - a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary
Example: At most shows, security guards usually swoop in at this point, cutting off audience access to designers and their backstage havens. Havoc - violent and needless disturbance
Example: On Friday, 62-mph winds caused havoc, knocking over TV towers and fences, and forced race organizers to cancel a giant slalom. Headstrong - habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
Example: She has a great deal of difficulty, for they are both so headstrong and unruly that they will hardly obey at all. Hearsay - gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth
Example: I tell you not of things learned by hearsay; I myself have beheld all these horrors in the Holy Land of Palestine. Hearty - showing warm and heartfelt friendliness
Example: Not one hesitating voice, but instead, three hearty cheers that made the vessel ring. Heathen - a person who does not acknowledge your god
Example: "Are you Christians," said the holy man, "or heathens?" Heave - throw with great effort
Example: Instead, he panicked and heaved an incomplete pass at teammate Rich. Heckler - someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections
Example: For the next few days, when NTV reporters went out to cover public events, hecklers gathered around them chanting “shame.” Heed - pay close attention to; give heed to
Example: For some distance he put on great speed, but later heeded Perth's suggestion to go more slowly and so attract less notice. Heedless - characterized by careless unconcern
Example: Rembrandt was heedless in his habits, spending what he earned, living on credit, signing onto bad deals.

Hegemony - the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
Example: Chinese officials say the purpose of their military modernization is purely defensive and they have no aspirations toward regional hegemony. Heinous - extremely wicked, deeply criminal
Example: Supporters of the death penalty, meanwhile, described heinous cases and said there were still some circumstances so intolerable as to require execution. Heir - a person who inherits some title or office
Example: Hu’s heir apparent, Vice President Xi Jinping, is scheduled to take over next year and is far less shy about making headlines and meeting Westerners. Helm - a position of leadership
Example: He held various positions, including head of the technology development planning unit and personnel chief, before taking the helm at the camera business in April. Hemisphere - half of a sphere
Example: The New World or Western Hemisphere consists of two continents. Hemorrhage - the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
Example: On the other hand, babies delivered by C-section were less likely to have one type of bleeding around the brain -- known as subdural hemorrhage. Herald - foreshadow or presage
Example: The fleet of traders was preceded some way in advance by light, swift sailing ships which heralded its coming. Herbivorous - feeding only on plants
Example: Sheep and cattle are herbivorous: they feed on herbs, on vegetables. Herculean - extremely difficult; requiring the strength of a Hercules
Example: He made herculean efforts to get on terms with his examination subjects, and worked harder than he had ever done in his life before. Hereditary - inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent
Example: From the way in which his eldest son Osman is being brought up, it is evident that Abdullah seeks to establish a hereditary succession.

Inclement - (of weather or climate) severe
Example: Check with your business's insurance policy to make sure it covers any accidents on company property caused by inclement weather conditions. Incognito - without revealing one's identity
Example: Hitherto their security has depended on keeping up their incognito by disguises, and the secrecy of their camping place. Incompetent - not qualified or suited for a purpose
Example: The common people, especially in the villages, know nothing at all of Christian doctrine; and many pastors are quite unfit and incompetent to teach. Inconspicuous - not prominent or readily noticeable
Example: Unless Socapa Castle, therefore, is so small and inconspicuous as to have escaped my notice, it must have fallen into ruins or been destroyed. Incorrigible - impervious to correction by punishment
Example: There are some, however, who maintain that the criminal is incorrigible and that reformatory agencies have invariably failed. Incredulous - not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving
Example: She looked puzzled, half incredulous and perplexed, inclined to smile, blushing somewhat, and all uncertain. Increment - the amount by which something increases
Example: The plan also called for quoting prices in decimals, doing away with the one-eighth increments that had long defined Wall Street math. Incumbent - the official who holds an office
Example: The Democratic incumbent faces no serious primary challenge and his re-election campaign already is well under way. Indelible - cannot be removed or erased
Example: The paints were not indelible, consequently they could be easily removed and another application made as circumstances required. Indemnity - protection against future loss
Example: They should pay an indemnity to the state of Guatemala, not just apologize.” Indenture - bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant
Example: Beneath both these classes were the indentured servants, a few of whom were men of ability forced to pay their passage by service. Indifferent - marked by a lack of interest
Example: He leant back in his chair, outwardly indifferent and calm, but throbbing in every nerve and pulse with wild excitement. Indigenous - originating where it is found
Example: These deer are not indigenous, but were introduced by the Romans, probably from Asia Minor; and are, as at home, more or less private property.

Indigent - poor enough to need help from others
Example: Tarkowski declared himself indigent, and said he could not pay the fines, according to news reports. Indignant - angered at something unjust or wrong
Example: In Spain throngs of young people, known as “the indignant ones,” occupied public plazas nationwide, protesting unemployment and exclusionary politics. Indomitable - impossible to subdue
Example: "The very heart of the city was burned out, but nothing could extinguish its indomitable spirit." Ineffable - defying expression or description
Example: He had asked questions—never in the form of words but only ineffable yearnings of his soul—and at last it had responded. Inevitable - incapable of being avoided or prevented
Example: “Yes,” she repeated more faintly, as though this was all natural, inevitable, expected. Inexorable - not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
Example: He urged, entreated, commanded in vain, Mrs. Fortescue was inexorable. Infamous - known widely and usually unfavorably
Example: This one line in President George W. Bush's 2003 State of the Union address overshadowed all the others, becoming infamously known as the "16 words."

Jaded - dulled by surfeit
Example: After so long on the road, beaches and ruins might have left me jaded, and breathtaking views might no longer take my breath away. Jargon - specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject
Example: He has complained that officials' speeches and writings were clogged with Party jargon and demanded plainer speaking. Jaunt - a journey taken for pleasure
Example: He got the idea during afternoon jaunts around the neighborhood with his daughter, Iris, then who rode her bicycle while Mr. Cronin jogged. Jaunty - having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
Example: Yet his mood was jaunty and he cheerfully claimed to have achieved his ambition, thus far, of getting through February without touching alcohol. Jeer - laugh at with contempt and derision
Example: The mob jeered, and derided, and insulted her in every conceivable way. Jejune - lacking interest or significance or impact
Example: The works called good are dry and jejune, soon consummated, often of questionable value, and leaving behind them when finished a sense of vacuity. Jeopardize - pose a threat to; present a danger to
Example: Furthermore, Facebook could jeopardize Google’s online dominance by developing its own search capabilities. Jest - activity characterized by good humor
Example: Everybody was in the highest spirits; every jest or bit of fun was caught, bandied back and forth, and passed on with new trimmings. Jettison - throw away, of something encumbering
Example: In the editing room, they jettisoned material they had once deemed essential but came to view as extraneous. Jibe - an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect
Example: We would jibe one another, laugh at a fellow to his chagrin, and when we were angry bawl each other out unmercifully. Jingoist - an extreme bellicose nationalist
Example: And, hell, I'm no jingoist, but surely we can do better in this country than importing our drugs from Mexico, right? Jocular - characterized by jokes and good humor
Example: Maria saw everything, and marked well the expression of Mr. Santos's face, so serious, so unlike his usual jocular tone.

Jollity - feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor
Example: Smiling faces, mirth, and jollity abound everywhere, and good feeling unites all men as brethren on this most popular of all the Dutch festivals. Jostle - make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving
Example: "This morning there was a lot of people trying to jostle and barge into the queue, but fortunately everyone had a number," he said.

Jovial - full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Example: He looked a gentleman all over, and his merry laugh and jovial manner made one certain at once that he was a general favorite. Jubilant - full of high-spirited delight
Example: As the results poured in, a jubilant, well-heeled crowd thronged the street outside the party's headquarters, dancing and cheering. Judicious - marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters
Example: It is judicious to consult a physician immediately, in punctured or lacerated wounds, because they often induce the most dangerous diseases. Juggernaut - a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way
Example: Welch transformed GE into a sleek juggernaut that dominated market segments from jet engines and locomotives to finance. Juncture - a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made
Example: At critical junctures throughout the crisis, Mrs. Merkel has resisted appeals to appease the financial markets by lowering borrowing costs. Junket - a trip taken by an official at public expense
Example: Mr. Enriquez arranged for junkets, including foreign golfing destinations, for the members of Congress he was trying to influence.

Keen - having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
Example: His keen eyes had detected a small, swiftly moving object on the horizon--the expected patrol boat. Ken - range of what one can know or understand
Example: Ah, but the Eyes Divine look long and see far; things beyond the human ken are all revealed. Kindle - cause to start burning
Example: At a little distance a fire had been quickly kindled and cooking was already going on. Kinetic - characterized by motion
Example: But when the can is opened, the potential energy quickly converts to kinetic energy as the fake snake jumps out. Kinship - (anthropology) relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption
Example: Alexander the Great extended his conquests as far eastward as India, whose native inhabitants claim kinship with European peoples through a common Aryan ancestry. Knave - a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
Example: The merchant subsequently turned out a very great knave, cheating Tom on various occasions, and finally broke, very much in his debt. Knead - make uniform
Example: He did not look at her as he spoke, but kept on diligently smoothing and kneading the soft clay. Knell - the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a funeral or the end of something
Example: "If she dies," he had said, and the words rang in my ears like a funeral knell. Knit - make (textiles) by knitting
Example: Poor farming families took up extra work in the villages such as making gloves, knitting stockings, or spinning yarn. Knoll - a small natural hill
Example: At the very base of the hill or knoll alluded to, they halted. Knotty - highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Example: I am, at this present writing, perplexed and plagued with two knotty problems in politics.

Labile - (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown
Example: We are rather like the labile chemical compounds: our molecules readily rearrange themselves. Lachrymose - showing sorrow
Example: She had got rid of her tears before she came down to dinner, but still she was melancholy and almost lachrymose. Lackadaisical - idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way
Example: She was rather listless and lackadaisical, but seemed to be well content so that she could lie within sight of the Master and dream. Lackluster - lacking brilliance or vitality
Example: But his momentum dwindled just as quickly after a pair of lackluster debate performances. Laconic - brief and to the point; effectively cut short
Example: I thought the circumstances warranted conciseness, and my being laconic, if necessary. Lament - express grief verbally
Example: They went through the passages weeping and lamenting. Lampoon - a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
Example: Granted, all are outrageously exaggerated, but a discerning eye can detect the truth that lurks behind any satire, parody, or lampoon. Lancet - an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance
Example: Nothing of the sacred edifice remained, however, but the Gothic front, with its deep portal and grand lancet window, already described.

Languid - lacking spirit or liveliness
Example: I felt languid, disinclined for all that was serious,—in fact, lazy. Languish - lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief
Example: He would have found production suspended, or languishing. Languor - a feeling of lack of interest or energy
Example: Now, on that evening an inexplicable languor made him dreamy; his eyes followed in vain the text; his rebellious thoughts were scattered. Lassitude - weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy
Example: He told by her very attitude that now there was lassitude, even weariness in her. Latent - potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
Example: But the whole future man is already hidden, not yet declared, but latent all the same in the child's heart. Latter - referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned (or the last one or ones of several)
Example: More missiles were fired carefully—not to do damage, but to discourage the intruders; the latter were held at bay for another twelve hours. Laudable - worthy of high praise
Example: In newspaper obituaries, it was long customary to lavish praise on the subjects, noting laudable traits of character.

Lavish - characterized by extravagance and profusion
Example: In Colorado, Blagojevich — whose penchant for expensive suits and lavish spending were outlined at his first trial — will have no luxuries. Leery - openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
Example: People in China wounded by gunshots are often leery of going to hospitals, fearing that they will face questioning and possibly retaliation by the authorities. Legacy - (law) a gift of personal property by will
Example: Like other heirs to civil rights legacies, Mr. Boykin finds himself facing expectations he did not seek. Legerdemain - an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
Example: Everything short of this is trick, legerdemain, sleight of hand. Legislate - make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation
Example: "We will dispense with the conventional wisdom that bigger bills are always better," he said, "that fast legislating is good legislating." Legitimacy - undisputed credibility
Example: The Fathers of the Church never called in question the validity or the legitimacy of such Baptisms.

Manumit - free from slavery or servitude
Example: The slave, now free, would lay down his life for the man who has manumitted him. Mar - make imperfect
Example: This energetic and clear-textured approach allowed for plenty of striking details of percussion and phrasing, marred only by a few brass blemishes. Marital - of or relating to the state of marriage
Example: In many jurisdictions, if your separately owned property increases in value during the marriage, that increase is also considered marital property. Maritime - relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
Example: In any case, the report argues, international maritime law in theory obligates ships to come to the assistance of those in trouble at sea. Martyr - one who suffers for the sake of principle.
Example: Despite the pounding summer sun, Protesters turned out to demand justice for those killed during the revolution, who are seen as martyrs for democracy. Materialistic - marked by materialism
Example: Moreover, in contrast to the dominant thinking of our age, which is materialistic, King's philosophy is spiritual and religious. Materialize - come into being; become reality
Example: As ties warmed, the two countries discussed joint ventures, though most haven’t materialized. Maternal - characteristic of a mother
Example: Maternal mortality rates are also high, with 85 women dying in childbirth for every 100,000 live births, Tidey said. Matriarchy - a form of social organization in which a female is the family head and title is traced through the female line
Example: In effect, however, women owned the country and women governed it; suddenly the matriarchy existed. Matrix - an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb)
Example: Today, Web music services are spread across the entire range of the price/convenience/permanence matrix. Maturation - (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level
Example: Again, that is a very fast maturation rate, making it efficient for breeding in the lab. Maudlin - effusively or insincerely emotional
Example: He detested the florid sentimentality of some other universities, the maudlin old grads singing of bright college years! Maul - injure badly by beating
Example: Or if Sleepless in Seattle ended with Meg Ryan being graphically mauled to death by an escaped tiger. Maven - someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
Example: The Deadhead community boasts any number of recording engineers, lighting experts, rock video mavens, electronic technicians of all descriptions.

Maverick - independent in behavior or thought
Example: He's still the same maverick, independent spirit he has always been. Mawkish - effusively or insincerely emotional
Example: She is full of mawkish sentimentality, her verses could not fail to be foolish, their whole impulse being the ambition that springs from self-admiration. Maxim - a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits Example: As we are hastily reading books and papers we continually come across maxims, epigrams, and short, pithy sayings that attract us. Mayhem - violent and needless disturbance
Example: Although some graffiti had already been removed, evidence of the previous night's mayhem was visible in broken display cases. Meager - deficient in amount or quality or extent
Example: Prime Minister John Key said he was spreading his Marmite more thinly to stretch his meager and dwindling supply. Meander - to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course
Example: That route turns out to be a long and meandering one, ending up at an ambiguous, or at least ambivalent, conclusion.

Nadir - an extreme state of adversity; the lowest point of anything
Example: No one in that vast audience raised a word of protest, and my spirits fell to their nadir.

Naïve - marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
Example: Some have argued that the ministers in question should not have been so naive and foolish as to unburden themselves to complete strangers. Naiveté - lack of sophistication or worldliness
Example: But there was a sort of freshness and naiveté and youthfulness about her which made him use that adjective. Narcissist - someone in love with themselves
Example: Narcissists blame others for failures, take undeserved credit for success, are hypersensitive to negative feedback, and show an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Narrative - consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story
Example: Mr. Barton is master of the mystery story, and in this absorbing narrative the author has surpassed his best previous successes. Nascent - being born or beginning
Example: The initiative also invests in nascent solar companies, acting as an incubator for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to bring disruptive new technologies to market. Nationalism - the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals
Example: Populist nationalism also tends to favor protectionist policies that shield American workers and businesses, particularly small businesses, from foreign competition. Native - characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin
Example: The first European colonists in America found there two valuable native products—maize and tobacco.

Natty - marked by up-to-datedness in dress and manners
Example: These styles are the latest thing, Brought from Paris for the spring, Neat and natty, trim and cool”— “April Fool!” cried Amos. Naught - a quantity of no importance
Example: Names to him were nothing, and titles naught—assumption always standing back abashed at his cold, intellectual glare. Nauseate - upset and make nauseated
Example: After dialysis, patients can feel weak and nauseated, sometimes experiencing significant head, chest and stomach pain — and the tears often flow. Nauseous - causing or able to cause nausea
Example: I still grew nauseous after eating and experienced other stomach-related disorders such as food "Sticking" above my stomach and gastrointestinal disturbances. Nautical - relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
Example: For this expedition Henry Hudson—already known as an experienced and intrepid seaman, and well-skilled in nautical science—was chosen commander. Navigable - able to be sailed on or through safely
Example: This, indeed, is an exaggerated vaunt; but the Flemish stuffs were probably sold wherever the sea or a navigable river permitted them to be carried. Navigate - act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance
Example: Washed out roads grounded trucks in the muck, and precarious mountain passes were in some cases too risky to navigate.

Nebulous - lacking definite form or limits
Example: “The time for nebulous, unspecified and non-detailed commitments is gone,” Fiat SpA Chief Executive Officer Sergio Marchionne said yesterday in London. Necessitate - require as useful, just, or proper
Example: Bean’s famed hunting boots are seeing a surge in popularity, necessitating the hiring of more than 100 additional employees to make them. Necessity - anything indispensable
Example: The rainy season was fairly under way and suitable shelter was an absolute necessity. Necromancy - the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world
Example: In necromancy, spirits are summoned by means of spells and incantations. Nectar - a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators
Example: Nor was it understood that the beautiful blossom of the flower, with its sweet nectar, was an exceedingly important factor in attracting the bees.

Occlude - block passage through
Example: In many cases we can dissolve the clot that is occluding the artery or blood vessel in the brain and restore normal flow. Occult - supernatural practices and techniques
Example: He studied magic, and his thirst for knowledge of the occult sciences grew.

Occupy - live (in a certain place)
Example: Another reason sales have fallen is that previously occupied homes have become a better deal than new homes. Odious - unequivocally detestable
Example: Hideous and odious, revolting beyond all expression, the underground war finished by becoming impossible. Odium - hate coupled with disgust
Example: Week after week, the seceders were held up to public odium, derision and scorn. Odoriferous - having a natural fragrance
Example: Some odoriferous substances are fragrant for many years, exhaling continually, yet are not quickly consumed. Odyssey - a long wandering and eventful journey
Example: He hit six rodeos in seven days, an odyssey that took him to stops in Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico and California. Offend - cause to feel resentment or indignation
Example: The research said milder expressions should be used to "avoid offending the public and stoking social tensions". Officious - intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
Example: Be kind, of course; that’s only your duty, but I call it officious and presumptuous to interfere in other people’s lives. Offset - compensate for or counterbalance
Example: The chain has been raising prices on some drinks to help offset higher costs for commodities like coffee and milk. Ogle - look at with amorous intentions
Example: “This simple food keeps you in beautiful health, Father,” said Mistletoe, ogling the swarthy face of the Abbot with an affection that he duly noted. Olfactory - of or relating to olfaction
Example: The human brain’s olfactory bulb is activated differently depending on where a smell hits the nostril, indicating that odor receptor organization is not uniform. Oligarchy - a political system governed by a few people
Example: The track management of this particular university was an oligarchy; was governed by a few absolute individuals. Omen - a sign of something about to happen
Example: Pale-faced, wide-eyed, statuesque, their presence, interpreted by a vivid imagination, might have been regarded as an omen of impending misfortune. Ominous - threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Example: He knew there was something ominous in her silence, like gathering thunder. Omit - leave undone or leave out
Example: Titles are abbreviated, mottoes dropped, foot notes cut out, and many earlier poems reduced, or omitted entirely. Omnipotent - having unlimited power
Example: We can still call Him Omnipotent in the sense that He possesses all the power there is. Omnipresent - being present everywhere at once
Example: He is here, there, and everywhere; he is omnipresent—this curse of Finland. Omniscient - infinitely wise
Example: The Omniscient Being alone can have perfect knowledge of all beings and things as they are. Omnivorous - feeding on both plants and animals
Example: Rats and mice are practically omnivorous, feeding upon all kinds of animal and vegetable matter.

Plethora - extreme excess
Example: I’ve spent a plethora of times going through my essays, over and over and over again. Pliable - capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
Example: Worse, the tissues are less pliable, less flexible. Plight - a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
Example: Although one oncologist waived her fees after hearing about the family’s plight, other creditors have demanded payment, and bankruptcy remains a possibility. Plummet - drop sharply
Example: For one thing, even while video games have skyrocketed, youth violence plummeted to its lowest levels in 40 years according to government statistics. Plunder - destroy and strip of its possession
Example: So bold had these robbers become that they did not hesitate to raid the coasts of Italy and to plunder Ostia. Plutocracy - a political system governed by the wealthy people
Example: “Plutocracy" means control by those who own wealth. Poignant - keenly distressing to the mind or feelings
Example: Thus, for example, could I ever have imagined the poignant and terrible suffering of never being alone even for one minute during ten years? Polarize - become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation
Example: Looking at America Mr. Murray sees a country increasingly polarized into two culturally and geographically isolated demographics. Pompous - puffed up with vanity
Example: A pompous, boasting sort of man, I did not like him at all. Portentous - of momentous or ominous significance
Example: It grew awfully dark— portentous omen!—and some enormous drops of rain, as big as bullets, came smacking down upon the window-stone. Posterity - all future generations
Example: Our posterity will be the living public of a future generation. Potent - having a strong physiological or chemical effect
Example: Yet potent as the medicine might be, it was not powerful enough to keep Edward Armstrong asleep all night. Potentate - a ruler who is unconstrained by law
Example: The land is ablaze with kings and potentates on golden thrones under canopies of angels. Pragmatic - of or concerning the theory of pragmatism
Example: The pragmatic method in such cases is to try to interpret each notion by tracing its respective practical consequences. Preamble a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose)
Example: It has no preamble, but is simply introduced by the enacting clause. Precarious - fraught with danger
Example: It pines for that precarious life; its very dangers and privations fill its breast with desire. Precedent - an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
Example: Canada and Newfoundland, following the precedent of the United States, require copyright notice in statutory form. Precocious - characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)
Example: He had been a precocious child, advanced beyond his years in all the studies of the schools. Precursor - something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
Example: In theory, learning to detect the precursors of environmental distress could help raise the alarm before any damage is irreversible. Predator - any animal that lives by preying on other animals
Example: “Polar bears are very much of a predator bear, having evolved rapidly to become a specialist in hunting seals.

Quack - the harsh sound of a duck
Example: A family of ducks were slowly paddling about in front of me, making little furrows in the quiet water and giving an occasional placid quack. Quadrilateral - a four-sided polygon
Example: It is quadrilateral in shape, consisting of four unequal sides flanked by towers and built round a courtyard. Quadruped - an animal especially a mammal having four limbs specialized for walking
Example: In a moment they were on all fours, hopping about like so many quadrupeds. Quaff - to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught
Example: Gareth gave it to him, and quaffed deeply of the refreshing draught, for he was burning with thirst.

Quagmire - a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
Example: The heavy rain had reduced this low-lying ground to a veritable quagmire, making progress very difficult even for one as unburdened as he was. Quaint - attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic)
Example: She lives in a quaint old-fashioned house with casement windows and deep window seats, old oak staircase and paneled rooms. Qualified - meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
Example: All schools need administrators who are highly qualified, dedicated to the profession and not hired due to political connections. Qualify - prove capable or fit; meet requirements
Example: The housing bust wiped away $7 trillion in household equity, leaving many homeowners with too much debt to qualify for new loans. Qualitative - involving distinctions based on qualities
Example: Qualitative research can help entrepreneurs to understand their customers' or clients' feelings, values, and perceptions of a particular product or service. Qualm - uneasiness about the fitness of an action
Example: Kenneth had no qualms about asking a neighboring table at the country club to stop cussing with his daughters in earshot. Quandary - a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
Example: Colleges and universities are in a quandary: Spending cuts, combined with a freeze on tuition, mean fewer teachers and the closing of certain programs. Quantitative - expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement
Example: Agencies have not traditionally hired for skills like “number crunching, data visualization, quantitative analysis,” Mr. Neumann said. Quantity - how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
Example: Producing big quantities in America has become harder, as the authorities have cracked down on bulk purchases of the ingredients. Quantum - (physics) the smallest discrete quantity of some physical property that a system can possess (according to quantum theory)
Example: Physicists have used all manner of quantum objects to store qubits—electrons, atomic nuclei, photons and so on. Quarantine - isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease
Example: The exact time when it is safe for a person to come out of quarantine and resume ordinary life varies in different diseases. Quarrel - an angry dispute
Example: The slightest quarrel, the most commonplace street brawl are pretexts for rival factions to come out in battle array. Quarry - a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate
Example: But what about quarries from which are taken building stone, salt, kaolin or clay? Quash - put down by force or intimidation
More than 500 people are thought to have been killed since mid-March as the security forces try to quash dissent. Quay - wharf usually built parallel to the shoreline
Example: The harbor accommodation is extensive and excellent, large new docks and quays having been recently built, and other works being under construction or contemplated. Queasy - feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit
Example: The ground still shook under his feet, and his insides were producing the queasy symptoms of motion sickness.

Recipient - a person who receives something
Example: The society left open the possibility of transplanting hearts into patients over age 70, as long as recipients were otherwise in very good health. Reciprocate - act, feel, or give mutually or in return
Example: He took some pains, moreover, to reciprocate the civilities he had received, by entertaining his hosts in return. Recluse - one who lives in solitude.
Example: He must not continue to withdraw himself from their society, they urged, and live the life of a recluse and hermit. Recoil - draw back, as with fear or pain
Example: The Reverend Mr. Prattleton literally recoiled at the words, and staggered back a few steps in his dismay.

Recommence - begin again
Example: He was released under the first declaration of indulgence; but as he instantly recommenced his preaching, he was arrested again. Recompense - payment or reward (as for service rendered)
Example: In 1830, the United States government made a large grant of lands to his heirs as a further recompense for his military services. Reconcile - bring into consonance or accord
Example: They split up two weeks later, then reconciled, then split up again. Recondite - difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
Example: On both sides of Lamb, however, there lie literatures more difficult, more recondite. Reconnaissance - the act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy)
Example: This 38 metre-long remotely operated airship is designed to carry communications and monitoring equipment for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. Recrimination - mutual accusations
Example: But despite calls for national unity to face this challenge, Mexico's politicians keep slinging mud and trading mutual recriminations over who is to blame. Rectitude - righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest
Example: You must be morally upright and of steadfast rectitude. Redoubtable - inspiring fear
Example: Then implacable and dangerous pursuits, redoubtable struggles, were the order of their days and nights. Redress - act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
Example: Some efforts at redress were made; but the remedy proved ineffectual, and the discontent of the Indians increased with every year. Refined - (used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and genteel
Example: You have seen him becoming more refined and careful day by day, more carefully dressed, less clumsy in the ways and methods of social life. Refulgent - radiating or as if radiating light
Example: Through the same clear mirror La Fayette saw the sun of freedom reflecting its refulgent rays over Columbia's prolific land. Refurbish - make brighter and prettier
Example: She said Kimpton had refurbished many guest rooms to include bigger desks with improved lighting and an ergonomic rolling chair, rather than an armchair. Refutation - the act of determining that something is false
Example: Whatever falsehoods the counsel for the Crown may advance, and the witnesses swear to, shall meet neither denial nor refutation from me. Regime - the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit
Example: “Today in the world there is no place for authoritarian administrations, one-party rule, closed regimes,” he said. Regress - get worse or fall back to a previous condition
Example: Instead of getting better, the team has regressed. Reiterate - to say, state, or perform again
Example: He reiterated the previous rules but added an extra rule related to screen size, measured in inches.

Sacrilegious - grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred
Example: Some say the artwork blurs the line between church and state; others consider it sacrilegious to have Mexico's patron saint pictured surfing. Sacrosanct - must be kept sacred
Example: After decades of being considered politically sacrosanct, why are homeowner mortgage write-offs suddenly on the chopping block? Sagacious - acutely insightful and wise
Example: The sagacious painter had a truer insight into this matter than most of our modern educationists. Salubrious - promoting health; healthful
Example: The air is extremely salubrious, and the place has long been remarkable for its freedom from epidemics.

Sardonic - disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking
Example: With unemployment in some parishes above 25 percent, sardonic bumper stickers entered state lore: “Last one out, turn off the lights.” Satiate - fill to satisfaction
Example: That means it's more effective at keeping your blood sugar levels stable, leaving you feeling satiated and less likely to start eating again hours later. Satirical - exposing human folly to ridicule
Example: Inevitably there were instant faux feeds on Twitter with satirical commentary about Bin Laden’s death, including Ghost Osama and Osama in Hell. Saturate - infuse or fill completely
Example: The head was shockingly disfigured, battered by some heavy instrument, and the clothes were saturated with blood. Scarce - deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand
Example: Many Americans reside in food deserts—communities where retailers offering fresh food are scarce but fast-food restaurants and convenience stores selling prepared foods can abound. Scathing - marked by harshly abusive criticism
Example: "You sickening little coward—you sneak," said Osmond, with scathing contempt. Schism - division of a group into opposing factions
Example: After building a market worth at least $6 billion, fair trade is undergoing a schism, with Fair Trade USA splitting off. Scion - a descendent or heir
Example: Mr. Papandreou, a political scion whose father and grandfather were also prime ministers, took office late last year. Scornful - expressing extreme contempt
Example: Mr. Gates also was scornful of the top deal makers: “Russian democracy has disappeared, and the government is an oligarchy run by the security services.” Scrupulous - characterized by extreme care and great effort
Example: “His films have a look, an ambience, a setting, that’s very real because of his scrupulous attention to detail,” Mr. Jewison added. Scrutinize - examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
Example: Days before Thanksgiving, AT&T's heavyweight lobbying team was busy setting up meetings with antitrust authorities scrutinizing the company’s $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile. Seamless - perfectly consistent and coherent
Example: String quartets, made up of four similar instruments that blend seamlessly and resonate together, are the thoroughbreds of chamber music. Secede - withdraw from an organization or communion
Example: On the 3rd of November a revolution broke out at Panama, and the state seceded from Colombia and declared itself to be an independent republic.

Secession - formal separation from an alliance or federation
Example: But southern Sudanese living in northern Sudan were more ambivalent — 42 percent opted for unity and 58 percent for secession. Sedentary - requiring sitting or little activity
Example: There is a growing body of research showing that very active women are less likely to develop breast cancer than their sedentary peers. Seditious - in opposition to a civil authority or government
Example: If stones were thrown at the police and seditious cries were raised, it was no more than might be reasonably expected.

Temporize - draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time
Example: I dare say you have often observed this disposition to temporize, or to procrastinate, in people who are labouring under any very poignant sorrow. Tenable - based on sound reasoning or evidence
Example: "Then you allow his position to be more tenable and reasonable than yours?" Tenacity - persistent determination
Example: Constancy, persistence, dogged tenacity is certainly the striking feature of Jacob’s character. Tenet - a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
Example: Mr. Malik, who does not drink, decided that trading so-called pub securities would violate tenets of his faith. Tentative - unsettled in mind or opinion
Example: Here and there, passages of solid, compelling music making were marred by tentative, uncertain moments. Tenuous - lacking substance or significance
Example: Watching Belasco's short play in London in 1900, Puccini reportedly was deeply moved — despite his tenuous grasp of the English language. Tenure - the term during which some position is held
Example: Mr. Marshall's career as Chief Justice extended through a period of more than thirty-four years, which is the longest judicial tenure recorded in history. Terminal - station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
Example: Workers prepare flower orders in the American Airlines cargo terminal at Kennedy International Airport. Termination - the act of ending something
Example: This sight made us forget our fatigues, and we hurried on, with fond anticipations of finding a speedy termination to all our sufferings. Terminology - a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline
Example: This building was known, in monastic terminology, as the “Lavabo.” Terrain - a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential
Example: Most inhabitants were farmers struggling to coax crops out of the steep and rocky terrain. Terrestrial - operating or living or growing on land
Example: On land, habitat loss takes away much-needed space for large, terrestrial animals.

Territory - a region marked off for administrative or other purposes
Example: The war was just a few months old, and the entire Michigan territory had fallen into British hands. Terse - brief and to the point; effectively cut short
Example: While she stared at him, he uttered the short, terse command: “Hands up!” Tertiary - coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position
Example: The plan divides roadways into three major categories: arterial, secondary and tertiary. Tessellated - decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic
Example: Passing from one pavilion to another over tessellated pavements, we enter apartments rich in mosaics and all manner of precious stones. Theocracy - a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided)
Example: For in theocracies, to the social evil of the offence is added the impiety committed against the Deity and his representative on earth. Theology - the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth
Example: He is a theology students. Thermal - relating to or associated with heat
Example: The great masses of concrete act as a thermal sink, absorbing heat during the molten days and then radiating warmth at night. Thespian - of or relating to drama
Example: True to her thespian inheritance, she played Olivia in Twelfth Night on a student tour of the Highlands and Islands.

Ubiquitous - being present everywhere at once
Example: In the run-up to the launch, Morgan has been ubiquitous, popping up all over the place to promote the show. Ulterior - lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)
Example: Its worth lies in the fact that it is manifestly unprejudiced and advanced by the speaker with no ulterior motive. Ultimatum - a final peremptory demand
Example: Have issued ultimatum to my own country. Umbrage - a feeling of anger caused by being offended
Example: Such men are easily offended, take umbrage at trifles, and are unforgiving in their resentments. Unabashed - not embarrassed
Example: But she looked up into his face with such frank unabashed admiration that I couldn't help laughing—nor could he! Unalterable - not capable of being changed or altered
Example: There were no immovable prejudices, no fixed and unalterable traditions. Unambiguous - having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning
Example: A man who is capable of thinking can express himself at all times in clear, comprehensible, and unambiguous words. Unanimous - in complete agreement
Example: With a couple of exceptions, the president has nominated moderates who receive overwhelming, sometimes unanimous, support once they get a vote. Unappreciated - having value that is not acknowledged
Example: Unappreciated, poor and neglected, it was not until after years of struggle that they attained recognition and success. Unapproachable - discouraging intimacies; reserved
Example: They are apart, unapproachable, unidentified, not to be communicated with though you look into their faces and speak to them. Unassailable - impossible to assail
Example: But the towns, within their strong Roman walls, were unassailable by the light cavalry which formed his only armed strength. Unassuming - not arrogant or presuming
Example: Quiet and unassuming offstage, Mr. Watson played down his virtuoso guitar playing as nothing more than “country pickin.’ ” Unattainable - impossible to achieve
Example: Stick to the world in which you are born, and throw no bouquets at the impossible or the unattainable. Unbiased - without bias
Example: When the trusts are controlled, and labor submits its grievances to an impartial, unbiased board of arbitration, then there will be peace and plenty. Unbridled - not restrained or controlled
Example: She was afraid of him in his ardent moods, almost as much as when he allowed his unbridled temper free rein. Uncanny - surpassing the ordinary or normal
Example: In fact there was nothing unusual, or uncanny in the whole experience. Uncharted - (of unknown regions) not yet surveyed or investigated
Example: It’s not like this is untested, uncharted territory in some respect. Uncommunicative - not inclined to talk or give information or express opinions
Example: The men, too, sat uncommunicative, silent; whereas their daughters or spouses turned, chattering, laughing, waving a hand to this or that friend. Unconditional - not conditional
Example: Meanwhile, Peel has said that its offer is now unconditional, meaning it will go ahead whatever the uptake. Unconscionable - greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Example: United’s chapter of the Air Line Pilots Association said the planned reuse of the flight numbers showed “insensitivity and unconscionable disrespect.”

Varying - marked by diversity or difference
Example: National central banks do make disclosures, but in varying formats and with differing frequencies and delays. Vassal - a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
Example: Second, the vassals, who rendered service to those from whom they held their lands. Vast - unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
Example: Vast amounts of natural gas in shale rock formations have been unlocked by improved drilling techniques, making the fuel cheap and plentiful across the U.S. Vault -a strong room or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables
Example: Banks also offer investors the opportunity to buy shares of gold bars kept in their vaults. Vaunt - show off
Example: He is not so foolish as to be puffed up, nor does he vaunt himself nor boast. Veer - turn sharply; change direction abruptly
Example: The day before Christmas the west wind suddenly veered round northward. Vegetate - engage in passive relaxation
Example: Others vegetated around the hotel, a rare luxury, to rest tired muscles and frayed nerves.

Vehement - marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
Example: He rushed into his arms with an expression of the most vehement joy; the other was delighted, but not astonished, at meeting him so suddenly. Velocity - distance travelled per unit time
Example: His velocity was fine, hitting 97 mph on the radar gun in the fifth inning. Venal - capable of being corrupted
Example: It was still more creditable to him, that in such venal and corrupt days he maintained his integrity perfectly unsullied. Vendetta - a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other
Example: They are usually engaged in some vendetta between rival factions, or families, and blood is frequently shed. Vendor - someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
Example: A street vendor sells Senegalese newspapers commemorating the presidential elections. Veneer - coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood
Example: The inlay used was often oval in shape, sometimes only a line and sometimes panels of different woods or matched veneer. Venerable - profoundly honored
Example: Surely an Evangelical incident attested by so many, such respectable, and such venerable witnesses as these, is clearly above suspicion. Venerate - regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of
Example: As guests of our highly respected and even venerated host, we were visited by nearly all the magistrates of the city. Venturesome - disposed to venture or take risks
Example: Brave, reckless, idealistic chaps—careless of peril, unafraid of death—who deliberately sought danger and the venturesome life as found during the war, over there. Venue - the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)
Example: By tradition Riyadh has no public entertainment - no cinemas, theatres or music - so the only leisure venues are shopping malls and parks. Veracity - unwillingness to tell lies
Example: Professionally speaking, lawyers have been called legal liars, but compared to stock manipulators they are walking examples of truth and veracity. Verbal - of or relating to or formed from words in general
Example: Recognizable quotes are like verbal shorthand, getting across in one or two sentences what normally takes much longer to explain. Verbatim - using exactly the same words
Example: Hence you will need complete sentences taken down verbatim in the exact words of the speaker.

Wade - walk (through relatively shallow water)
Example: At times it was even needful to take out the loads and, wading knee-deep in the ice-cold waters, drag the boats across the many shoals.

Waffle - pancake batter baked in a waffle iron
Example: She cooked some waffles. Waft - be driven or carried along, as by the air
Example: We were again wafted through the air, and were once more moving over the tops of countless houses on the way. Waggish - witty or joking
Example: Dinner, however, came, and the little waggish doctor could not, for the life of him, avoid his jokes. Waif - a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned
Example: Had they not been poor children, little waifs, they would not have been locked in the cabin to perish like rats. Wail - a cry of sorrow and grief
Example: “Is our house going to be covered in mud forever?” she wailed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Waive - do without or cease to hold or adhere to
Example: She agree to waive the death penalty as a possible punishment. Waiver - a formal written statement of relinquishment
Example: I signed the waiver. Wallow - devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure
Example: It was a crushing blow, but instead of wallowing in depression and giving up on being active, Irish started biking more. Wan - lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness
Example: Tom was leaning back, pale and exhausted, his breath was short, his face gray, wan and wasted. Wanderlust - very strong or irresistible impulse to travel
Example: Perhaps a trip like this would have satisfied his wanderlust. Wane - a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
Example: India’s biggest producer, reported an 89 percent decline in second-quarter group profit because of waning demand and higher raw material costs at its European operations. Wangle - an instance of accomplishing something by scheming or trickery
Example: You went sick When orders looked unwholesome: then, with trick And lie, you wangled home. Wanton - spend wastefully
Example: A hundred eighty days continuous feast He has oppressed the people of his rule With drunken revels and with wanton waste. Warble - sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below
Example: Any singer who could warble away at runs and trills was a great artist. Wardrobe - collection of clothing belonging to one person
Example: Betty wore amazingly costly clothes, paying for a single dress far more than for her year's wardrobe in Rhode Island. Warrant - show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
Example: An inmate needs additional evidence of a separate constitutional violation to warrant a federal court’s involvement, the high court ruled. Warranty - a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications
Example: Such sales to investors typically came with promises, known as representations and warranties, to buy back defective loans. Warren - a series of connected underground tunnels occupied by rabbits
Example: Their entrances were cunningly contrived to look like rabbit holes, so that strangers might think they led to nothing more than some sandy warren. Wary - openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
Example: Many chronic homeless people, however, after years on the street, become wary of shelters and sleeping near others.

Xenophobia - a fear of foreigners or strangers
Example: Some fear a return of the xenophobia that led to violent attacks on foreigners two years ago.

Yahoo - a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture
Example: What I wanted to bring to your distinguished notice is this—that you must not behave like a yahoo in my mathematical set.

Yearn - desire strongly or persistently
Example: Now and then there is an extreme individualist who yearns to go through life absolutely unmolested, single file. Yearning - prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
Example: Each generation of foxes grew more approachable, many showing doglike yearning for human contact. Yelp - a sharp high-pitched cry (especially by a dog)
Example: While faintly heard from somewhere outside there was the yelping, barking, howling whine of a dog. Yen - the basic unit of money in Japan; equal to 100 sen
Example: In the last decade, most major coinages have been faked, including British pounds, Russian rubles, Indian rupees, Japanese yen, and Canadian dollars. Yeoman - in former times was free and cultivated his own land
Example: On one extreme was the well-to-do yeoman farmer farming his own land. Yield - give or supply
Example: Cotton and coffee are both indigenous, the former yielding two crops per year. Yoke - become joined or linked together
Example: The reason was that it had been found unwise and unwholesome to mix up or yoke together believers and unbelievers.* Yokel - a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture
Example: Now, poor people, yokels, clods, cannot love what is incomprehensible to them. Yonder - distant but within sight (`yon' is dialectal)
Example: “ Yonder,” said he, pointing to some distance down the river. Yore - time long past
Example: Yore, long ago; generally used in the expression "of yore," formerly, once upon a time.

Zany - ludicrous, foolish
Example: Style: Pleasantly earnest overall; on occasion displayed his goofy and zany side. Zeal - a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
Example: While many states, particularly in the West, have nonrestrictive gun laws, Arizona’s zeal for weapons has often made headlines. Zealot - a fervent and even militant proponent of something
Example: Finally having conquered his irritable bowel syndrome, he worked out like a zealot all winter, adding about 17 pounds of solid muscle. Zealous - marked by active interest and enthusiasm
Example: "You are so willing and zealous; but for that very reason I must guard against your enthusiasm carrying you too far." Zenith - the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
Example: Zenith, the point in the celestial sphere directly overhead. Zephyr - a slight wind (usually refreshing)
Example: Nor I. On the contrary, all the allusions to the winds are of the gentler kind,—"balmy Zephyrs," "whispering breezes" and so forth. Zest - vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
Example: So I pursued my studies with zest and unabated enthusiasm.

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...Question catalogue: Statistics Self-Study Module Master's programme Media and Communication Science If you are master student of the master programme “Media and Communication Science” and have to fulfill the additional requirement: Self-Study Module Statistics, you have to answer these list of 42 questions. Please answer the following questions concerning statistical methods in social science briefly. Helpful information concerning the questions can be found in the Reader: “Statistics”. Enjoy yourself while answering the questions. Chapter 1 1. A client rates her satisfaction with her vocational counselor on a 4-point scale from 1 = not at all satisfied to 4 = very satisfied. What is the (a) variable, (b) possible values, and (c) score? 2. Give the level of measurement for each of the following variables: (a) ethnic group to which a person belongs, (b) number of times an animal makes a wrong turn in a maze, and (c) position one finishes in a race. 3. Fifty students were asked how many hours they had studied this weekend. Here are their answers: 11, 2, 0, 13, 5, 7, 1, 8, 12, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10, 7, 4, 6, 10, 4, 7, 8, 6, 7, 10, 7, 3, 11, 18, 2, 9, 7, 3, 8, 7, 3, 13, 9, 8, 7, 7, 10, 4, 15, 3, 5, 6, 9, 7, 10, 6 Make (a) a frequency table and (b) a frequency polygon. (c) Make a grouped frequency table using intervals of 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20. Based on the grouped frequency table, (d) make a histogram and (e) describe the general shape of the distribution. 4. Below are the number of...

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