Premium Essay



Submitted By janineannenojo
Words 528
Pages 3


The College of Liberal Arts provides the student with a liberal education background in the humanities and social sciences. It also strengthens the student's competence in any of the specific academic fields of study he or she chooses to pursue. The Liberal arts plays an important role in integrating human potential.

Key person: Mr. Michael Tan


Because the College of Liberal Arts is all the more important today due to the prevalence of intolerance, bigotry, and authoritarianism, The University of the Philippines wishes to promote the CLA. The 100th anniversary of the birth of Liberal Arts in UP is very timely. To accomplish the university’s aim to publicize CLA, the celebration of centennial year will set in motion a number of activities which includes an exhibit, a panel discussion, a general alumni homecoming, and book launching.


The management shall contemplate whether the cost compared to the benefit is rational. Hence, aside from organizing people, they should also organize the resources. All the activities will be held inside the campus to cut some cost. For instance, the opening of exhibit will take place at Bulwagang Rizal or the faculty center while the symposium entitled “Revisiting the Liberal Arts and Setting the Directions for the Future” will happen at Pulungang Recto or the faculty center conference hall. The homecoming as well as the book launching will occur at the Palma Hall. Apart from the venue, the management is obviously thriving because the advertisement of the celebration of CLA’s centennial year is just posted in the newspaper and the official website of University of the Philippines.


There are certain struggles to materialize their goals. The non-managerial employee who is tasked for the invitation is finding it difficult to locate the individuals who lived a

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