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Ups Daid System


Submitted By tjones1983
Words 262
Pages 2
How Information System Transformed Package Delivery Business
By: Tricia Jones Information technology has transformed tremendously over the years for UPS package business. The DIAD system enabled the drivers to make all of his or her deliveries without errors. For example, if the driver tries to deliver a package to the wrong customer he alerted that it is an incorrect delivery, which in turn eliminates driver error and helps to save the company money and makes the customer happy, by them getting their package on time.
The DAID system has allowed for greater mobility and flexibility in the package delivery operations of UPS. It also allows UPS to track packages worldwide with its GPS and Bluetooth software. Information can be sent wirelessly which in fact would decrease the transit time, but increases reliability. UPS can also keep in touch with the driver at any time of the day via text message for whatever reasons.
The UPS technology offer customers many option in keeping up with their package. From tracking their own package, freight planning, freight truck packaging optimization, in addition to basic shipment of packages.
UPS has certainly achieve its objectives in many different aspect of the company. They have become more competitive, efficient and profitable. UPS has definitely evolved in the package delivery business by keeping up with technology and always trying to find new ways for its employees to safely and successfully deliver customers package on a day to day basis. These positive aspect of the company have resulted in them providing very high service at reasonable cost to customers.

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