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Using Material from Item B and Elsewhere, Assess the View That Changes in the Law Are the Main Cause of Increases in the Divorce Rate


Submitted By natashaklj
Words 388
Pages 2
In Item B it says that ‘A change in law 1857 permitted men to divorce unfaithful wives, but women had to prove adultery as well as another “matrimonial offence”’. One reason for the changes in the law being the main cause of increases in the divorce rate is that before the law it was a lot harder to get divorced, but now the law has come into place it is easier. Couples today are much more likely to get divorced as it is easier for them to do so, they don’t have to prove anything other than irretrievable breakdown. 1 in 5 men and women divorcing in 2006 had a previous marriage ending in divorce, this has doubled in the past 20 years. William Goode argues that marriage has become an occurrence for more emotional reasons. In the past, people married for practical reasons and the fact that partners did not love each other wasn’t a problem. However, Robert Chester is critical of the exaggerated claims of divorce. He argues that most marriages last a lifetime, and most divorces will re-marry, this shows that people still like marriage as an institution and will only divorce as a last resort.
In Item B it says that ‘when the law makes divorce more difficult, couples may find other solutions’. One reason for the changes in the law being the main cause of increases in the divorce rate is that the Legal Aid and Advice Act provide financial help to those unable to meet the cost of divorce. Today even though people in society have a better economic position there is financial support offered for everyone to get divorced so there is no restriction based on income. Nick Hart agrees with this, she argues that there are more opportunities to escape marriage, for increased conflict and stress and the changing values concerning marriage. This means that, people expect more from marriage and if they are not happy there is an easy way to get out of it. However, Talcott Parsons puts

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