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Valuable Lessons In Raymond's Run

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A range of diverse lessons can be gleaned through participating in competitive sports, some of which may lay the groundwork for future successes in other areas of life. This is expressed by Toni Cade Bambara in “Raymond’s Run.” and by Lorne Zeiler in “Lawrence (Larry) Lemieux Lifesaver”. While both protagonists learn valuable lessons from participating in competitive sports, Hazel of “Raymond’s Run,” gains the most from her experience when compared to Lawrence Lemieux.

In Toni Cade Bambara’s piece, Hazel Parker learns several valuable lessons due to her involvement in competitive sports. Hazel discovers that helping others may bring more happiness than personal achievement. This revelation can be observed through her sudden insistence on pursuing the idea of abandoning her running career to coach her brother in the same …show more content…
While one piece claims Larry has learns the value of human life and the glory of heroism, the evidence does not match up. Larry challenges his placing in the competition, a sign that he feels saving a life is not reward enough in itself. On the other hand, Hazel's learned lesson seems more permanent and life-changing. She sacrifices her glory for the glory of someone she loves, an act which may not be expected from a child her age. This maturity expressed at such a young age will most likely follow her throughout her adult life, whereas in Larry's case he is already an adult, so his newly gained learnings can only take him so far. Hazel Parker's new knowledge is a more life-defining moment than Larry's. Competing gives both Hazel and Larry an edge above everyone else in their day-to-day lives, but Hazel's has learned more significant information. Age, experience, and actions which take place after each protagonist's respective defining moment make this

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