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Value of Discipline


Submitted By pearlramos
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Pages 2
Value of Discipline, forgiveness, kindness, and patience

I’m glad that I learned the value of discipline, forgiveness, kindness, and patience. As a child, I learned the value of discipline on how to get my goals done on time and plan my life in a scheduled manner. I learned how to save up all the money that I have. I had learned to forgive the people that I love. I had to learn how to be kind to some one. If you learn how to be kind, they will be nice to you. If you are patience with every one of them, then they will be patient towards you. I grew up in Singapore but was born in Hong Kong. As a child, I learned discipline in getting to school on time. I don’t know why I always get to school late, but my parents taught me well. They taught me the value of time management of which I am still working on today. As a child, I was a bit stubborn, I didn’t like math a lot, but my parents taught me anyway, on how to save up money and pay for my own expenses wisely. Today, I still save money to pay for my own expenses such as my guitar class. In conclusion, learning the value of discipline, forgiveness, patience, and kindness, taught me to be a better person. My parents taught me to always be forgiving whenever I made a mistake. I learned how to be patient when working with people and customers. Even though, other people may have made mistakes, I have learned that through my own made mistakes, I have learned to forgive people for their mistakes. I am thankful today for these values that my parents instilled in me.

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